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为保护古建筑,采用试验方法,研究了不同方法加固榫卯节点后木构架的抗震性能。基于故宫太和殿某开间梁柱节点的具体尺寸,制作了1:8比例的4梁4柱木结构空间框架模型,其中梁和柱考虑为燕尾榫形式连接。采用人工加载方式,进行了低周反复加载试验,研究了马口铁、CFRP布和钢构件加固榫卯节点后对木构架抗震性能的影响。基于试验结果,获得了加固前后构架的力-侧移滞回曲线和骨架曲线,分析了构架耗能能力、刚度退化规律及变形能力,对不同方法加固木构架的抗震效果进行了对比,对其工程应用提出了建议。  相似文献   
为保护故宫太和殿,采用数值模拟方法,研究了太和殿的结构现状特征。采用ANSYS有限元程序,考虑榫卯节点、斗拱连接等构造,建立了太和殿有限元模型。分别对模型进行自重作用、风荷载作用下的静力分析及8度常遇地震作用下的时程响应分析,获得了太和殿在不同荷载作用下的内力及变形分布特征,评价了太和殿的结构安全现状。结果表明:重力及风荷载作用下,太和殿结构的内力、变形均在容许范围内;地震作用下,结构保持稳定状态,且榫卯节点及斗拱构造有利于减震。因此,太和殿结构现状是安全的。  相似文献   
Lee, D.-C., Park, J., Woo, J., Kwon, Y.K., Lee, J.-G., Guan, L., Sun, N., Lee, S.-B., Liang, K., Liu, L., Rhee, C.-W., Choh, S.-J., Kim, B.-S. & Lee, D.-J., September 2012. Revised stratigraphy of the Xiazhen Formation (Upper Ordovician) at Zhuzhai, South China, based on palaeontological and lithological data. Alcheringa 36, 393–412. ISSN 0311-5518.

Three exposures of the Upper Ordovician Xiazhen Formation at Zhuzhai, Yushan, Jiangxi Province, China are re-measured and described in detail. Comparison of palaeontological and lithological data from the exposures (designated sub-sections ZU1, ZU2 and ZU3) reveals that the sub-sections overlap stratigraphically. Nearly identical assemblages of trilobites and brachiopods occur in mudstones of ZU1 and ZU3, whereas a different assemblage occurs in those of ZU2. Identical coral species occur in the overlapped intervals of ZU1 and ZU2, and ZU1 and ZU3, respectively. In addition, a distinctive identical lithological succession consisting of brachiopod-bearing nodular limestone at the base to coral floatstone at the top is evident in the overlapped interval of ZU1 and ZU2; prism-cracked algal laminites are found in the same interval; and bioclastic limestone beds, which represent bioherms consisting mainly of corals and stromatoporoids, occur in both ZU1 and ZU3. A thrust fault system appears to be responsible for the repetition in the subsections, and the faulting was probably due to the major post-Ordovician structural movements exerted on the Zhe-Gan Platform of the Jiangnan Region of the South China Block.

Dong-Chan Lee [dclee@hit.ac.kr], Department of Heritage Studies, Daejeon Health Sciences College, 300-711, Daejeon, Republic of Korea; Jino Park [jinopark@korea.ac.kr], Suk-Joo Choh [sjchoh@korea.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Korea University, 136-701, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Jusun Woo [jusunwoo@kopri.re.kr], Division of Polar Earth-System Sciences, Korea Polar Research Institute, 406-840, Incheon, Republic of Korea; Yi Kyun Kwon [kyk70@kigam.re.kr], Marine and Petroleum Division, Korea Institutue of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, 305-350, Daejeon, Republic of Korea; Jeong-Gu Lee [leejg@mest.go.kr], Seung-Bae Lee [sblee@mest.go.kr], Exhibition Planning and Coordination Division, Gwacheon National Science Museum, 427-060, Gwacheon, Republic of Korea; Liming Guan [glm.1103218@yahoo.com], Ning Sun [sun@andong.ac.kr], Kun Liang [ibcaskun@126.com], Lu Liu [liulu323@hotmail.com], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University, 760-749, Andong, Republic of Korea; Dong-Jin Lee [djlee@andong.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Andong National University, 760-749, Andong, Republic of Korea and College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, PR China; Chul-Woo Rhee [gloryees@chungbuk.ac.kr], Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Chungbuk National University, 361-763, Cheongju, Republic of Korea; Byong-Song Kim [kbs1972@163.com], Department of Resources Exploration Engineering, Kim Chaek University of Technology, Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea and College of Earth Science, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, PR China. Received 16.10.2011, revised 4.1.2012, accepted 16.1.2012.  相似文献   
麦积山石窟初期洞窟从造像题材、组合内容等方面反映了禅观的思想。本文从禅观经典的翻译和翻译者的出身地论述中国早期石窟所反映的禅观思想来源于犍陀罗。麦积山石窟也不例外,同样受到了犍陀罗的影响。  相似文献   
晚清局所与清末政体变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
晚清局所适内忧外患之变局而出现,为平定战乱与善后、筹措赔款的应急措施。成同以后局所膨胀与捐纳、保举泛滥及行政新事务的扩展相交织,形成了由督抚掌控的非正式行政机构,造成了官与差、名义与实权相分离的局面,加剧了吏治腐败与财政困窘。清廷三令五申裁撤而未能显效,客观上削弱了其分权制衡的掌控力。局所泛滥的乱象背后,既隐伏着各级政府对社会变动下既有政体结构与职能如何调整的角力,同时也掩盖了局所在接引新知与发展新兴事业方面曾起过的重要推动作用。丙午官制改革与清理财政,以司道改制的方式归并局所功能,使之纳入职官体制,直省行政由此根本改变。  相似文献   
A thorough investigation of earthquake-induced collapse of reinforced concrete frames is presented. The inherent correlation between the nonlinear behavior of key components and the collapse mechanism of overall frame is examined through concurrent collapse tests of both frame and key components. Important issues in the component models are investigated through calibration against experiments, leading to a comprehensive structural system model. Both test and simulation indicate that the seismic performance are predominately governed by the key columns, whereas the energy dissipation capacity is somewhat affected by the joints. This study offers systematic experimental data and numerical models for future collapse assessments.  相似文献   
Can the arts and culture prosper under a less than democratic political regime? This paper looks at the soft authoritarian Singaporean government and the making of Singapore into a ‘City for the Arts’. Many scholars advocate that a culturally vibrant and creative city must also celebrate diversity, tolerance and experimentation. This implies that a democratic space is needed for creative energies to flow. Singapore is not known for its democracy. But Singapore has become relatively successful in being the cultural hub in the region. A more liberal approach to diversity and criticism of the authorities can now be observed but there are still many strong‐handed social and political controls in the city‐state. This paper tries to answer these two questions: has Singapore become democratic because the authorities want the arts and culture to flourish? Is democracy necessary for the creation of a lively cultural city?  相似文献   
文章就儒学的性质、基本特征和根本精神等答记者问。指出传统儒学要经过批判性继承和创造性重建,同时接纳和融合西方文化的民主、博爱价值观,才能实现面向现代化、全球化的思想转型,获得广阔的发展空间并立足于世界多元文化之林。  相似文献   
Rescue excavations in Prohear, southeast Cambodia, recently saved the last untouched graves of one of the richest prehistoric sites in Southeast Asia. Many Iron Age burials dating from the 2nd century BC to the 1st century AD contained gold and silver ornaments so far unknown from archaeological contexts together with indications for the presence of an immigrated elite. A first selection of 59 objects were analysed by LA-ICP-MS to obtain detailed information about the composition, as well as minor and trace elements. The majority of the ornaments consist of electrum and auriferous silver with low copper concentrations, and two main groups indicating different alluvial gold sources can be distinguished by different concentrations of Pt, Ir, Bi and different Pd/Pt ratios, one group being related to rich burials with non-local features. The SEM and EDX analyses of four objects revealed two different gilding techniques observed for the first time in Southeast Asian artefacts: foil-fusion gilding, related to special Ag–Au–(Cu)–Sn alloys containing up to 4% tin, and depletion gilding.  相似文献   
关莹 《南方文物》2010,(2):161-164
<正>19世纪开始,近代考古学伴随着欧洲学者的身影远渡重洋,来到遥远的新大陆继续成长。今日的美国考古学已经得到了更加如火如荼的发展,并怀揣着经典理论与新生方法,走向了全球,对亚洲、大洋洲、非洲考古学的发展起到了不同凡响的带动  相似文献   
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