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在闽西南山区腹地的南靖县.重山叠嶂。苍茫四野,一座座夯土版筑的土楼点缀在小溪旁、田野间,绿树掩映的山脚下,它并不富丽堂皇。却纯朴、宁静,千百年来,默默地承受着岁月的风雨。依然巍然屹立。  相似文献   
古代两河流域银贷业商人的苏美尔文为dam-gàr,他们是从事借贷和买卖获利的专业人员。本文根据乌尔第三王朝时期的原始经济档案研究了7个主要商人的借据档案,总结了有息和无息贷款、大麦借贷的基本高利率,大麦和其他物品的一般价格,以及银钱和大麦转换借贷形式等规律,并对散乱发表的出土借据中的7个主要商人的文件进行了档案重建,进而为理解古代两河经济领域中货币形式、银贷利率、商人职能等金融和商业规律提供第一手史料。  相似文献   
企业能否成功,很大程度上取决于企业领导的素质。本分析旅游服务睦.企业领导应具备的素质,探讨应如何提高旅游服务性企业管理人员的领导能力。  相似文献   
Clothes and grain distribution is also called grain pay,lama grain pay,lama pay,clothes and grain ration as well as clothes and grain pay and  相似文献   
The Liuhe Pagoda in Hangzhou, China, has a large number of brick carvings from the Southern Song Dynasty (1152 ce ), covering an area of 464 m2. However, the exquisite brick carvings in the Liuhe Pagoda have deteriorated due to natural weathering and a high-humidity environment. Through laboratory analysis and on-site nondestructive testing, the physical and chemical properties of the brick carvings of Liuhe Pagoda were investigated, and the weathering mechanism of the brick carvings was further analyzed. The brick carving of Liuhe Pagoda is composed of brick, white plastering and black coating. CaCO3 is the main component in white plastering, and the black coating on the top surface contains Chinese lacquer. The weathering products of the brick were analyzed and a trace of CaSO4.2H2O was found. In addition, the brick carvings with high water content have low Leeb hardness and severe weathering. Therefore, water and soluble salt are the main factors in weathering of the brick carvings of the Liuhe Pagoda.  相似文献   
青少年是祖国的未来,是民族振兴的希望。在青少年学生中大力弘扬和培育民族精神,是学校德育工作的一个重要方面。当前,我国的教育正处在改革攻坚阶段和发展关键时期,对外开放进一步扩大,为广大青少年了解世界、增长见识、开阔视野提供了更加便利的条件;与此同时,多元化的价值取向给传统的教育造成了强大冲击,市场经济利益至上的原则、  相似文献   

Currently little is known about how institutional arrangements co-evolve with urban experimentation. This paper mobilizes neo-institutional literature and recent urban experimentation literature as a framework to explore how and why institutional arrangements differ across urban contexts. Empirically the paper focusses on smart city initiatives in Amsterdam, Hamburg and Ningbo. These three cities are frontrunners in adopting a comprehensive smart city agenda, but they do so in different ways. The paper examines regulative, normative and cognitive elements of institutional arrangements, explores how they shape experimentation, and reflects on their place-based specificities. The comparative analysis suggests that the focus of, and approach to, experimentation can be understood as resting in a (possibly unique) combination of strategic agency and dynamics at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   
谢作拳 《收藏家》2009,(6):11-17
李星沅(1797—1851年),字子湘,号石梧。湖南湘阴人。道光五年(1825年)举人,十二年进士,选庶吉士,授编修。十五年任广东学政,旋任陕西汉中知府,历河南粮道,二十年任陕西按察使、年底调任四川按察使,二十一年五月调江苏按察使,十二月迁江西布政使,随即调任江苏布政使。道光二十二年九月升任陕西巡抚。二十五年春调任江苏巡抚,二十六年八月任云贵总督,后兼署云南巡抚。因功赏加太子太保衔,并赏戴花翎。  相似文献   
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