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李宏图 《世界历史》2015,(2):135-143,161
在西方学术界,一直具有重视思想史研究的传统。通过对思想史研究学术史的考察可以发现,长久以来,虽然思想史研究一直是欧洲学术界重点研究的领域,但还没有真正形成"历史性"的考察。20世纪80年代,"剑桥学派"的兴起才改变了这一研究范式。与此同时,以昆廷·斯金纳和德国的考斯莱克为代表的一些学者又提出"概念史"这一新的研究范式。值得注意的是,最近几年,学者们又在新的全球化的背景下提出思想史的"国际转向"。目前,思想史研究一方面正在深化对具体内容的研究,另一方面,也同时展开了对思想史研究范式本身的反思和讨论。而对这种学术史的梳理和反思将会有助于我们理解欧洲学术界研究范式不断推陈出新的基础和动力,以及重构思想史研究未来的取向与学术特性。  相似文献   
This article introduces latent trajectory models (LTMs), an approach often employed in social sciences to handle longitudinal data, to the arena of GIScience, particularly space‐time analysis. Using the space‐time data collected at county level for the whole United States through webpage search on the keyword “climate change,” we show that LTMs, when combined with eigenvector filtering of spatial dependence in data, are very useful in unveiling temporal trends hidden in such data: the webpage‐data derived popularity measure for climate change has been increasing from December 2011 to March 2013, but the increase rate has been slowing down. In addition, LTMs help reveal potential mechanisms behind observed space‐time trajectories through linking the webpage‐data derived popularity measure about climate change to a set of socio‐demographic covariates. Our analysis shows that controlling for population density, greater drought exposure, higher percent of people who are 16 years old or above, and higher household income are positively predictive of the trajectory slopes. Higher percentages of Republicans and number of hot days in summer are negatively related to the trajectory slopes. Implications of these results are examined, concluding with consideration of the potential utility of LTMs in space‐time analysis and more generally in GIScience.  相似文献   
Recognition and respect for sexual minorities in Hong Kong is still a contested area. Public sexual identity politics in Hong Kong has been framed by traditional Chinese gender ideology and imported Christian beliefs which are profoundly negative. Focusing on the interpersonal relationships in three spheres of life, the research adopted the sociological perspective of personal life and the feminist geographers’ idea of spatialization of identity management to analyze how the sexual self of sexual minorities has been marginalized and excluded in intimate social spaces of family, church communities and schools in Hong Kong with specific spatial practices and different forms of power/knowledge. By examining overlooked intimate injustice in personal life, this study illustrates that identity conflicts between Christianity and non-heterosexuality in everyday life is constructed through misrepresentation, misrecognition, harassment and exclusion in intimate relationships. Different types of knowledge are being used to reiterate pre-existing norms and institutionalized patterns of cultural value that constitute the sexual minorities as comparatively unworthy of respect. These micro-political processes involve both conformity and resistance to gender and sexual stereotypes. Participants managed to develop spatial coping strategies such as concealment, compartmentalization, confrontation and alternative sources of support to manage their lives with dignity and self-esteem.  相似文献   
The study implements the performance-based analysis and design methodology to assess the seismic vulnerability of a coal-fired power plant and to optimally design its equivalent pendulum-type tuned mass damper system such that the direct losses are minimized. A building-specific total loss ratio is developed to link the component level losses with the total repair cost of the original structure. The optimal system configuration is finally derived for cases with the minimum loss. The study demonstrates a systematic way of achieving the optimal pendulum-type tuned mass damper design with considerations of uncertainties in earthquake inputs and the combined component level damages.  相似文献   
The oldest extant musical instruments in the world are stone chimes. This music was created by the ‘eight tones’ that could be produced by these ‘stone’ voices. Although many of these stone chimes have been unearthed from sites predating the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China, their discussion in archaeological reports is usually not very thorough. In this paper, the ancient and modern samples are analysed from the point of view of lithology. The aim is to explore how the ancients chose to make these stones, and to check that the type of stone from which these ancient Chinese stone chimes are made is actually those recorded in previous studies. The results show that most of the ancient stone chimes in China are made of limestone. These chimes required a material with a single, homogeneous and compact mineral composition. Lingbi chimes (a kind of ‘lithophone’ produced in Lingbi county, China, are pure in composition and have a fine microcrystalline structure, which is the best choice for making stone chimes. This paper makes a systematic study of the lithology of Chinese stone chimes. The results supplement a significant lacuna in the study of ‘lithophone’ and ancient stone instruments both in China and on a more global scale.  相似文献   
The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   
李建栋 《文献》2007,(2):85-88
日藏弘仁本<文馆词林>存二残文①.罗国威按:"此卷残,只遗两首作者、题不明残简,原件系弘仁抄本,高野山正智院藏.  相似文献   
李定乾 《文献》2007,(1):83-89
王若虚(1174-1243),字从之,号慵夫,藁城(今河北藁城)人,金承安二年(1197)进士,金亡不仕,晚年自号滹南遗老.是金代后期著名文学理论家、经学家和文献学家,在金元之际学术界独步一时,与元好问堪称金代文化领域之双璧.本文拟对王若虚的著述尤其是他的<滹南遗老集>进行考述.  相似文献   
在中国传统法律思想史上,历代的和谐思想由来已久,我国政府2005年年初提出的社会主义和谐社会的构想是有其深远的思想文化基础的,并非是理论上的凭空创造,而是从中华法律文化思想宝库中采撷出的思想精华并加以理论创新而来。因此,我们要加强对我国历史上关于社会建设理论的研究,按照去伪存真、去粗取精的要求,努力做到古为今用。  相似文献   
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