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关桂霞 《攀登》2005,24(1):26-31
本在剖析西部民族特性的基础上,重点计论了西部民族政策教育的对象和应突出解决的重点问题;同时强调,教育不是万能的,要实现我们预期的目标,各级有关部门还必须正确处理民族关系中的人民内部矛盾,最大限度地化解消极因素。这也是考察各级干部执政能力和执政水平的一项重要内容。  相似文献   
In 2006–2007, I interviewed elderly Singaporeans on theirexperiences of resettlement from an urban kampong (village)to emergency public housing after a great fire in 1961. I learnedmuch about the lives of semiautonomous dwellers in an unauthorizedsettlement and the individual and social transformation followingtheir rehousing. My informants also highlighted what the experiencesmeant to them and their identity in a modern city-state. Thispaper treats the testimonies as both source and social memoryand seeks to avoid the essentialism into which many social historians,oral history practitioners, and memory scholars have fallenin their approach toward the craft. As a source of social history,when used in conjunction with other historical sources, thereminiscences are patently useful for understanding the roleof public housing in transforming a marginal population intoan integrated citizenry. This enables the writing of a new socialhistory of postwar Singapore that departs from the discursiveofficial accounts of urban kampong life and of the 1961 inferno.At the same time, the oral history also underlines powerfulsocial and political influences on individual memory, beingmarked by nostalgia for the kampong and ambivalence toward theimagined character of younger Singaporeans. Statements on therumors of government-inspired arson in the 1961 calamity, however,constitute a significant countermyth in contemporary society,revealing a more critical side to the social memory.  相似文献   
清代伊犁将军职掌考述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
伊犁将军是清朝政府在平定准噶尔、统一新疆过程中,根据新疆所处的自然地理环境与社会环境,本着在边疆地区"因俗施治"的原则而设置的,其职掌与权限在不同时期、不同条件下是不同的。伊犁将军的实际治政权力比法定治政权力要小,这是由清朝政府为了防止地方势力坐大及在边疆民族地区实行"因俗施治"政策决定的。  相似文献   
本文据日本正仓院所藏文物及相关文献资料考证认为:日本奈良时代后期(天平宝字二年公元758年)孝谦天皇于奈良内宫举行的“初子祭”(又称初子仪式)乃中国古代“躬耕帝籍”与“躬桑亲蚕”祭祀仪式的联合搬演。它表明了中国礼制文化对日本的传承关系,同时也显示出公元6-8世纪间日本古代政治中强烈的“东方小中华”意识。  相似文献   
单冠初 《史学月刊》2002,4(3):62-67
日本政府延至1913年10月才正式承认中华民国,但又规定在内外公文中要以“支那”或“支那国”称呼中国。在30年代末和40年代初,又先后将其改为“中华民国”和“中国”。每一次改称背后都包含着分裂或独占中国的野心,也是民国时期日本对华政策和中日交涉中的一个症结。  相似文献   
民族问题与构建和谐青海   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关桂霞 《攀登》2007,26(5):73-75
世界上只要存在着民族、存在着多民族国家结构,就会存在着民族问题,这就是一般意义上的民族问题的普遍性。青海在民族构成、自然条件、社会经济、习俗文化、宗教信仰、族际关系等方面具有的特点,决定其民族问题具有一些特殊表现形式。构建和谐青海,就要重视研究和解决民族问题在其中具有的作用及其所产生的影响。  相似文献   
清季官制改革启动前,程序和步骤均有不同方案,选择结果对改革进程不无影响。当朝执政未能统筹全局,却照搬外国经验,从而内外官改制难以协调,督抚的双重身份又成为官制改革的症结及矛盾焦点。因改制权力频受削弱的督抚,设法图存扩张,先是多方表达自己的不满和诉求,继而利用立宪派和民众的请愿,公开向清廷施加压力。直至辛亥前夕,外官改制的最终方案仍未确定,由此引发的权与利的争斗,加速了清王朝垮台。所遗留的省级行政权力及其长官身份地位问题,成为民初割据纷争要因,且依然困扰着后来行政体制的规划者与建设者。  相似文献   
As international marriages continue to be on the rise around the world, and in East and Southeast Asia in particular, there is an increasing need for more focused studies on the phenomenon. While the extant literature has paid attention to the complex dynamics of marital intimacies through a ‘gender-sensitive’ lens, the experiences of men are still largely under-examined. This article considers the gendered and classed subjectivities of Singaporean husbands who have married Vietnamese wives and focuses on ‘money’ as a key vehicle through which the men are able to construct masculinities in the spaces of transnational marriage and family. We argue that these non-migrant men engage with transnational processes and practices strategically in order to reclaim respectable and honourable masculine status. In doing so, they dislodge themselves from the idiom of ‘failed masculinity’ commonly ascribed to men who seek foreign spouses, but at the same time reproduce dominant models of masculinity predicated on ‘breadwinning’ and ‘providing’. This article draws on the narratives of 20 Singaporean Chinese men from a range of social backgrounds to demonstrate the endurance of money and economic potency in the performance of masculinities.  相似文献   
老舍民族心理刍说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关纪新 《满族研究》2006,1(3):94-110
具有重大历史意义的辛亥革命其负面作用之一,是将满族与清朝廷视为一体,从而否定了满民族。满族社会变迁对于作为文化人与文学家的老舍其民族心理的形成及走势,构成了既潜在又具有某些决定性的制约,它或明确或隐约地作用于作家的文学活动。他一生关注和书写着北京及各地满族同胞的命运,描写虽未标明民族身份却又明显带有满人特征的形象,来为自己的民族洗辱辩诬。老舍既非政治家亦非哲人,他很难跳出本民族正在遭难的小圈子去“放眼大局”,却选择了与本民族民众同呼吸、共进退的思维和行为方式。让老舍民族心理备受折磨的,莫过于本民族被看成是个缺乏爱国精神、不乏卖国记录的民族,他用作品中的同胞形象更用自己爱国者的一贯行动,来显示本民族的爱国传统。满族文化人反感于民国时期的道德颠覆,将“洁身自好”确立为处世准则,老舍亦如此。为了让社会上重新认识满族,他在晚年创作中正大光明地状写满族。其笔下人物所述“我爱我们的国呀,可是谁爱我呢?”正是满族人带着自我临终关怀性质的“天问”。  相似文献   
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