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北朝袒右肩陶俑初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋丙玲 《华夏考古》2007,(2):118-127
北朝时期,战事频繁,社会动荡不安,民族关系复杂,不同文化不断碰撞、交流和融合.在这种大环境下,北朝时期的文化艺术呈现出多姿多彩的面貌.袒右肩陶俑是北朝墓葬中使用的一类特殊陶俑,数量不多,但非常富有特色.本文试图在详细统计资料的基础上,初步探讨袒右肩陶俑的主要特征及其出现原因.  相似文献   
良渚遗址是实证中华5000年文明史的遗产地,良渚玉器在专业领域也一直受到广泛关注,2019年7月,良渚古城遗址项目成功列入《世界遗产名录》,更是让良渚文化走入了大众视野。7月16日,"良渚与古代中国--玉器显示的五千年文明展"在故宫博物院武英殿开幕。为了配合这一专题展览,中国文物学会玉器专业委员会、故宫研究院玉文化研究所、杭州良渚遗址管委会及良渚博物院联合主办了"良渚玉文化论坛",于8月30日在故宫博物院兆祥所召开,来自中国大陆及台湾地区的60余位代表出席了论坛,其中6位代表进行了主旨发言,学者们就出土与传世良渚玉器的相关问题展开了讨论。以下从这两方面分别加以概述。  相似文献   
Under the pressure of the national crisis in modern China, millennia-old traditional concepts have been broken and adjusted, and new trends and ideas have emerged in large numbers. In order to defeat local cosmetics, from the moment they entered China foreign cosmetics companies attacked the traditional Chinese cosmetics of eyebrow pigment (dai), lip pigment (gong), rouge (zhi), and face powder (fen). Corresponding to the enlightenment ideas of the early twentieth century, women could no longer pursue beauty in a way that harmed their bodies. In the movement to liberate women’s bodies in the 1920s, radical intellectuals developed a severe criticism of the bad habits of using corsets and applying powder, and the concept of “healthy beauty” came into being. However, in the context of the development of the women’s liberation movement and the respect for women’s consumer rights, the healthy beauty theory failed to suppress women’s consumption of beauty products, and “natural beauty” and “artificial beauty” ultimately coexisted in lifestyles of women in the modern era of Shanghai.  相似文献   
前秦时关中氐人分布的武都是指侨置武都郡。侨置武都郡始于曹魏。曹魏为与蜀汉争夺陇右,将武都氐人迁徙至关中,并先后在小槐里和美阳设置武都郡以进行管理。西晋江统的《徙戎论》反映出此时关中武都氐聚居的地方未置武都郡。十六国初期屠各刘氏和羯族石氏先后统治关中,将大量氐羌迁往关东,因此这一时期在关中侨置武都郡缺乏现实基础。苻健立国关中后,在战略要地宝鸡附近侨置武都郡,是其氐人本位政策的体现。北魏时侨置武都郡始领县级行政单位,统治范围扩大,标志着氐人的关中化,同时它也是太武帝平定盖吴叛乱时分化关中南道氐人的重要战略举措。西魏北周立国关中后受政区滥置影响,武都郡领县减少。隋开皇间侨置武都郡在当权者废郡、保留州县的地方行政政策的影响下消失于历史舞台。  相似文献   
新世纪以来中国博物馆展览事业发展迅猛,与国外博物馆的交流活动频繁,展览策划及相关的策展人制度、理事会制度以及公众服务等均在借鉴国外经验的基础上不断完善。加拿大皇家安大略博物馆副馆长沈辰先生指出,皇家安大略博物馆等西方博物馆在curator的职责和作用,展览策划的理念和实践以及展览流程中的团队协作、对公众体验的重视、展览的筹款、董(理)事会的功能等方面的经验可以为中国博物馆的展览策划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   
The handle‐shaped artefact is a special jade object of the Three Dynasties (c.2000–200 bc ) period. The manufacturing technology and function of the handle‐shaped artefacts are widely questioned. In this paper, two handle‐shaped artefacts from Yinxu (c.1300–1046 bc ) are tested by digital microscope, Raman spectrometer and scanning electron microscope. The results indicate that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be made in four steps, namely rough shape cutting, edge reforming, handle making and single‐side polishing. It also suggests that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be used as sacrificial offerings, but not as hairpins or handles.  相似文献   
In the face of the reemerging threat of preventable diseases and the simultaneous vaccine risk controversy, what explains variations in Americans’ policy preferences regarding childhood vaccinations? Using original data from a recent nationwide Internet survey of 1,213 American adults, this research seeks to explain differing public opinions on childhood vaccination policies and related issues of governance. As Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky's grid‐group cultural theory of policy preference formation suggests, cultural biases have a significant impact on the formation of preferences toward various vaccination policies. Hierarchs are in support of mandatory vaccination, oppose religious and philosophical exemption, and believe the government should preside over vaccination‐related decisions. Fatalists strike a bold contrast in their opposition to mandatory vaccination policy and support for religious and philosophical exemptions and the role of parents in deciding on vaccinations. Falling between hierarchs and fatalists, egalitarian support for vaccinations is stronger than individualists‘.  相似文献   
"十三五"以来,我国文化遗产保护事业进入新阶段,但是文化遗产管理体系复杂、多头管理、权责不明等问题一直未得到解决.因此,国家文化公园建设过程中,应首先理顺国家文化公园与既有遗产保护体系之间的逻辑与关系,建立以重大文化遗产为主体的国家文化公园体系;以保护传承为首要目标,构建统一规范高效的国家文化公园管理体制;突出国家代表...  相似文献   
利用XRF、金相显微分析等手段对湖北省荆门市境内左冢楚墓群出土的金属器,特别是青铜器进行了测试分析,XRF分析表明该楚墓群出土的青铜器多为铜、锡、铅三元合金,且容器的锡含量低于兵器和工具,而铅含量则相反。金相分析显示左冢楚墓群出士青铜器多为铸造组织,其中3件铸后经过不同程度的加热:而热锻成形的器物有4件,其中有一件在锻后进行了冷加工。结果显示,此批青铜器合金成分比较科学、制作工艺比较先进。  相似文献   
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