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高丽王朝建国后,对待中国文化一直有两种不同的主张:从光宗时期开始高丽王权开始推行"华化"政策,而贵族勋旧势力则以实行"土俗"的主张相对抗."华化"政策的确立经过了一个相当曲折的过程,需要凭藉多种资源的支持,其中最重要的就是人力资源和文化资源,因此从光宗时期开始,"华化"政策就包含两个方面的内容,一是引进中国之人,一是引进中国之制.高丽王朝的"华化"与"土俗"之争并不仅仅是政策之争,在其背后隐藏的是权力的分配问题,同时它还和高丽精英阶层对外来文化的认知与态度有关.  相似文献   
《吕氏春秋》一书,现存东汉高诱注,并有元、明旧刊本十多种。清代以来,系统校理此书或择要训释者不下百余家,但至今尚难通读之处也还不少。今仅就重读所及,挑选一些内容略作札记。  相似文献   
本刊讯10月24日,"花儿艺术研讨会暨丹麻土族花儿艺术团成立大会"在互助土族自治县丹麻镇文化广场举行。原青海省人大常委会副主任李玉兰以及青海土族研  相似文献   
北洋政府时期,袁世凯为灵活解决全国军官的外放内调,特设将军府,虽明颁《将军府编制令》,但该机关在国家军事政治生活中并不能起到应有作用,只是中央政府笼络大小武人的一种手段。将军名号的封授,并不完全按照军功进行,而是充斥着权力的纠葛纷争。因并无实权,故北洋军政要员对管理将军府事务这一虚职纷纷避让。日形局促中的将军府终在存续十余年后于段祺瑞"执政"时代废止。张作霖为安抚手下,再启将军封授声浪,但已与昔日将军府无大干系。该制度推行未及半载,即随着北洋政府在全国统治的结束而无形废止。关于将军府研究,前辈学者已有一些研究,但或语焉不详,或有"拔高"及不确之处,兹于本文试作梳理。  相似文献   
陈馨 《文博》2008,(5):76-81
本文总结了中国传统锔钉补瓷技术的工艺流程,通过典型器物对国内外锔钉补瓷技术进行了对比研究,揭示了其不同,亦举例说明了中国式锔钉补瓷技术在日本的发展与意义.  相似文献   
本文论述了历史文化遗产科学数据共享管理的必要性,系统地分析了我国历史文化遗产科学数据共享存在的问题及其制约因素,就做好历史文化遗产科学数据共享管理提出了转变观念、健全法律法规、建立规范标准体系和构建服务体系的建议。  相似文献   
The role of private market agents in global monetary and financial governance has increased as globalization has proceeded. This shift in both markets and patterns of governance has often been encouraged by states themselves in pursuit of liberalization policies. Much of the literature views these developments in a positive light, yet there are other aspects of these developments that also merit attention. This article supports its central propositions with two cases of emerging global financial governance processes: the Basel II capital adequacy standards for international banking supervision and the International Organization of Securities Commissions‐based transnational regulatory processes underpinning the functioning of cross‐border securities markets. Based on the case findings, the article argues first that private sector self‐regulation and/or public‐private partnership in governance processes can leave public authorities vulnerable to dependence on the information and expertise provided by private agents in a fast‐moving market environment. Policy in the vital domain of financial regulation has been increasingly aligned to private sector preferences to a degree that should raise fears of bureaucratic capture. Second, the article contends that the overall outcome in terms of global financial system efficiency and stability has been mixed, bringing a range of important benefits but also instability and crisis for many societies to a degree that has led to challenges to global governance itself. The case material indicates that the input, output and accountability phases of legitimacy in global monetary and financial governance are highly problematic, and much of the problem relates to the way in which private market agents are integrated into the decision‐making process. Third, the article posits that a better consideration of these three ‘phases’ of legitimacy and their interrelationships is likely to enhance the political underpinnings and legitimacy of global financial and monetary order.  相似文献   
敦煌文献断代方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从纸张、书法、文字、正背面、形制、品相、写卷内容、出土地等八个要素考察了敦煌文献的断代,并解释了敦煌文献断代不能唯一的某些原因。  相似文献   
伊阙自古以来即为黄淮、江汉之间重要的交通孔道,其以文化遗产彰显于历史,不仅因为中古以降的佛教石窟艺术,且与三代以还的其他人文史事保持有密切的关联。今以笔者平日阅读所经眼,辑录一组涉及当地往日掌故的文献史料,从中可以看出历代政要闻人或因军戎倥偬结集于峡谷,或以迁徙往来羁旅于驿馆,或以乡土生计辗转于村落,或以结缘法门酬唱于寺院。其斑驳纷织、行色各异的地域事象,从人文视阈折射着当年一处地理形胜流光溢彩的韶华岁月。  相似文献   
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