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Academician N.I. Vavilov had an international reputation as a scientist, agronomist, botanist, geneticist, plant breeder, explorer for wild progenitors of cultivated plants, selector of new crop varieties, organizer of expeditions, administrator of a large research institute, and a statesman. Beginning in 1916 in collection of crop varieties in Iran and the Pamirs, he personally explored large segments of the earth. In 1926 he published his famous study on centers of origin of cultivated plants. While head of the Institute of Applied Botany and New Crops, he organized many expeditions to search for new varieties of crops and their wild ancestors and established an international collection of seeds. While President of the Geographical Society (1931-1940) he arranged to have the society transferred from the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, thus transforming it from the Russian to the All-Union Geographical Society. He presented many lectures to the Society and greatly expanded its program of public lectures. But while on a scientific expedition to the western Ukraine, he was arrested on August 6, 1940. “An unforgiveable crime was committed. There has hardly been a more tragic fate since Galilee: the man who sought to give bread to the people died of starvation… He was a hero who gave his life for his scientific beliefs” (translated by H. L. Haslett, Birmingham, United Kingdom).  相似文献   
Wang, Y., Wang, Y. & Du, W., February 2016. The long-ranging macroalga Grypania spiralis from the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, Guizhou, South China. Alcheringa 40, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518

Grypania spiralis (Walcott) Walter et al., a macroalga previously reported in pre-Ediacaran successions, has been collected, together with abundant macrofossils (i.e., the Wenghui biota), from black shales of the upper Doushantuo Formation (ca 593 to 551 Ma) in northeastern Guizhou, South China. Morphologically, G. spiralis represents a carbonaceous ribbon with a continuum of forms from coiled to nearly straight. Its helicoid main body might have been suspended in the water column for photosynthesis with one end anchored or nestled into soft sediments. Grypania possessed morphological stability, and its habit endowed great competitiveness for sunlight. Remarkably, it did not change significantly in size or morphology over more than 1200 Myrs.

Ye Wang [], School of Earth Sciences and Resources, PR China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, PR China; Yue Wang [] (corresponding author), School of Resources and Environments, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550003, PR China; Wei Du [], Department of Earth Science and Astronomy, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan.  相似文献   

统筹发展是新的历史条件下的现实选择,其出发点与立足点是普遍存在的客观差异。研究空间差异是城市地理学的基本命题,但对于都市区内部空间发展的差异,既有的区域层面的研究成果对此并不完全适用。笔者认为,都市区内部空间发展差异存在着明显的"阴阳结构"。本文试图以"阳面区和阴面区"界定都市区内部存在发展差异的空间地域,并对其概念、内涵、特征、机制等进行探讨与剖析,以新的辨证思维和新的视角来研究新的境遇下都市区空间的发展。  相似文献   
上海市浦东新区土地利用与适度人口规模研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
上海市浦东新区的土地利用结构与人口分布在不同地域空间差异很大。本文通过与国内外人均建设用地及用地结构的比较,分析和探讨了中长期发展中,浦东新区合理的土地利用结构和人均建设用地。本文通过不同类型区建设用地总有效供给量与人均建设用地指标值之比,求出目标期内浦东新区不同类型区的适度人口规模,提出了高、中、低三个预期方案。文章结尾部分提出了在现状基础上,实现合理土地人口承载规模的建设用地结构及布局的调整和优化方案。  相似文献   
中国当代环境保护的发端   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1973年8月5日,中国第一次全国环境保护会议在北京召开。这次会议揭开了中国当代环境保护的序幕,是新中国开创环境保护事业的第一个里程碑。这个里程碑的建立,主要缘于以下三方面因素的综合作用。 (一)日益严重的环境问题 1949年新中国建立,中华民族开始了重新崛起  相似文献   
明代中后期岭南的地方社会与家族文化   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文讨论家族文化对岭南地方社会的影响 ,指出明中叶家族文化在地方上的发展一方面是儒家文化对基层社会渗透的结果 ,另一方面也是嘉靖年间在“大礼议”问题激起民间修祠祭祖之风的影响下 ,岭南庶民土著利用国家认可的伦理规范来确立血缘和地缘组织合法性的过程。虽然庶民宗族到了 18、 19世纪才趋于普遍 ,广东宗族社会在 18世纪才逐渐成型 ,但在 16世纪 ,岭南庶民及土著的造族活动已经开始。时士大夫所建构的家族已成为地方族群用以提高其身分地位的文化资源 ,民间造族活动开展的契机遂在这种情况下形成 ,而岭南家族社会的雏形也在珠江三角洲开始出现。  相似文献   
“中日文化协会”述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶美霞 《民国档案》2000,26(3):96-101
“中日文化协会”成立于1940年7月,以鼓吹日伪携手、共存共荣、共建所谓“大东亚共荣圈”与东亚文艺复兴为宗旨。第二次中日战争期间,日本在武装侵略中国、占领大片中国领土的同时,还对广大沦陷区人民实施文化侵略。对“中日文化协会”的成立经过、组织机构及基本活动略加梳理,有助于透视这段被污染、扭曲的中日文化交流史。  相似文献   
本文对香港文物古迹条例的六部分进行了概括性的阐述,并与《中华人民共和国文物保护法》、台湾地区的《文化资产保存法》及外国等相关法律作了初步的比较研究。  相似文献   
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