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楼劲 《敦煌学辑刊》2005,(2):382-383
<玉海>卷66<诏令·律令下>淳化编敕条引司马光<稽古录>日:"淳化五年八月初行淳化编敕,太宗以开元二十六(劲案:"六"当作"五")年所定<令>、<式>修为淳化令式."仁井田陞先生<唐令拾遗>序说第一<唐令的史的研究>四<唐后令>,据此并<玉海>前文及<直斋书录解题>述淳化中校勘唐代<令>、<式>之事,以之为宋修<令>、<式>之始,目之为<淳化令>及<淳化式>.  相似文献   
周明圣 《史学月刊》2006,10(12):75-79
19世纪30~40年代是近代法国社会、经济发展和变化的重要时期。在这个时期,资产阶级共和派为继承大革命精神、发扬共和原则和实现共和制度,进行了持续的斗争,共和运动因此勃兴。这场共和运动方式多样,派别众多,为法国最终确立共和制度打下了坚实的理论和群众基础。  相似文献   
Editor's Note:Sun Yongfu is now vice-minister of railways. In 1962, when he graduated from the Department of Bridges and Tunnels of the Changsha Railway Institute of Hunan Province, he was assigned to work in the Zhengzhou Railway Bureau. In a survey of the bearing capacity of railway bridges, he examined bridges one by one from Zhengzhou in Henan Province to Wuhan in Hubei Province. On this basis, he produced the studies that made him famous and led to his promotion as one of the senior technical personnel. In the ensuing years, he participated in construction of a number of railways, including the Sichuan-Guizhou, Guizhou- Kunming, Chengdu-Kunming and Hunan-Guizhou lines. He also participated in the China-aided construction of the railway between Tanzania and Zambia. In 1984, Sun was promoted to be vice-minister of railways and was put in charge of national planning and construction. He presided over the construction of some 10,000 km of trunk line, including the Beijing-Kowloon, Datong-Qinhuangdao, Nanning-Kunming and Hengyang-Guangzhou railways. In early 2001, Premier Zhu Rongji proposed Sun to be the deputy head of the leading group for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, taking charge of the routine work. In the document Premier Zhu signed, Sun was allowed to enjoy treatment due to a minister (instead of a vice-minister). On June 29, 2001, when the inauguration ceremony for construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway was held in Lhasa,  相似文献   
In 1645, Gushri Khan (leader of the Mongol Hoshod which ruled UTsang) revered Lobsang Qoigyi Gyaincain (the fourth-generation disciple of Zongkapa, the 16th abbot of Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze), as the Panchen Bokedo (Bokedo being a Mongolian word meaning wise and heroic person), and decided that the Xigaze area be put under the rule of the Tashilhungpo Monastery. This is the source of the title of Panchen.  相似文献   
地方志是一种横分门类、竖写历史的地情资料纂辑.志是事物的标帜,地是方志的根基,事是方志的核心.方志与各种书籍的区别在于门类俱全、贯通古今、述而不论、生不立传.  相似文献   
新四军争取帮会抗日的方针与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建超 《安徽史学》2006,(5):112-117
帮会工作一直是新民主主义革命时期中共面临的实际问题和政策策略问题.在敌强我弱的态势下,为了最大限度地孤立和分化敌人,必须团结一切可以团结的力量.抗战时期华中地区帮会林立,它们既是新四军可以争取和团结的力量,同时又存在被日军收买充当汉奸,或为国民党顽固派利用充当反共急先锋的现实危险.因此,争取帮会大部分成员积极参加抗日,便成为华中新四军领导抗日民族统一战线的重要任务之一.在中共领导下,华中新四军不仅提出和制定了正确的争取、利用和改造帮会的政策和策略,而且还有效地实施了这一政策,使帮会中的大多数成员成为抗日民族统一战线的一员,从而为抗日的胜利作出了可贵的贡献.  相似文献   
“二里头五期”遗存分析及其相关问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
所谓“二里头五期”遗存,实质上是包含了不同年代、不同时期遗存的混合体,化性质与二里头化—至四期不同,属早商化。二里头二号宫殿的废弃、偃师商城小城之始建以及郑州商城开始进入最繁盛期的时间大体同步,均是在二里头四期(或先商第一段第Ⅱ组)与早商第二段第Ⅲ组之际,表明夏商分界当在此时。  相似文献   
重整马华文学独特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马华文学独特性是马华文学文学史的主线 ,它涉及一个艰难的立足点———马来亚地方与民族—国家文学 ,两个分裂的极端———现代性与中华性。本文试图从马华文学的独特性、现代性与中华性这三个关键概念入手 ,分析马华文学史上的几个观念误区 ,解释从南洋色彩、马华文学独特性、爱国主义文学、现代主义文学到经典缺席与断奶论等 1 990年代以后文学论争的意义。  相似文献   
金海 《世界历史》2008,(2):36-45
20世纪40至60年代的“红色恐慌”对美国保守主义的发展起了巨大作用,成功地促进它打破了旧原则的束缚和自由主义在美国社会中的统治地位。但是,它却无法建立一套新的保守主义政治纲领,这导致了它在保守主义发展中的影响逐步衰退。  相似文献   
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