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肖瑜 《世界历史》2012,(3):21-28,158
长期以来,国内外学术界均认为反犹主义是斯大林主义的一个基本特征。但是,本文并不认为二者之间有什么必然联系。事实上,在第二次世界大战之前,以列宁和斯大林为首的苏联党和国家领导人为解决苏联现实社会中存在的反犹主义问题曾做出过巨大的努力,并取得了一定的成果。苏联政府在犹太民族政策上强调的是谴责反犹主义,反对犹太复国主义。  相似文献   
The Eurimji site in Jecheon City, Chungcheong Province holds major importance for Korean cultural heritage because it is assumed to be the oldest man-made reservoir for rice field irrigation in Korea. A multiproxy study provides the first scientific dating of the levee construction. The authors retrieved two sediment cores from the levee (core ER-1, 18.00 m long) and the reservoir bottom (core ER-3-1, 6.98 m long). Several plant fragment layers were observed between layers of dark gray clay–silt sediment in unit 2 of both cores. The spacing and thickness of these plant layers was relatively uniform (from 50 to 90 cm, and 5 to 6 cm, respectively). These features are interpreted to represent part of a man-made sedimentary sequence created using the consolidation-settlement drain method (tamped-earth or rammed-earth method) commonly used for dam or fortress construction in ancient times, as the features are not characteristic of natural river sedimentary processes. In this alternating sequence, bulk carbon from the sediment yielded AMS 14C dates of 2000–1400 14C yr BP, and the plant materials yielded dates of 1300–1200 14C yr BP. If workers at that time used two different materials such as available plant materials and clays for levee construction, the plant material is preferred for 14C age dating. This is because the origin of the carbon in the sediments is ambiguous, but the source of the plant materials has been confidently determined to be equivalent to the time of the levee construction. Therefore, the levee was constructed between 1200 and 1100 14C yr BP (AD 800–900), which is later than previously thought (i.e., AD 300 or AD 550). The results of our study also indicate that wetlands existed in the area before the construction of the Eurimji levee.  相似文献   
The article describes ornaments made of animal teeth (elk, beaver, badger, fox, marmot, musk deer, and ibex or mountain sheep) and found in ground burials at Tuzovskiye Bugry-1, Northern Altai. Ornaments made of the teeth of the two latter animals are especially informative since these taxa are not found in the Barnaul–Biysk area of the Upper Ob basin, nor did they inhabit the area in the historical past. The musk deer is distributed in the mountain taiga areas of Gorny Altai and Eastern Kazakhstan. Ibex and mountain sheep are typical representatives of alpine fauna. In the past, the northern boundary of their distribution range coincided with the Chemal River, the southern boundary lay in the Mongolian Altai, and the western, in Rudny Altai (Eastern Kazakhstan). Ornaments made from Ibex and mountain sheep teeth indicate ties with Gorny Altai, intermediary groups being those known from Solontsy-5 burial ground and Nizhnetytkesken Cave-1 burial. The co-occurrence of these ornaments with Dentalium, Corbicula ferghanensis Kurs. et Star., and Corbicula tibetensis Prash. shells points to ties with Western Central Asia. In this case, the likely intermediaries are the people of the Ust-Narym or Botai cultures. Alternatively, groups from Western Central Asia or Eastern Kazakhstan may have migrated to the Altai.  相似文献   
龙的形象并非空穴来风,其有因由,有传承,有故事,在中华民族从原始走向现代,从愚昧走向文明的过程中起源,融合,发展,翻开中国龙的历史,其形象之多变令人为之目眩,千种姿态,万般风流,既可作成庄严凝重的庞然大物,又可变为蜷体蟠结的小巧灵兽,在几千年的龙象演变和龙文化创作中,它始终不离各个时代所共同经营缔造的不同审美风格,1月18日至3月20日,首都博物馆在2012在欢腾喜悦的中国农历新年的开年之际,推出以龙为主题的龙年文化大展,邀观众一同探索中国龙的足迹,寻觅龙的身影,发现中国龙的前世今生,感受这份因龙而生的精神归宿。  相似文献   
2007年,内蒙古长城资源调查队在调查乌兰察布一呼和浩特段明长城大边时发现一处石刻,刻于明洪武二十九年(1396年),主要记述了兴筑石刻附近长城的时间、修筑者、所修长城的起止位置及长度等,为研究这段明长城的修筑史提供了一份价值极高的文字资料。同时,明代洪武年间北边防御体系的建立与这段长城关系密切,长城与沿边卫所共同构成了点线结合的综合防御体系。永乐时期,明朝调整了北边防御战略,北边防线南撤,这段长城的作用逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
对隋唐都城设计尺度的还原分析表明,两京的尺度设计分别以数字"九"与"七"为基数控制宫、宫城与皇城、郭城、市、苑囿的东西广度,并以9:10与1:1为基准比例,确定全城的尺度结构与规模。两京的设计与布局方法与萌生于北魏洛阳,并影响到了同时期东亚其他都城的布局设计,同时也对唐以后中国历代王朝都城设计产生重要影响。  相似文献   
西安长安区韩家湾M29墓,由斜坡墓道、壁龛、天井、过洞、甬道、砖券墓室组成。墓道口与甬道之间,绘有青龙,白虎,侍者等,壁画的内容及表现方式丰富了对唐代中晚期墓葬壁画的认识。为对其进行保护,用XRD、SEM-EDX、Micro-Raman等技术对该壁画结构和颜料成分进行分析,同时对壁画进行了现场清理及保护。结果表明该墓室壁画的制作是在墓道两壁上先抹一层草拌泥地仗,再于其上刷一层白灰后绘制,绘制壁画的颜料主要为黑色,黑色颜料的呈色物相为炭黑。  相似文献   
陶器古剂量P包含等效剂量Q和超线性修正I两个部分,为了提高古剂量测量的准确性,正确地计算古剂量的测量误差,本工作测试了10个古陶片样品,利用线性回归方法计算等效剂量Q和超线性修正I,并对不同的古剂量计算方法进行误差分析和评估。研究表明,线性回归方法(包括归平法和平归法)计算陶器古剂量的准确性优于目前采用的常规法;通过几种不同方法的误差比较和分析,归平法所得误差较其它方法更严谨、合理。该研究在提高古剂量测量的准确性和正确计算古剂量的测量误差两方面具有重要的意义,使得古剂量的测量更加合理,符合数理统计规律。  相似文献   
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