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李约瑟《中国科学技术史》是一部享誉世界,功贯全球的著作。古籍史料的翻译错误是其白璧微瑕,为使其更加完美,就古籍翻译的三个问题进行商榷。其一,古籍数词的翻译错误;其二,古文献人名的断译错误;其三,古史书的校勘标点错误。  相似文献   
关宏 《收藏家》2008,(8):47-50
古琴是中国历史上最悠久,艺术水平最高,最具有民族精神,审美情趣和艺术特征的乐器,蕴含着丰富而深刻的文化内涵,千百年来一直是中国古代文人、士大夫手中爱不释手的器物。古琴的造型美观流畅、错落大方。它集乐器、书法、篆刻于一身,是难得的艺术珍品。古琴也称瑶琴、玉琴、七弦琴、绿绮等,它距今已有三千多年。本文收集从战国到清代的古琴资料,  相似文献   
Dominant discourses and strategies of the post-11 September ‘war on terror’ reflect an ideological absolutism that has left the democratic space of civil society in the Asia–Pacific severely curtailed and compressed. Recovery of this distinct space of freedom, so crucial to ‘civilisational’ amity, begins with the strategic deconstruction of the totalising logics and practices underwriting not only the words and deeds of religious militants but also those of state actors. Accordingly, amity is best sought not through uncritical fidelity to essentialist and exclusivist understandings of subjectivity, but acknowledgement and acceptance of the reality that the self is necessarily indebted to the other, to which the former must exercise an ethical responsibility.  相似文献   
晚清局所与清末政体变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晚清局所适内忧外患之变局而出现,为平定战乱与善后、筹措赔款的应急措施。成同以后局所膨胀与捐纳、保举泛滥及行政新事务的扩展相交织,形成了由督抚掌控的非正式行政机构,造成了官与差、名义与实权相分离的局面,加剧了吏治腐败与财政困窘。清廷三令五申裁撤而未能显效,客观上削弱了其分权制衡的掌控力。局所泛滥的乱象背后,既隐伏着各级政府对社会变动下既有政体结构与职能如何调整的角力,同时也掩盖了局所在接引新知与发展新兴事业方面曾起过的重要推动作用。丙午官制改革与清理财政,以司道改制的方式归并局所功能,使之纳入职官体制,直省行政由此根本改变。  相似文献   
Rescue excavations in Prohear, southeast Cambodia, recently saved the last untouched graves of one of the richest prehistoric sites in Southeast Asia. Many Iron Age burials dating from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD contained gold and silver ornaments so far unknown from archaeological contexts together with indications for the presence of an immigrated elite. A first selection of 59 objects were analysed by LA-ICP-MS to obtain detailed information about the composition, as well as minor and trace elements. The majority of the ornaments consist of electrum and auriferous silver with low copper concentrations, and two main groups indicating different alluvial gold sources can be distinguished by different concentrations of Pt, Ir, Bi and different Pd/Pt ratios, one group being related to rich burials with non-local features. The SEM and EDX analyses of four objects revealed two different gilding techniques observed for the first time in Southeast Asian artefacts: foil-fusion gilding, related to special Ag–Au–(Cu)–Sn alloys containing up to 4% tin, and depletion gilding.  相似文献   
文章就儒学的性质、基本特征和根本精神等答记者问。指出传统儒学要经过批判性继承和创造性重建,同时接纳和融合西方文化的民主、博爱价值观,才能实现面向现代化、全球化的思想转型,获得广阔的发展空间并立足于世界多元文化之林。  相似文献   
关捷  关伟 《满族研究》2006,45(3):24-30
在半殖民地半封建的中国,满族同汉族及其他少数民族一样,既遭受欧美资本主义列强的野蛮侵略与掠夺,又倍受封建压迫与剥削。他们面对国家的兴亡,民族的危难,并受民族民主革命思想的影响,逐渐产生救斯民于水火,扶大厦于将倾思想,随之进行反帝反封建的坚决斗争,为中国进步事业做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
任冠  魏坚 《江汉考古》2020,(4):102-111
遥感与地理信息系统是城市考古研究中重要的技术手段。借助遥感技术,在识别遗迹的基础上,首先可以对城址开展地图测量,确保研究数据的准确性,其次可以获取不同精度的地形地貌数据,从宏观和微观层面分析城址的空间环境和布局结构,最终可以为城市复原研究提供线索,提高田野考古工作的效率和精度。在地理信息系统应用方面,本文提出了"城市圈"的概念,将城址与周边遗址和自然环境纳入同一个空间集合进行考察,可以充分发挥地理信息系统的空间分析功能,行之有效的剖析城市空间属性所反映出的人地关系和社会关系。  相似文献   
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