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范淑英 《故宫博物院院刊》2021,(3):30-44,108,109
自1945年梅原末治《唐镜大观》著录两面"永徽元年"铜镜以来,考古出土和文物征集发现多件带有"贞观元年""贞观十六年""永徽元年""上元二年""大和元年"等唐代年号的铜镜。这些铜镜因有明确的纪年,在唐代铜镜艺术研究中曾被作为标准器对待。但这些铜镜在造型、铭文书体、纹饰等方面,皆与唐代铜镜有异,而与宋代铜镜相合。本文对5种8件带有唐代年号的铜镜予以重新考察,认为它们与一般宋代的仿唐镜不同,一是没有铸镜作坊铭或是姓氏铭;二是铜质精良;三是花纹清晰。因此,这8件器物应为宋代铸造的仿唐镜。  相似文献   
Homeowners who make their homes their primary residence have resisted the entry of rentals into their neighborhoods and cities. Possible reasons underlying this resistance are that rentals reduce the property values, increase the property tax burdens, and raise the price of public services for these homeowners. We relate the market values of single-family homes occupied by permanent homeowners, the effective property tax rate of these homeowners, and the tax price they pay for public services to shifts in their city's housing units toward a variety of different types of rentals and second homes. Our analysis is based on large panels of Florida homes containing hundreds of thousands and millions of observations. Our results show that increases in the share of a city's housing units used as rentals or second homes reduce the home values, increase the property tax burdens, and raise the public services prices of homeowners who permanently reside in single-family homes. Impacts vary in magnitude among single-family, condominium, and mobile homes used as rentals and second homes. Estimated impacts are the strongest for share increases in single-family rentals and second homes.  相似文献   
前期调查分析可知,降雨对榆阳区明长城单体建筑的破坏形式包括水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀两大类,主要影响因素为降雨特征、遗址保存形态和遗址土的性质。为了进一步了解降雨对该类土遗址的破坏方式及主要影响因素作用特点,按照相似理论要求设计模型试验,研究了降雨对榆阳区明长城单体建筑的破坏模式。试验结果表明,降雨对遗址模型的破坏方式与前期调查分析结果基本一致,水力侵蚀方式有冲沟侵蚀、片流面蚀、流水淘蚀和流水冲蚀,重力侵蚀方式有坍塌和滑塌。一般A型暴雨条件下,各种水力侵蚀方式均有发生,重力侵蚀发生次数相对较少;B型暴雨条件下,主要发生片流面蚀,重力侵蚀破坏发生次数较多。通过模型试验得出的降雨对遗址模型的破坏方式及发生特点方面的结论,可以在一定程度上为降雨对该类遗址破坏的评估和防治提供参考。  相似文献   
旅游社会影响研究——以大理古城居民学英语态度为例   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
戴凡  保继刚 《人文地理》1996,11(2):37-42
本文通过调查云南省大理古城居民对学英语的态度和掌握英语的程度研究旅游开发的社会影响。结果表明,大量外国旅游者的到来,对大理古城居民学习英语的影响很大,一部分人已掌握英语这个交流工具,大部分年青人已把英语作为他们所受教育的一个重要部分。  相似文献   
While the land use-street network nexus is well acknowledged, evidence for the one-way impacts of land-use patterns on street accessibility is still inadequate. The measurements of land-use patterns and street accessibility lack systematic knowledge. Their empirical correlations also lack geographical variability, constraining site-specific land-use practices. Therefore, this study overcame the aforementioned limitations by examining the two-level spatial models to formulate accessibility-oriented land plans, using a well-developed Chinese city as an example. Firstly, two landscape metrics—Euclidean Nearest-Neighbor Distance (ENN) and Similarity Index (SIMI)—were used to quantify the intra- and inter-land-use configurations, respectively. Both city-level and local accessibility were measured using spatial design network analysis. Performing both ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models, results identified the statistically significant effects of inter-land-use patterns on two-level street accessibility. An exception was that land-use configurations within residential and industrial regions were irrelevant to street accessibility. We also found GWR was a better-fitting model than OLS when estimating locally-varied accessibility, suggesting hierarchical multiscale land-use planning. Overall, locally heterogeneous evidence in this study can substantialize land use-street network interactions and support the decision-making and implementation of place-specific accessibility-oriented land use.  相似文献   
论明世宗对蒙"绝贡"政策与嘉靖年间的农牧文化冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明朝曾采取允许周边各少数民族首领定期朝贡、明廷给以丰厚的赏赐并可在会同馆进行一定程度的互市贸易的政策,由此而形成明代的朝贡体制。但在嘉靖年间,明世宗顽固地拒绝和蒙古通贡互市,以至从嘉靖十一年(1532)以后,整个北边防线战争不断,终于酿成京城被围的“庚戌之变”。明世宗对蒙“绝贡”政策是违背历史大势的非常有害的错误政策,它给明蒙双方都造成了极大的危害,制约了明代历史的发展。  相似文献   
王安石为解决团教保甲、训练将兵的经费问题,赋予封存缺额禁军俸廪的北宋惯例以新的意义,建议神宗实行封桩缺额禁军钱制度,从而收到了训练保甲、将兵“未尝费户部一钱”的一定效果。元祐占旧党执政,曾有意将其取消,只是迫于经济压力而未果。绍圣以后,虽然“民兵亦衰”,封桩缺额禁军钱却畸形发展,至徽宗宣和年间造成了禁军严重缺额的恶果,以至于金军南下时素号“冗兵”的北宋竟然无大军抵御,这却是王安石始料未及的。  相似文献   
中国银行从民国初年成立后即发挥着中央银行的重要作用,1928年南京国民政府对中国银行的第一次改组,使得中国银行由国家银行转制为国际汇兑专业银行,1935年的第二次改组后又使得中国银行成为国民党“四行二局”金融统制体系的重要组成部分。这两次改组对中国银行的性质和地位的变化产生了决定性的影响,也比较突出地体现了旧中国金融业与中央政府关系的演变过程。  相似文献   
<正>The Art Troupe of Sog County in Nagqu Prefecture is loved deeply by the locals.It has an illustrious history of over 50 years.Among its former members are fa...  相似文献   
刘凡 《东南文化》2007,(5):91-93
2006~2007年在广东美术馆和首都博物馆分别举办的"余震"展向中国观众展示了20世纪90年代YBAs[1]曾经轰动一时的作品。YBAs是中国当代艺术史上2000年左右那段疯狂年代的导火索,重新回顾这段历史,有助于我们理性地审视中国当代艺术的发展历程及其发展规律。  相似文献   
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