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改革开放的三十年是中国特色社会主义理论和实践取得巨大发展的三十年.中国特色社会主义民族理论是中国特色社会主义理论的组成部分之一.历经30年的发展,中国社会主义民族理论日益成熟,形成体系,并具备了显著的中国特色.  相似文献   
孟子认为人区别于禽兽的只是“人性善”,它源于人类共有的同情之心。因为人特有理性精神——反思能力,人人可以发现自己的“本心”,人人也可以成为“尧舜”。“人性善”是孟子“仁政”学说的基石。然而把“人性善”作为“平天下”功业的起点,也使其诞生之日起就有了巨大的消极意义。可是,现代人视人性为物质生活,社会生活等等所决定,也使人类为了从精神家园逃离,失去了生存的终极意义。把“人性善”作为终极的价值理性或许可以拯救这一现代病。  相似文献   
陈泳超 《民俗研究》2009,(2):120-130
所谓“伦理悬置”,是指在民间故事演述中时常出现的一些伦理乖违现象,现实伦理既不能控制故事的伦理诉求,又不是完全不起作用的,它在完成叙事这一主要使命的途中,暂时被搁置起来、悬而不议了,体现了叙事对于伦理的干扰作用.从民间叙事的内在逻辑来看,故事情节越远离日常生活逻辑,“伦理悬置”的几率就越高;同时,伦理乖违涉及的对象范围越大,其实际的乖违感就越弱,“伦理悬置”的可能性也就越高。这是民间叙事与作家叙事的重要差别之一。  相似文献   
Ten Hours' Road Travel for Only Fifty-Five Kilometers Staff from the Information Office of Pome County informed us that Yiong Town produced a special Tibetan knife. This kind of knife has beautiful color patterns zigzagging along the edge of the knife. Therefore, the knife is also referred to as the "rainbow knife". It is handmade in a tradition inherited from local ancestors several generations ago. It can be referred to as a Yiong specialty. Desiring to have a look, we decided to drive to Yiong. Although staff from the Information Office of Pome County tried several times to make a phone call via satellite, there was no response which meant no guide or interpreter to lead us, so we had to be selfsufficient. Nevertheless, the attraction of such a fascinating knife lured a team of photographers consisting of five persons to set off together to search for the rainbow knife.  相似文献   
钟敬文强调从多学科视角研究民间文学,该观点得到了民间文学界的普遍响应。从多学科视角展开研究是民间文学研究的一个特色。作家文学研究也不排除多学科视角,但是,任何文学批评形态都必须在审美批评的通领之下。而民间文学可以从任何一个学科的视角去单独展开研究,或从某几个学科的视角去进行研究,而不一定要在审美视角的主导之下。研究民间文学的多学科视角主要指历史学、民俗学、民族学、伦理学、语言学及文艺学等学科视角。  相似文献   
同志们: 经国务院批准,成立《汶川特大地震抗震救灾志》编纂委员会,开展《汶川特大地震抗震救灾志》编纂工作。受国务院委托,我担任编委会主任,深感责任重大、任务艰巨、使命光荣。根据会议议程安排,现对“《汶川特大地震抗震救灾志》编纂工作实施方案”作说明。  相似文献   
试谈《嵩县志》数据资料核校方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数据资料在志书中处于举足轻重的地位,使用正确与否是志书编纂成败的关键。因此,应重视数据资料的收集整理、核校工作,要坚持“三统、三核、六对照”。“三统”就是统一用数口径、统一表格设置、统一计算方法和计量单位。“三核”就是横行竖列平衡核、计算方法验证核、校对过程持续核。“六对照”是指:概述与经济综述及相关部门数据对照;县委县政府章内容与经济综述及相关部门数据对照;经济综述与统计年鉴及相关部门数据对照;各乡镇内容与统计年鉴及相关部门数据对照;各乡镇与规模相近乡镇对照;叙述中分项与总数、表与文、相关部门间数据对照。  相似文献   
<中央关于冀南工作的指示>(以下简称<冀南>)原抄件落款时间只有"廿三日",没有年月,<中共中央文件选集>[1]和<八路军·文献>[2]均判定为1938年11月23日,<中华民国实录>和<中共中央北方局抗日战争时期卷>都沿用了这个时间.[3]但是,笔者经过考证后认为,<冀南>的成文时间不可能是1938年11月23日,而应当是1939年11月23日.  相似文献   
Accurate bone density data are essential for assessing the influence of destructive processes in archaeological faunal assemblages. Unfortunately, the diversity of methods employed by different researchers to derive density values has resulted in recent confusion. Two recent publications in this journal [J Archaeol Sci 29 (2002) 883; J Archaeol Sci 29 (2002) 979] exemplify this state of misunderstanding. Both studies argued that the role of bone density in shaping archaeological faunal assemblages has been largely overrated, but both based their conclusions on density values that were inaccurately derived. The former employed a method of calculating bone density that has been largely discredited over the past decade [J Archaeol Sci 29 (2002) 883]. Within a larger discussion of zooarchaeological methodology, the latter provided an assessment of the current state of bone density research that inappropriately characterized the discrepancies between available sets of density data as a reflection of the differences between two technologies—photon densitometry and computed tomography [J Archaeol Sci 29 (2002) 979]. The actual dichotomy exists—irrespective of the technology employed—between studies that account for variation in the shape of bone cross-sections and those that do not. The different sets of density data currently available to zooarchaeologists vary tremendously in their accuracy. We review and evaluate the different techniques employed in the research of bone density patterns of mammalian fauna. Computed tomography produces the most accurate density data. For elements without medullary cavities, photon densitometry may provide density values of similar accuracy but only if a method of cross-sectional shape-adjustment is applied.  相似文献   
在绘画创作中,李流芳的山水画在晚明画坛颇具代表性,其山水画在空间处理上已呈平面化趋势,树木山石的画法也具有某种符号化的特征,这种为追求形式之美而舍弃写实的描绘与明末形式主义画家有共同之处。  相似文献   
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