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满族,是一个颇有作为的民族。作为中华民族大家庭的一员,满族以其勤奋、勇敢、开拓、包容的崇高品格和反抗外来侵略、捍卫国家尊严的不屈精神,为祖国的统一和发展,为中华优秀传统文化的继承和弘扬,做出了重大的历史贡献。人们在历史发展和社会实践中,对满族的认识不断升华,对满族的研究愈益重视,科学地探索满族的本质属性和发展规律,业已成为一门学科,即满学。满学,亦称满洲学,与蒙古学、藏学共同构成中国学(过去称汉学)的三个重要组成部分。满学与清史密切相关,可以说“你中有我,我中有你”,但满学又有其自身学科固有的特征。满学主要研究满族的历史和文化,现实与未来,包括政治、经济、军事、文学、艺术、民族、宗教、民俗、语言、文字、医学、民族关系等,其本身又是一个有机的整体。从20世纪80年代开始,满学研究呈现蓬勃发展的趋势。满学研究对于当代社会经济发展以及继承和弘扬中华民族传统文化都具有重要意义。辽宁是满族的故乡,沈阳是清朝的发祥地。在辽沈大地居住着500多万满族同胞,占全国满族人口的一半以上。辽宁省设有8个满族自治县(含两个县级市)和若干个满族乡镇,是满族聚集和活动的主要地区。世界文化遗产沈阳故宫和盛京三陵等举世闻名的人文景观,辽宁省...  相似文献   
张之洞与晚清学部   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
190 7年至 190 9年张之洞以军机大臣管理学部 ,直接负责清末兴学国策的制定与实行。在他的主持下 ,学部于积极推动普通和实业教育的同时 ,提倡保存国粹 ,继续奖励学堂出身 ,办事方针出现从锐进而缓行、由创新而复古的变化。透过各种错综复杂的关系 ,可见湖北与直隶的门户立异和人脉渊源 ,对中央教育行政的决策乃至近代教育发展的进程与样态影响至为深远。  相似文献   
This study challenges the conventional correlation between economic performance and the level of the development of social security systems. By focusing on China's urban areas, we provide an overview of the components and benefits, from a comparative perspective, of China's current social security system. We also create a comprehensive and generally applicable method using factors such as economics and population, among others, as standards to evaluate the efficacy of China's system. In order to demonstrate our primary hypothesis – that the Chinese Communist Party government has to modify its social security system to adapt to or bring about changes in the basis of its legitimacy – we analyse Chinese social security records and other related data after 1949 by statistical methods. The formula we provide in this study can be used to forecast China's expenditure on its urban social security system, and other scholars can apply our methods to countries in which conditions are broadly similar.  相似文献   
充分发挥图表作用,不断提高志书编纂质量,应做到四点:1.表格是历代修志的传统手法之一,是志书的有机组成部分,可有效补充文字记述的不足,增强志书的表述能力。2.解决首轮修志入志表格存在的问题和不足,进一步增强表格的科学性、逻辑性、完整性、规范性,提高志书编纂质量。首轮修志入志表格存在的主要问题和不足有:表格不完整,表目设计欠科学;表文处理不当、排列不规范;双重标准、前后不一。因此,第二轮修志要进一步规范表格编纂,确保志书表格要素齐全、科学规范、整齐美观。3.第二轮修志要在继承前志的基础上创新表格形式,采用图表新形式,进一步增强志书的直观性和可读性,提高志书编纂质量。随着计算机等现代科技在志书编纂中的应用越来越普遍,为入志表格创新提供技术保障。4.遵守规范,统筹安排,加强审核修订,确保表格编纂质量。  相似文献   
关桂霞 《攀登》2006,25(2):47-50
民族团结进步是多民族国家社会政治问题的焦点、热点和敏感点。构建社会主义和谐社会,必然要研究和关注我国各民族的团结进步问题,特别是要研究和关注那些社会经济、文化教育发展还相对滞后的民族的发展进步问题。这既是构建和谐社会的客观要求,也是构建和谐社会的重要保障。  相似文献   
清季督抚文案与文案处考略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
关晓红 《近代史研究》2006,15(3):140-150
有清一代,行省最高权力中心督抚衙门的行政运作和结构演变,经历了从私人性质的非正式组织,至正规行政体制建构的重要转变,其过程至少应分为幕府、文案处和幕职三个阶段。其间文案委员和文案处的出现与发展,经历了道咸同光四朝,显示了清季督抚权力上升,中央控制力下移的趋势。这一变化过程表明,清末政制的转型,决非单纯移植西方制度,而是社会变动与实际需求内在潜因促动下,逐渐突破旧有规制束缚,部分借鉴原有体制中的其他形式,以表达新的政治诉求,不断导致职能转变与内容更新的结果。  相似文献   
The period of the Beijing government of Republican China (1912–1928) occurred after the 1911 Revolution that toppled the imperial system and before the rule of the Nanjing Nationalist government. For modern China, it was an era of frequent trial and error in implementing political systems, as well as a significant phase of institutional transition following the New Policy reforms of the late Qing. Many twists and turns during this period of historical evolution stemmed from problems of the late Qing political reform. The three major issues occurring during the 1912–1928 era, namely the legitimacy of the government, the relationship between its legislative and executive branches, and the relationship between the central government and the provinces, were all dominated by the profound influence of traditional Chinese political and cultural frameworks. All of this made the 1912–1928 era more complicated than the late Qing period, increased the difference between one stage of institutional change and another, and accelerated the change in political systems while also broadening the choices available. Therefore, we should not only focus on the complex contention among all parties, but also acquire a deeper understanding of the limits imposed upon institutional renovation by tradition and circumstances through examination of the institutional adaptations behind the chaotic partisan politics.  相似文献   
關曉紅 《中华文史论丛》2011,(3):57-100,390,391
清末仿行憲政,由皇朝體制轉爲立憲官制,内外相維的設制須相應改爲上下貫注。作爲清代省一級行政主體的司道,是理順上下關係的重要關節。受制於財政困窘及内外官制改革不同步,司道改制最終放棄了全盤更新的方案,改爲舊制框架内進行調整,設置三司兩道。儘管司道改制類型不同、各地進展不一,卻均以歸并局所、裁撤舊官爲基礎,實行分科治事,逐漸推進政體變革,擴展了社會職能,成爲民初省級行政架構的雛形。  相似文献   
关海英 《神州》2012,(6):337-337
本文通过对小学新课标音乐部分教育的理解,即,新课标倡导的“以人为本”的教育思想,就是指在关注学生知识、技能的同时,通过音乐熏陶更加关注他们的生活态度.对人和事物的情感意识和价值取向,以及宽容乐观的个性和健全的人格。通过音乐本身具有的独特的育人功能。剖析歌曲意境,创设情感氛围,体验轻松模式,提高学生的音乐鉴赏素质,培养学生健康的审美情趣和高尚情操。  相似文献   
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