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苏东海  毛颖  龚青 《东南文化》2012,(1):19-26,127,128
21世纪以来,我国的博物馆事业进入新的发展高潮,博物馆理论与发展研究面临许多新的重大课题。博物馆学家苏东海先生认为:博物馆理论研究需要从博物馆发展实践着手,博物馆发展研究要重视发展战略和时代主题的研究;生态博物馆作为一种文化遗产保护理论与行动的新思维,呈现出与传统博物馆两极分化、对立统一的关系,其成功应建基于让文化的主人真正成为自己文化的主人;文化遗产的保护与发扬体现了当前国际博协的战略思想,是博物馆的时代主题;博物馆应充分认识并强化自身独特的知识、审美和道德特征及其价值,提升专业功能与社会职能,增强文化竞争力;博物馆理论工作者应直面博物馆领域的复杂形势,加强对国内外博物馆以及博物馆学基础理论的研究,探索适合中国博物馆发展的理论体系和发展道路,建设有中国特色的博物馆学。  相似文献   
部分第二轮县(市)志书存在篇目设置不完整,缺少财政税收体制改革、预算外收支、财政收支平衡、资产管理等要项,还存在篇目设置归属不得当、标题名称不规范等问题。第二轮县(市)志书财政·税务篇篇目设置应从财政、税务行政管理的职能入手,以事以类聚,类为一志的编纂原则作为宏观谋篇的基本思路,以财政税收体制改革、财政收支、财政管理、税收及税收管理为主体内容。同时,第二轮县(市)志书设置财政‘税务篇篇目,必须注意先明体制、坚持横排门类、记述资料完整和遵照《国民经济行业分类标准》分类等问题。  相似文献   
The initial Late Paleolithic, said to appear between 40 and 30 kya in eastern Asia, is defined by the appearance of many innovations. These archaeological indicators include the appearance of more refined stone tool making techniques (e.g., include the appearance of blade and microblade technology), complex hearth construction, use of pigments and personal ornamentation, as well as worked faunal implements such as bone and antler tools. We report here new findings from a multidisciplinary research project conducted at the Shuidonggou (Choei-tong-keou) site complex in northern China, a series of localities that date from the initial Late Paleolithic to the Neolithic.  相似文献   
The Eurimji site in Jecheon City, Chungcheong Province holds major importance for Korean cultural heritage because it is assumed to be the oldest man-made reservoir for rice field irrigation in Korea. A multiproxy study provides the first scientific dating of the levee construction. The authors retrieved two sediment cores from the levee (core ER-1, 18.00 m long) and the reservoir bottom (core ER-3-1, 6.98 m long). Several plant fragment layers were observed between layers of dark gray clay–silt sediment in unit 2 of both cores. The spacing and thickness of these plant layers was relatively uniform (from 50 to 90 cm, and 5 to 6 cm, respectively). These features are interpreted to represent part of a man-made sedimentary sequence created using the consolidation-settlement drain method (tamped-earth or rammed-earth method) commonly used for dam or fortress construction in ancient times, as the features are not characteristic of natural river sedimentary processes. In this alternating sequence, bulk carbon from the sediment yielded AMS 14C dates of 2000–1400 14C yr BP, and the plant materials yielded dates of 1300–1200 14C yr BP. If workers at that time used two different materials such as available plant materials and clays for levee construction, the plant material is preferred for 14C age dating. This is because the origin of the carbon in the sediments is ambiguous, but the source of the plant materials has been confidently determined to be equivalent to the time of the levee construction. Therefore, the levee was constructed between 1200 and 1100 14C yr BP (AD 800–900), which is later than previously thought (i.e., AD 300 or AD 550). The results of our study also indicate that wetlands existed in the area before the construction of the Eurimji levee.  相似文献   
After the Korean War (1950–53), the two militarized Koreas governed each and every member of society in similar ways through their disciplinary politics of antagonistic nationalism. The existing studies of state formation in the two Koreas have neglected an aspect of state power that was neither necessarily top‐down nor violent from above but also reproduced from below. In both South and North Korea, especially from the 1960s to the 1970s, state power had internal dynamics that penetrated the day‐to‐day activities of most citizens and led them to actively accept and participate in nationalist rule. This article explores an understudied aspect of the two Koreas' state power that was disciplinarily diffused in people's everyday practices through reproduction of aggressive nationalism from below and the organic construction of the individual body and nation.  相似文献   
顾颖 《中原文物》2012,(2):63-67
南阳汉画是汉文化的载体,展现了瑰丽奇异的浪漫主义世界。汉画中的神仙世界充满了深刻的寓意和神秘的象征,反映了汉人浓厚的升仙思想,神灵大都以人兽同体的形象出现;人神杂处的世界是一个怪诞奇异、富于幻想的世界;对世俗生活的描绘透露出汉人积极乐观的生活态度。南阳汉画艺术与远古图腾、原始歌舞、商周文明、楚文化等一脉相承,密不可分。  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了目前楚式镇墓兽的研究情况.根据目前可见的考古发掘资料,作者考察了335座镇墓兽的具体情况,并从时间差异、地区差异、等级差异三个方面进行了研究,初步分析了出现这种变化的原因.文章分析了鹿角、头身、底座三个基本部分的内涵和意义,认为随葬镇墓兽是用来镇墓辟邪,它就是楚人崇拜的驱蛇辟邪的镇墓之神.  相似文献   
全站仪代码对测量数据分类管理有非常重要的作用,本文根据坑南遗址发现的遗迹和遗物的数据属性,编制了一套代码,将其运用于实际测量中。并提出代码编制中的注意事项。  相似文献   
博物馆策展人的素质与能力是博物馆陈列展览特别是专题展览成功的关键因素之一.美国大都会艺术博物馆亚洲艺术部主任、国际著名博物馆策展人屈志仁先生以"忽必烈的时代"展为例指出:博物馆策展人应同时具备学者、艺术鉴赏家与展览组织者的素质与能力,通晓与展览有关的历史学、艺术史、文化史及文物与博物馆学等学科知识,组织、协调从研究策划...  相似文献   
刘颖 《神州》2011,(3X):94-94
传统的英语教学应以语法知识为主,教学中严重地存在着“重知识传授,轻能力培养”的倾向,高分低能现象大量存在。时代呼唤英语教学必须实施素质教育,其效果始终要接受实践的检验,而其客观标准又具双重性:既要实现培养学生运用英语进行交际能力的目标,又要达到全面提高学生素质的标准。  相似文献   
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