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姚迪 《文博》2009,(1):91-96
大华纱厂是西安乃至我国西北地区最早建立的机器棉纺织企业,是古城西安一处重要工业文化遗产。以工业遗产保护的角度切入,通过文献资料收集,现场实地走访以及对老工人访谈等多种方式,发掘大华纱厂历史、科学、社会、经济、艺术等多方面的价值,并针对大华纱厂法律地位和周边环境的现状,结合西安已有工业遗产保护利用的经验,提出对其进行文物保护单位申报以及文化产业园区建设的建议。  相似文献   
“台南官银票”的实物与史事   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
《中国钱币》2008年第3期发表台南官银票一纸,并说明银票发行背景(以下简称“‘一’文”)。作者将“台南官银票”定为甲午战争后台湾人民反对割让台湾,共推刘永福速率众抗日时发行之物,这是不错的。但作者收藏的实物和对实物的说明,却多有可商之处,愿向作者和读者求教。  相似文献   
姚晓璐 《文博》2021,(1):92-96
渭南市博物馆收藏一方20世纪80年代出土于陕西省渭南市大荔县的金代官印,此方官印除印文外,背面和两侧阴刻铸印机构、铸印时间等款识。此印作为特殊的文献资料,真实记录了金代后期招募义军的历史,同时也侧面反映了金代官制、官印的变迁,蕴含了丰富的历史信息。本文借鉴前人的研究成果,结合《金史》的相关记载,从官职、铸印机构、品阶三个方面对该印进行考释。  相似文献   
In the past one and a half decades, Chinese cities have witnessed an influx of college-educated rural migrants. Until now, there has been little systematic research on the working and living conditions of this growing population. The objective of this paper is to empirically examine similarities and differences in living conditions between college-educated rural migrants, non-college-educated rural migrants, and local urban workers. The data are from the 2010 National Health and Family Planning Commission Survey of China’s migrant population. Our study has produced several findings. First, the monthly income of college-educated rural migrants is significantly higher than that of non-college-educated rural migrants and is similar to that of college-educated local urban workers. However, less-educated rural migrants earn more than local urban workers with similar levels of education. Second, while college-educated rural migrants work fewer hours than non-college-educated rural migrants, they work longer hours than their local urban counterparts. Third, local urban workers receive greater social benefits than college-educated rural migrants, whose benefits are better than those of non-college-educated rural migrants. Overall, while college-educated rural migrants enjoy more favourable working and living conditions than non-college-educated rural migrants, they remain disadvantaged when compared to urban workers with a similar level of education. These findings highlight the insurmountable institutionalised exclusion and discrimination that imposes significant barriers on rural-origin people to reap the benefits of higher education.  相似文献   
中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心编审李大龙先生所著《汉唐藩属体制研究》一书,已由中国社会科学出版社于2006年5月出版发行。该书系统研究了汉唐两朝与周边国家及少数民族政权之间建立的藩属体制及其历史演变,从一个侧面深刻反映了中国古代边疆管理体制的形成与发展,对中国古代外交史、政治史、边疆史、制度史等相关问题的研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   
尤袤(1127-1194)的<遂初堂书目>是我国现存较早的私家藏书版本目录,号称"版本目录第一家".虽然有目而无提要,使人们对许多书籍内容不甚了了,但细心寻绎后世文献,仍能有所发现,<三院吕氏世谱>即是如此,该谱著录于<遂初堂书目>的<姓氏类>,但内容为何,向少人知.  相似文献   
路遥  彭淑庆 《民俗研究》2008,(3):168-178
济公,生年不详,卒于南宋嘉定二年(1209年),法名道济,俗名李修元,。时人称为湖隐、方圆叟,浙江天台人,因不守佛门戒律,饮酒食荤,举止痴颠,时人和后人亦称他“济颠”。《增订佛祖道影》尊他为禅宗第50世禅师,杨岐派第6世祖。其生平最早的可靠记载,见于同时代其师侄辈的释居简(1164-1246)所撰《湖隐方圆叟舍利铭·济颠》(简称《舍利铭》)。  相似文献   
Taiping leaders were adept at using material from traditional Chinese sources and Western Protestant writings. The Taiping Three Character Classic, or Sanzijing (SZJ) exemplifies the Taipings’ skillful adaptation of a pre-existing popular text in order to propagate its religious doctrine and political ideology. The traditional SZJ featured an appealing style and imparted Neo-Confucian values to readers. The style of traditional SZJ contained a unique pattern that was kept in latter adaptations, while the text’s content was modified to suit new realities. The Taiping SZJ followed the structure of the traditional SZJ, but it provided its own historical ideas and utopian visions, which differed from Christian Millennialism. The Taiping utopian vision was not about the future, but about a return to the period of the “the three dynasties” in Chinese history, an approach also used by Confucian intellectuals. The persuasive power in Taiping propaganda text lies in Taiping’s exploitation of Chinese and Western resources, especially in utilizing existing concepts, popular texts and cultural patterns.  相似文献   
姚小鸥 《文献》2002,(2):11-20
《商颂》五篇的作年问题,在先秦时代本无歧议.汉代以后,《诗》说纷纭.荦荦大宗者有《齐诗》、《鲁诗》、《韩诗》、《毛诗》四家,另尚有若干家为后世不传者①.  相似文献   
宁夏固原北朝墓葬初探@姚蔚玲$固原博物馆!宁夏固原756000固原;;北朝墓葬;;初探~~  相似文献   
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