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二十世纪考古文献与楚辞研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈桐生 《文献》1998,(1):168-182
二十世纪特别是建国以后是楚辞研究的丰收季节,而楚辞研究的空前繁荣在很大程度上要归功于本世纪众多考古文献的发现①.这些在地下沉睡了两千多年的古文献,向人们展示了一个丰富灿烂的古楚文化世界,并以它们的不容置辩的特殊权威性,为楚辞研究提供了极其重要的证据或旁证材料,从而将楚辞研究不断引向深入.  相似文献   
九世班禅额尔德尼自1923年逃离西藏后,在祖国内地居住了14年之久。班禅大师最大的心愿是返回札什伦布寺。1935年6月,国民政府发布密令,决定班禅返藏,并特派专使和卫队护送。但由于英国政府的阻挠和无理干涉,班禅大师返藏受阻,忧郁而终。英国为什么要反对班禅返回西藏呢?反对班禅返藏潜藏着什么样的动机呢?这是本文试图探讨的问题。  相似文献   
采用常用的基准方法对文物具有普遍危害性的 S0_2,NO_2、O_2 进行了测定.研究了适宜检测博物馆内大气污染状况的 TEA 纸片法.运用了 TEA 纸片法对上海博物馆内二氧化硫和二氧化氮的分布状况进行了测定研究.  相似文献   
穆斯堡尔谱学是研究古陶瓷的一种极其有用的手段,它能提供粘土和粘土烧制条件的信息.穆斯堡尔谱的参数是烧制条件的函数。根据 Fe~(3+)与 Fe~(2+)的强度可能判断原始烧制气氛。根据Fe~(3+)、Fe~(2+)和磁性峰的强度.Fe~(3+)或Fe~(2+)的四极分裂(QS)可判断原始烧成温度。穆斯堡尔谱可以测定粘土或陶瓷中的结构铁和氧化铁的丰度.可测定与陶瓷着色有关的氧化铁粒子的尺寸和分布.钙质粘土的磁比率(M)较低.Q.S 值较大;而非钙质粘土的磁比率较高,Q.S 较小。穆斯堡尔谱可探测由于风化或自然辐照产生的年代效应,这为鉴别古陶瓷的年代提供了某种可能性,穆斯堡尔技术和其他分析技术相互配合可获得可靠的考古学信息。  相似文献   
为研究太和殿护板灰中所含有机组分,通过傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)及热裂解-气相色谱/质谱联用仪(Py-GC/MS)对太和殿上层护板灰、太和殿上层西南角护板灰进行分析检测。FTIR分析结果表明两个护板灰样品含有碳酸盐及油脂或虫胶漆类有机物,Py-GC/MS分析进一步确定两个样品所含有机物是植物油,且可能是生桐油与十字花科植物油脂的混合物;此外,在两个样品中检测到的雪松醇应该是太和殿所用杉木望板的挥发组分,而太和殿上层护板灰中则可能含有淀粉。研究结果有助于科学还原太和殿古建护板灰的传统制作方法。  相似文献   
On February 6, 2015, a local magnitude (ML) 6.6 earthquake struck southern Taiwan, devastating the Tainan area. A field investigation was conducted by a survey team from the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering immediately after the earthquake. This paper summarizes the observed geotechnical damage features caused by the earthquake, including liquefaction, slope sliding, levee failure, and dam performance. Several liquefaction sites were observed despite the intensity of ground shaking being moderate (peak ground acceleration, ~0.2 g). Most of these sites were originally old ponds that were backfilled during different periods in the last three to eight decades. Two significant types of damage to the levee of the Tseng-wen River were observed. At the Jianshan site, a typical type of levee damage was observed, in which the level crest subsided and the side slope developed several cracks. At the Rixin site, a flow-type of failure caused tremendous loss of levee (~400 m in total) at three adjacent locations. The levee embankments had “flowed” up to 60 m into the river.  相似文献   
The origins of the copper, tin and lead for China's rich Bronze Age cultures are a major topic in archaeological research, with significant contributions being made by archaeological fieldwork, archaeometallurgical investigations and geochemical considerations. Here, we investigate a recent claim that the greater part of the Shang‐period metalwork was made using metals from Africa, imported together with the necessary know‐how to produce tin bronze. A brief review of the current status of lead isotopic study on Shang‐period bronze artefacts is provided first, clarifying a few key issues involved in this discussion. It is then shown that there is no archaeological or isotopic basis for bulk metal transfer between Africa and China during the Shang period, and that the copper and lead in Shang bronze with a strongly radiogenic signature is not likely to be from Africa. We call for collaborative interdisciplinary research to address the vexing question of the Shang period's metal sources, focusing on smelting sites in geologically defined potential source regions and casting workshops identified at a number of Shang settlements.  相似文献   
唐宋时期,四川盆地形成南北二道,北道地位更高;南道地位相对较低,是东大路的前身。在明清四川盆地政治经济重心东移南迁的背景下,重庆成为与成都相当之一极,由此东大路逐渐定型与繁盛。明代东大路设立12个驿站,清代基本相承;沿线还设有大量铺递。东大路总里程为1000里左右,共10程,实际行走11—12天,西段往往借助沱江水路舟行。东大路定型于明初,初时多以“东南路”“川东路”“东路”相称。“东大路”之名形成于清末民初,它有联系两极、浅丘农业、丰沛水利、通江达海、界邻盐都等自然、人文优势,是四川盆地第一路,客观上形成“东大路经济带”。20世纪90年代以来“东大路经济带”地位下降,但“成渝双城经济圈”战略的提出又为古老的东大路振兴带来了机遇。  相似文献   
饰有回首式走兽纹的马具集中出现于两汉时期。该种纹饰原是北方地区特有的纹样,常见于牌饰等金属器物的装饰,具有强烈的北方游牧民族风格。而其传入中原地区,则与汉代贵族强烈的猎奇心理密切相关。此类马具同时出现于地理跨度极大的南、北方地区,是汉王朝民族政策与文化交流的结果。  相似文献   
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