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本工作对五本国际期刊中10768篇样本数据的产出与分布情况进行了统计分析,并通过VosViewer软件开展了研究机构、作者群、关键词的知识图谱分析,展现了国际科技考古与文物科技保护领域科学知识的主题范围、结构关系。在此基础上,提出了中国文化遗产保护学科知识体系的构建思路。  相似文献   
天青釉是中国古代珍贵的单色釉品种,一般认为其始于传说中的柴窑,而最早的天青釉实物则显现于汝窑。于是,有学者认为天青釉唯柴窑、汝窑所特有。然而近年来,又有学者指出天青釉实非柴窑与汝窑的“专利”,最早的天青釉应发轫于五代时期的耀州窑。本研究将五代二期的耀州窑与汝窑所谓的“天青釉”进行分类,再测定它们的色度,确定“天青釉”的色度数值和相应的天青釉样品,进而明确天青釉的窑口及其起源时间。  相似文献   
Destruction events in multi-period sites are valuable marker horizons that represent time-synchronous events across the site and sometimes between sites. Destruction layers often preserve rich finds that provide insights into site use. Here we use both macro- and microarchaeological methods to study a destruction event from the late 9th century at Tell es-Safi/Gath in Israel. A major conflagration at this specific location resulted in the consolidation of parts of the roof construction materials, thus enabling us to differentiate between roof, walls and floor materials. We could reconstruct the events which lead to the formation of an approximately 80 cm thick layer. The base of this layer that overlies the floor surface is a thin charred organic material-rich ash layer. As the clays in this layer were not altered by heat and the ceramics still have preserved residues, we conclude that the ash was produced elsewhere and was redistributed to this location. Ceramics that are associated with burnt roof sediments do not have preserved residues. We also estimate the time that each of the accumulation events might have taken, and conclude that this accumulation occurred over decades. The architecture and artifacts found within and beneath the destruction do not allow us to unequivocally identify the function of this area prior to destruction. We do however identify an unusual bin and associated stone pavement, and a corner rich in artifacts, phytoliths and charred organic material. We also show that a wall was built of fired mud bricks; a most unusual occurrence for this time period in the Levant. This study demonstrates well the usefulness of an integrated macro- and microarchaeological approach to understanding the archaeological record, as well as the benefits of using an on-site laboratory.  相似文献   
2020年3月西安市长安区小居安村建设工程项目M19中出土了一批武周时期微雕器物,该批器物造型精致,且同类器物出土较少,罕有相关研究,为明确其材质、工艺,采用超景深显微镜、便携式X荧光光谱仪、扫描电镜-能谱仪、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对其进行科学分析。结果表明,微雕的成形与彩绘工艺包含刮削、打磨、钻孔、抛光、贴金等,其微雕本体材料是以Ca、P为主要元素的羟基磷酸钙,结合风化后普遍存在的蜂窝状孔洞,认为其材质应为骨质。  相似文献   
在我国考古出土的丝织品数量多,种类丰富,但由于墓葬环境的特殊性,如棺液的浸泡等原因,丝织文物的表面形成很多结块,影响了文物的品质。因此,对此类丝织文物的清洗成为文物保护工作的重要一环。为此,本研究以唐代出土丝织文物残片表面的结块为研究对象,利用拉曼光谱和X射线衍射仪检测技术对其表面结块的成分进行分析。结果表明,结晶盐的主要成分为CaSO4.2H2O。本研究针对其结晶盐的成分,再利用显微观察、抗拉强度检测等手段分析了红茶菌发酵液对老化的现代蚕丝影响。在得出没有损伤的基础上,利用红茶菌发酵液中的生物有机酸和生物酶作为生物清洗剂清洗唐代丝织文物残片表面的结晶盐,取得了良好的清洗效果,对丝织文物本身无损伤。  相似文献   
精准识别城市功能区对于优化协调城市人地系统,完善城市规划及促进城市可持续发展具有重要意义。选取公众认知度和地物一般面积对行业POI数据核密度进行加权,构建城市功能区定量识别方法,以本溪为例,输出城市功能区分布图并开展分析。结果表明:①考虑公众认识度与一般面积的核密度加权方法具有更高的实际性和准确性;②本溪市中心城区受地块大小、交通等因素影响,形成“多中心”组团、“单一-混合”功能区协同发展的空间格局。应进一步完善本溪新城区公共服务体系、优化旅游业产业链条,推进资源型城市转型进程。  相似文献   
2018年1月至2021年6月,采用红外相机技术监测了以石窟寺与古建筑为代表的4处遗产地动物活动,共布设相机22台,累计9 463个相机日,获得野生动物独立有效照片10 946张,监测到鸟兽类合计6目13科18种;依据相对多度指数(RAI)确定莫高窟、炳灵寺石窟、麦积山石窟和紫金庵典型优势物种分别为:大沙鼠(Rhombomys opimus)(RAI:35.75)、岩鸽(Columba rupestris)(RAI:75.99)、岩松鼠(Sciurotamias davidianus)(RAI:43.17)和珀氏长吻松鼠(Dremomys pernyi)(RAI:43.65);4种优势物种季节性活动均表现为夏季最高,冬季最低;月活动节律为每年8月最高,1月最低;大沙鼠、岩鸽、岩松鼠、珀氏长吻松鼠日活动高峰分别为8∶00~10∶00、10∶00~12∶00、10∶00~12∶00、2∶00~4∶00。鸟兽类主要通过抓痕、筑巢、粪便污染等形式危害文物,结合上述研究,提出了针对性的防治措施建议。研究结果为厘清遗产地动物种群特征、活动节律以及动物防治提供了技术支撑和科学依据。  相似文献   
In April 2021, several exquisitely decorated figurines of Heavenly Kings were unearthed from the Tang Dynasty tombs of Su Tong's family in Xianyang, Shanxi Province. However, for each figurine, the outer side was unevenly red and black, and the center and interior of the body black, and the mechanical properties extremely poor (disintegrated by water). To scientifically restore and conserve the polychrome pottery figurines of Heavenly Kings, we carried out scientific analyses of their materials and their firing process. The composition, structure, firing temperature and mechanical properties of the figurine remnants were determined and analyzed using an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, an X-ray diffractometer, a simultaneous thermal analyzer, a thermal dilatometer, an X - ray photoelectron spectrometer, a universal testing machine and a hardness tester. The experimental results show that 1) the figurines were made of fusible clay containing quartz, albite, calcite, muscovite, clinochlore and other minerals; 2) the figurines were sintered between 300 ~400 °C in an oxidizing atmosphere, the internal sintering degree being lower than that of the external surface and the uneven atmosphere leading to the differences in color among various parts of a figurine ; 3 ) the mechanical strength of the figurines was low, with a flexural strength of about 2 MPa and a hardness of 54 〜71 HD. The study provides a scientific basis for the effective conservation and reasonable preservation of the polychrome pottery figurines of Heavenly Kings and of other similar kinds of cultural relics. © 2023, Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology. All Rights Reserved.  相似文献   
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