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With the development of the commodity economy, towns became a new form in China’s urban landscape during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Of those towns, Jingdezhen, Zhuxianzhen, Foshan and Hankou, which were titled “The Four Famous Towns” in China, entered into a phase of thriving economic development. Their economies mostly could be considered as the resource-exploitation type, the comprehensive development type, and the commodity-distribution type. There were in fact several common factors found in these four towns. However, as Chinese history moved into its modern phase, foreign inputs, new social forces, and changing political systems all posed serious challenges to traditional towns. Modern development in the four towns took divergent paths. The town of Hankou developed rapidly, but the other three towns declined. From the different fates of these towns, important factors of urban modernization can be pried out.  相似文献   
2002年前后,中国财税博物馆征集入藏一套4件春秋晚期的编镈,其中一件钲部有清晰的滕侯赇之歌钟6字铭文,揭示了一个史料无载的滕国国君名,填补了滕国历史研究中的一个空白。这组青铜镈器形规整,铸造精良,但没有调音结构,可能是为滕侯赇下葬专门铸造的。  相似文献   
罗扬 《收藏家》2012,(5):9-17
乾隆皇帝自负风雅,嗜文好古,怡情翰墨,习字作画,品鉴名迹,把玩珍宝,尤工诗文(图1-2)。他喜砚、咏砚,在他的御制诗当中,有关砚的诗作就有200首,可见对古砚的喜爱。不仅如此,乾隆皇帝对澄泥砚更是情有独钟,在他的诗作中就有38首有关澄泥砚的诗,占他砚的诗作近五分之一。  相似文献   
杨海鹏 《收藏家》2009,(4):42-44
金代的女真耳饰出土和收藏不算多见,但在素有金源内地之称的黑龙江地区的几处金代贵族墓葬中,都发现有金耳饰。金代耳饰以耳环多见,耳坠较少,在金代贵族墓葬中多成套出土,并分为男用耳饰和女用耳饰,其中差别虽不是很明显,但还是可以区分出来的。  相似文献   
杨波 《收藏家》2009,(3):35-40
山东的济南、青州、高青、诸城、临朐、博兴等地佛教遗存丰富,历年来出土北朝造像数量甚多。山东石刻造像艺术融汇中外,兼采南北,发展序列完整,地域特征鲜明,在中国古代美术史上占有重要地位。特别是1996年10月青州市龙兴寺遗址出土的窖藏佛造像,数量之大、种类之多、雕凿之精美、彩绘贴金之富丽,震惊世界,  相似文献   
杨俊艳 《收藏家》2009,(10):3-8
2005年7月,在北京毛家湾,原明代皇城根西北隅,惊现全国最大瓷器坑。逾百万件瓷片自唐到明,越六朝900年,跨五湖四海,在正德末这一历史的瞬间,凝成了永远的传奇和无数的谜题。它们时代不一,混杂堆积,民窑精品与粗器参半并存,亦有少量珍稀罕见的官窑佳品闪烁着无比华美贵气的耀目光彩。  相似文献   
We conducted a paleo-parasitological study on soil samples from the ancient moat ruins of Weolseong palace, of the Silla Dynasty (BC 57–AD 935) of Korea. Based on the cultural remains found in the mud-soil layer, the layer was precipitated onto the floor of a moat between the 5th and 8th centuries AD. We found Trichuris trichiura eggs only in that mud-soil layer, whereas no parasite eggs were identified in the other archaeological strata of the ruins. As T. trichiura eggs are shed only in human feces, we speculated that palace toilet contents were continually drained into the moat; therefore, at a certain point in time after construction, the moat finally became a ditch around the palace. Structures in the stone embankments of the moat, possibly designed to make the water flow continuously in one direction, might reflect the Silla people's efforts to alleviate the ever-increasing problems inherent in a moat.  相似文献   
山西省介休市后土庙是一处国家级重点文物保护单位,主要以其精美的琉璃建筑而闻名,琉璃建筑被誉为"三晋琉璃塑造艺术的博物馆",在其东西配殿保存有明清时期的彩塑约1000余身.自从1993年落架保存在库房后,由于本身潜在的病因以及后来保存环境等因素的影响,彩塑产生了严重的酥碱粉化等病害.为了对其进行修复以及改善其保存环境,本文在现状调查的基础上,应用X-射线衍射(XRD)、离子色谱(IC)等分析仪器,对彩塑的制作材料及其工艺进行了分析研究,初步分析了彩塑病害产生的机理,为进一步的病害修复材料及工艺的筛选以及保存环境的改善等提供科学依据.  相似文献   
青龙泉遗址是国内目前为止墓葬随葬猪骨材料收集最拿面、标本最丰富的史前遗址.本文重点对青龙泉遗址墓葬出土猪骨的种群结构进行了初步的动物考古学观察.这批猪骨的年龄结构、性别比例、尺寸大小和LEH发病率四个方面均显示出明显的家猪种群结构模式,因而该墓地所随葬猪骨绝大部分属于家猪,其中也有少量的野猪个体.这为我们后续研究中系统探讨猪骨随葬所反映的社会结构细节提供了基础.  相似文献   
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