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曹英 《近代史研究》2007,(4):109-119
晚清时期,香港沦为英国的殖民地,与中国内地贸易的性质相应发生变化。第二次鸦片战争以后,中英两国协议,按照条约规定,在中国沿海贸易中将香港视为外国口岸。但是由于税收利益冲突,中英双方对于香港在国内转运贸易中的地位问题存在着难以抉择的两难局面,双方都希望香港能够在不同的情况下享有外国口岸和中国口岸的双重待遇,但双方的要求又是完全对立的,由此而引发了复杂的冲突与交涉。最后,1886年中英《香港鸦片贸易协定》正式确认了香港在沿海贸易中的外国口岸地位。这一问题充分体现了英国对华经济侵略的强权性质,反映了清政府主权观念的淡薄和经济发展意识的缺乏,但清政府反对从香港的走私和绕运,也有利于保护国家税收,维持经济秩序。  相似文献   
对唯物史观几个基本概念的再认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吴英 《史学理论研究》2007,10(4):116-126
在我国史学界,对生产力和生产关系这些唯物史观基本概念的解释似乎已经约定俗成,很难再有进一步的解释空间。但在今天,唯物史观对历史学的指导地位面临着巨大挑战,而其中认识上的原因恰恰是由于对它的一些基本概念和理论的现行解释遭遇了质疑。因此,有必要进行一番再认识,以增强其科学说服力。本文就此做一些初步尝试,以就教于同仁。  相似文献   

This article explores the historical events relating to the competing claims over the Minerva Reefs by Tonga and Fiji. Tonga’s sovereign claim over the Minerva Reefs was prompted by a private group’s laying claim to a 'Republic of Minerva' in 1972. At that time, Fiji, as well as the South Pacific Forum, recognized Tonga as the only possible owner of the Minerva Reefs, but did not explicitly recognize Tonga's claimed sovereign title. Such a position reflected the legal uncertainty in relation to Tonga's claim in 1972. The establishment of the 200?nm Exclusive Economic Zone legal regime in the late 1970s gave rise to Fiji's claim to the Minerva Reefs, whereas subsequent developments in international law have significantly reduced the legal uncertainty in relation to Tonga's claim.  相似文献   
高嵩 《史学集刊》2022,(2):117-129
在某种意义上,20世纪的美国历史也是一部残疾人的民权运动史。如果说经济大萧条初步唤醒了残疾人的就业权利意识,两次世界大战开启了美国伤残军人康复与就业援助的机制建设,第三次科技革命则加速了残疾人就业权利保障的制度化进程。从公共就业计划、残疾人社会保障保险计划、补充收入保障计划,到《1973年残疾人康复法》,再到《1990年美国残疾人法》,残疾人的就业权利经历了被漠视、依附于福利救济、向实现平等权利转变等阶段,给美国的政治、经济、社会、思想领域留下了诸多挑战和值得思考的问题。由于法律在解决社会问题上存有局限、残疾人对各种福利保障资助的依赖、根深蒂固的偏见等因素,美国残疾人争取平等权利之路仍任重而道远。  相似文献   
海峡西岸城市群是中国经济快速发展的热点地区,研究其城市活力与城市扩张的耦合关系对促进城市建设意义重大。本研究以 DMSP-OLS 和 NPPVIIRS夜间灯光数据为数据源提取1992—2017年该城市群城市建成区,利用城市扩张率指数等对城市扩张的动态及其演变特征进行分析;应用熵值法、耦合协调度模型等评估城市活力,在此基础上,探究了对应城市活力和城市扩张耦合关系。结果表明:在研究期间,海峡西岸城市群城市建成区面积增加了23228.79km2;城市活力呈逐步逐年增加趋势;城市活力与城市扩张的耦合协调性逐步增强;经济发展和城市规划、地理区位优势等因素也对研究区城市活力与城市扩张及其耦合协调度的变化有影响。本研究可为城市群时空演变及其城市活力评价分析提供方法借鉴与数据支持。  相似文献   
The inter-port trade of traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) materials dominated business structure in Hankou in 1872 to 1919, while the transfer trade of TCM materials also played an important role. Before 1904, musk was the predominant trading medicinal material among all TCM materials traded in Hankou, followed by Rhus chinensis mill. In the modern times, Hankou ranked second only to Shanghai in China in terms of the trading volume of TCM materials, since Hankou enjoyed a pronounced growth momentum then. If we look at each TCM materials’ market size, trading routes, and trading volume among various inflow and outflow ports, we can see based on the Hankou TCM materials trading structure that although there were changes from 1872 to 1919, the TCM business network and market performances formed in Hankou since the Qing dynasty did not sustain any disastrous impact from national economic and social changes, and their original vitality had retained. This was primarily due to the huge market demand in modern Hankou, the TCM commodity characteristics and the developed domestic market trade network in modern China.  相似文献   
董瑛 《中国地方志》2016,(4):54-57,64
地方志是中华民族的文化瑰宝,记载了大量的廉政史实。天一阁作为我国现存历史最悠久的私家藏书楼,不仅是收藏明代地方志最多的单位,而且还藏有明代实录、政书、官令、律例等历史文献资料。这些馆藏方志资源及其他藏品中蕴含着丰富的廉政文化,亟待挖掘、整理和开发,为推进社会主义廉政建设提供服务。  相似文献   
Land acquisition in suburban China is not merely the administrative means through which land is transferred from collectively owned rural land to state‐owned urban land; it is also a process of unlawful profit grabbing by rent‐seeking stakeholders. This licentiousness has been the source of intense controversy in recent years, becoming a major source of social unrest in contemporary China. Although standards of compensation are legally governed by strict policies, these standards are rarely followed as prescribed. As a result, we know very little about how revenue from land acquisition is shared in practice. This is because, as a contentious political issue rife with corrupt practices, accurate data are extremely difficult to obtain. This paper aims to address this vast empirical gap by tracing the flow of profit proliferation and distribution in a land acquisition case, using a suburban village in Shandong province, China, as an example. To expedite the drawn‐out acquisition process, the local government permits the corrupt behaviour of the village party secretary, who exploits his position to amass a great personal fortune. In contrast to previous research, which emphasises low compensation standards or excessive profit grabbing by local government, we find that villagers' protests are triggered by the corrupt practices of the village party secretary.  相似文献   
Though present before the Last Glacial Maximum, microblade technology is uncommon in the lithic assemblages of north-central China until the onset of the Younger Dryas (12,900–11,600 calBP). While it is clear that microblades here and elsewhere were connected with mobile adaptations organized around hunting, the attendant assumption that they served primarily in hunting weaponry is not. The archaeological record of north-central China, including excavations at Pigeon Mountain (QG3) and Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG 12) in Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Dadiwan in Gansu Providence, and a handful of bone/antler tools slotted for microblade inserts, indicate a more direct linkage to mobility. These data suggest the rise of microblade technology in Younger Dryas north-central China was mainly the result of microblades used as insets in composite knives needed for production of sophisticated cold weather clothing needed for a winter mobile hunting adaptation akin to the residentially mobile pattern Binford termed “serial specialist.” Limited time and opportunities compressed this production into a very narrow seasonal window, putting a premium on highly streamlined routines to which microblade technology was especially well-suited.  相似文献   
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