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The concept of region-based planning and management bodies, which flourished for a time during Khrushchev's sovnarkhozy reforms, is resurrected, this time under the guise of promoting decentralization and enhancing territorial versus sectoral planning under perestroyka. More precisely, the authors argue for devolution of meaningful planning and management functions to a network of smaller and more numerous economic regions, with “regional economic councils” serving as bodies for planning and coordinating the activities of smaller spatial units within these regions. A scheme describing how such a network might function within the current Soviet bureaucratic structure and economic environment is presented (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   
栾晔 《收藏家》2013,(12):19-26
沈阳故宫是东北地区最著名的古代建筑群,也是中国现存的两座帝王宫殿之一。沈阳故宫博物院自1926年11月16日成立"东三省博物馆筹备处"起,至今已有88年的历史。这里除了建有颇具满族特色的皇家宫殿建筑群,还保存着数万件清代宫廷文物和明清时期艺术品文物,其中珍藏的清宫钟表,则是沈阳故宫院藏品中最具宫廷特色文物之一。在乾隆时期,沈阳故宫曾经是除北京故宫以外的最大皇家收藏地。这里庋藏丰富;在宫廷藏品中,制作精美、风格独特的清宫钟表,占有重要地位。这些来自海外的西洋钟不仅造型精美,款式别致,而且做工精细,技术先进,  相似文献   
栾晔  张莹 《收藏家》2013,(8):3-12
沈阳故宫是我国目前保存最为完整的两大古代宫殿建筑群之一,素以具有多民族风情的宫苑建筑和独具特色的皇宫珍藏蜚声华夏。盛京皇宫自1625年兴建,存在至今已有389年的历史。回顾这段历史,兴亡变幻,人世沧桑,令人顿生无限感慨。皇朝远去,风光不再。但它留下的宏丽宫殿、万千文物,依然辉映着熠熠光华。沈阳故宫原本是一座宝库,经清朝二百多年的充实,积蓄了大量的稀世之珍。  相似文献   
叶建 《史学理论研究》2013,(1):64-71,159
20世纪初,中国近代学人从译述日本的西方哲学史著述开始,初步介绍了分析的历史哲学的代表人物及观点,而后梁启超、李大钊等人又有更进一步的阐释。自20年代中期起,一批史学家、哲学家不满足于二手材料,强调从原著入手加以研究,这推动了西方哲学在国内传播高潮的到来。由此可见,西方分析的历史哲学俨然成为西学东渐中不可或缺的一道风景。因它与实证主义史学理论等存在差异甚至是对立,故其传播对当时占主导地位的进化史观、史学性质科学说等关键命题都有相当多的回应,这引发了时人的深入反思,推动了中国近代史学理论的深化。  相似文献   
2009年,瑞安市文物普查队在高楼乡兴福寺遗址地下发现40多件宋代石塔遗构,初步考证为原兴福寺之石塔——宋代堵波式石构七佛塔。塔体平面呈六角形,由双重须弥座、六楞瓜腹塔肚、仿木构塔檐及塔刹四大部分组成。宋代堵波式小石塔主要流行于浙、闽地区,存世者寥寥,能完整保存七塔规制之实例者鲜见,而刻有七佛名号的石塔则更为稀少。兴福寺石塔的发现不仅丰富了浙南佛教文化内容,是研究宋代七佛石塔规制、民间石刻工艺和佛教在江南地区传播等方面的重要实物资料。  相似文献   
To accurately model the regional climatic effects of land use/cover change processes, precise reconstructions of historical land cover are essential. Over the past 300 years, the northeastern region has undergone more significant land cover change than any other region in China owing to large numbers of farmer migrants from North China, reflecting the tremendous effects human activities can have on such changes. In this paper, based on official statistical data, documentary records, survey data, and modern remote-sensing data and vegetation and soil maps, land cover changes across Northeast China over the past 300 years have been reconstructed through cropland data calibrations using correlation analysis, potential vegetation reconstructions, urban area estimations, spatial analyses of land cover type changes by K-mean clustering analysis, and consideration of land use driving forces. The results indicate that cropland expanded gradually from south to north through the cities of Shenyang, Jilin, and Ha’erbin as well as out to the margins of the central plain of Northeast China, with a maximum expansion occurring in the 1950s. Pristine forests and grasslands diminished significantly, especially in the early twentieth century, due to this expansion of cropland. The conclusions drawn from these results are, first, that these results provide a scientific understanding of the process by which the original land cover was replaced by cropland in Northeast China over the past 300 years. Second, the results enabled the development of a series of land use/cover changes maps with 50–100 year time resolutions and county-level spatial resolutions. Based on the reconstructed results of these land cover type changes, the dynamics and causes of land cover changes are discussed in their social–historical contexts.  相似文献   
Although there is a growing body of scholars who have examined the reproduction and experiences of masculinities, research on the experiences of migrant men remains relatively limited. While I continue to draw upon insights from these scholars of both migration and gender, my data show that there remains considerable potential to contribute to this research field, in particular, analysing the reproduction of masculinity through a class lens. Drawing upon migrants' own narratives and notions of class by Bourdieu, I examine how Bangladeshi men make sense of their labour migration to Singapore, particularly after they fall out of work. Their responses are not only based upon instrumental calculation, but are also powerfully shaped by a complex set of normative gendered formations that can further constrain them.  相似文献   
雷发林  吴若峰 《旅游》2006,(2):36-43
“垂涎已久”。 很好概括了我们对山西旅游的向往。 “当我们驱车纵贯山西南北时,最强烈的印象是:山西遍地是国宝。”这是中国国家地理杂志总编单志蔷在卷首语里说的第一句话。 “山西,遍地是国宝。”简单7个字,却有无穷诱惑力。素有“中国古代艺术博物馆”美称的山西,保留有全国百分之七十的地面古代建筑。山西现存古代建筑数量之多和历史、艺术价值之高都居全国之首。 “十年中国看深圳,百年中国看上海,千年中国看西安,五千年中国看山西”。[编者按]  相似文献   
泰山石敢当源流考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
叶涛 《民俗研究》2006,1(4):161-194
在住宅或村落周边、桥道要冲等处树立石敢当或泰山石敢当的习俗,在我国具有悠久的传统。考察其历史,我们会发现其中存在着从石敢当到泰山石敢当、再演变出石大夫等各种变异形态的发展脉络。  相似文献   
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