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In JAC 16 I have discussed the development of the House of the lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called "reforms of Urukagina" in Lagash and Girsu. That was the first part of my studies on the administrative texts from Girsu. In JAC 19 I have investigated, according to the donkey fodder rations which are recorded in the first part of the List of Monthly Barley-Wheat Distributions and Allowances (ξe-gar ziz-gar sa-dug4 itid-da), the sorts, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the last years of Urukagina and found that from Urukagina Year 5, ii (2nd month), the daily fodders and the number of various donkeys were greatly reduced.  相似文献   
据《大唐西域记》记载,新疆帕米尔高原上曾有一个神秘的偈盘陀王国。国力最盛时,它管辖12座城,偈盘陀王曾远征北印度的咀叉始罗国,并大胜而归。其实现在的塔吉克族,就是他们的后裔。因山高路险,地处帕米尔高原上的偏僻之地,据说这里的塔吉克人如今仍过着夜不闭户、路不拾遗的“桃花源”似的生活,并被称做“太阳部落”。  相似文献   
(一) “来宝”是三川一些土族村庄至今仍然保存的一种傩祭习俗。流行地为中川乡民主村、官亭镇的喇家、鲍家等村寨。尤其以民主村的“来宝”最为典型。 “来宝”这一称呼,是汉语借词,意为神佛保佑,驱除不祥,吉祥发达。  相似文献   
X. Xie  S. Li  H. He  X. Liu 《Geofluids》2003,3(4):245-253
Overpressured systems and intense, anomalously hot fluid expulsion in the Yinggehai Basin of the South China Sea offer an opportunity to understand the history of fluid flow and the process of hydrocarbon accumulation in overpressured environments. Fluid migration pathways from overpressured compartments in the basin are largely controlled by the distribution of faults and fractures. Episodic opening of these faults are related to the dynamics of an overpressured system and tectonic movements during basin evolution. At the crests of diapiric structures, fluid expulsion is seismically imaged as chimney‐ or plume‐like features, low to middle seismic amplitudes, and intermittently chaotic and blank reflecting seismic facies. These fluid pathways are controlled by vertical faults, which commonly penetrate overpressured and overlying normally pressured zones. Fluid expulsion is also observed near the main faults, such as the No. 1 Fault at the north‐eastern margin of the basin. Investigation by sidescan sonar on onshore and offshore Hainan Island indicates that there are more than 100 gas seepages adjacent to the No. 1 Fault. Migration pathways in the diapiric structures are controlled by three types of fault and fracture. Penetrative faults formed by dextral strike‐slip movement of the Red River faults commonly occur in the centre of the diapirs, and may have been a triggering factor for the diapirism, and controlled their distribution. Hydrofractures occur in certain mud‐rich layers and may have been generated by hydraulic fracturing. Radial normal faults occur at the top of diapirs and were formed by the intrusive process. These fluid migration pathways played an important role in regional hydrocarbon accumulation.  相似文献   
谢冬荣  石光明 《文献》2006,(1):73-81
薛福成(1838-1894),字叔耘,号庸庵,江苏无锡人.同治间以副贡入曾国藩幕府,参与"剿捻"、查办天津教案等事宜,光绪元年以知州入李鸿章幕府,十年授浙江宁绍台道,十四年任湖南按察使,后出使英、法、意、比等国.薛福成纵览经史,好为经世之学,擅长办理外交.他一生著述丰富,<庸庵全集>收录了他所撰的<庸庵文编>四卷、<续编>二卷、<外编>四卷、<海外文编>四卷、<筹洋刍议>一卷、<浙东筹防录>四卷、<出使日记>六卷、<续刻>十卷、<出使奏疏>二卷、<出使公牍>十卷等十种书.  相似文献   
谢作拳  陈伟欢 《文献》2006,(4):121-128
温州博物馆藏有黄绍箕致父亲黄体芳的家书手迹四通,红色信笺,写于光绪年间.内容涉及维新变法等.此家书从未发表,《黄绍箕集》、《黄体芳集》亦未收录,对研究黄绍箕有重要的价值,对研究戊戌变法也具有重要的史料价值.  相似文献   
川端康成的早期作品由于自传性较强,经常作为研究的资料被引用,而作品本身的某些蕴含却很少成为研究的对象,即如早期流露在这些作品中的对死亡的抗拒意识没有受到足够的重视。超越死亡的意识可以说贯穿了川端康成的整个创作生涯,如果忽略了川端康成早期作品中的对死亡的抗拒意识,便会从整体上影响对川端康成及其作品的认识。  相似文献   
我国目前不宜废除经济犯罪死刑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
死刑问题是现代刑法理论研究和国际刑法所关注的一个热点和焦点问题。从我国目前的现实情况来看,暂不宜废除经济犯罪死刑,主要原因有:重刑思想的深远影响、人权观念还比较淡薄、政治制度尚不完善、法律制度仍有缺陷、经济犯罪形势严峻。  相似文献   
本文从分析宁夏贺兰山山嘴沟所见伏虎罗汉入手,梳理了汉藏罗汉图像的差异,重点考察了藏传佛教罗汉中伏虎罗汉、布袋和尚与达摩多罗图像的来源。作者认为,达摩多罗名号与图像的形成与吐蕃禅宗、禅宗保唐派、唐五代行脚僧及其变化的宝胜如来信仰密切相关,并与佛陀波利以及流行于两宋的布袋和尚信仰相互交织。论文解释了新罗僧与宝胜如来的信仰如何引发藏传罗汉达摩多罗与宁夏贺兰山之间特殊的联系,这些错综复杂的信仰与图像演变是中国11—13世纪多民族美术关系史的集中映现。  相似文献   
本文探讨了清代国家档案馆——皇史宬的建筑环境、管理机构和内部结构的变化情况;对于清代皇史宬收藏对象的重要性也做了比较,认为皇史宬虽然贮藏多种皇家文献和文物,但最主要的尊藏对象便是《清实录》;并从版本比较和历史事实的角度,证明皇史宬尊藏的《清实录》是所有版本中最重要、最具有保藏性的正本。本文试图说明皇史宬与《清实录》相互彰显的密切关系。  相似文献   
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