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杨虎 《故宫博物院院刊》2013,(4):129-142,162
赏四团龙补服是清代特有的赏赐制度,获赏之人资料星散于各典籍档案之中。本文以故宫博物院图书馆所藏档案和文献为基础,梳理了清代获赏四团龙补的人物及事迹,分析了清代君臣对赏四团龙补的态度,并结合清宫旧藏实物,论述赏四团龙补服的龙纹规制及赏与准穿的问题。  相似文献   
胡永恒 《历史研究》2013,(1):178-189,193
中国法律史研究应该走向 "法学化"还是 "史学化",是学界关心的重要问题。法律史学科位于法学学科建制中,长期以来研究主力为法学出身的学者。法学研究者重在对历史进行阐释、惯于演绎逻辑,常以西方法学概念、理论为前提,对中国法律进行评判,因此目前法律史研究出现的主要问题是史料基础薄弱、西方中心主义与现代化范式泛滥。近些年大量史学出身的研究者进入法律史领域,为法律史研究带来新气象。基于史学基础薄弱的现状,法律史研究应当走向史学化。在这一前提下,研究者个人应追求法史兼修,学界应加强分工合作。  相似文献   
In recent years, online volunteers have played important roles in disaster response. After a major disaster, hundreds of volunteers are often remotely convened by humanitarian organizations to map the affected area based on remote sensing images. Typically, the affected area is divided using a grid‐based tessellation, and each volunteer can select one grid cell to start mapping. While this approach coordinates the efforts of volunteers, it does not differentiate the priorities of different cells. As a result, volunteers may map grid cells in a random order. Due to the spatial heterogeneity, different cells may contain geographic information that is of different value to emergency responders. Ideally, cells that potentially contain more valuable information should be assigned higher priority for mapping. This article presents an analytical framework for prioritizing the mapping of cells based on the values of information contained in these cells. Our objective is to provide guidance for online volunteers so that potentially more important cells are mapped first. We present a method that is based on information value theory and focus on road networks. We apply this method to a number of simulated scenarios and to a real disaster mapping case from the 2015 Nepal earthquake.  相似文献   
胡小玉 《文博》2015,(3):85-88
由博物馆藏品体系建构起的传统美学观念,如今正随着新博物馆学理论的影响而发生显著变化。作为核心价值的博物馆收藏,不仅是策展理念的重要来源,也是推动博物馆经济与文化影响力的关键因素。在全球新一轮博物馆技术变革浪潮的驱动下,通过当代策展、衍生品开发、文化营销等多种模式的整合利用,中国博物馆藏品展示的新理念与创造性正不断被激发出来,并以开阔的视野逐步构建起未来博物馆事业的格局。  相似文献   
The Kaplan–Meier and Nelson–Aalen estimators are universally used methods in clinical studies. In a public health study, people often collect data from different locations of the medical services provider. When some studies need to consider survival curves from different locations, traditional estimators simply estimate the marginal survival curves using stratification. In this article, we use the idea from geographically weighted regression to add geographical weights to the observations to get modified versions of the Kaplan–Meier and Nelson–Aalen estimators which can represent the local survival curve and cumulative hazard. We use counting process methods to derive these modified estimators and to estimate their variances. In addition, we discuss some general spatial weighting functions which can be used in computing these estimators. Furthermore, we present simulation results to illustrate the performance of the modified estimators. Finally, we apply our method to prostate cancer data from the SEER cancer registry for the state of Louisiana.  相似文献   
西夏遗民余阙是元代少数民族诗人的杰出代表。受到元代社会背景、文化熏陶以及文人交游等多维度因素影响,余阙在诗歌中表现出对魏晋六朝诗歌强烈的认同感,其诗承继魏晋风骨,规仿六朝风韵,熔炼吸收魏晋六朝诗人的作诗法度,吸纳意象和语言风格,在元代诗坛别具一格。论文详细探讨余阙对于魏晋六朝诗歌的多方面接受,楬橥余阙作为少数民族诗人在元代诗坛的重要意义,希望能为西夏文学研究,构建多民族文学交融的"中华文学史"添砖加瓦。  相似文献   
在中国文化史上长久占据一席之地的、典型而多变的"莫愁"符号,其最初的人物原型为南朝石城的歌伎莫愁,歌伎莫愁又为活跃在汉水大堤的艳姬群体成员。石城莫愁之个体、大堤艳姬之群体,共同构建了中古时代襄沔地区作为历史表征的区域人文景观。而这样的人文景观之形成,缘于诸多历史本相元素的共同形塑。先秦以来,襄沔地区的汉水大堤、楚地的女子好游风俗以及地域记忆中的神女想象情结,为大堤艳姬群体的产生提供了基本条件;魏晋时期,襄沔地区便捷的水陆交通条件与四方凑会的地缘优势,吸引南方蛮族大量北迁、西北胡人频密东徙,加之地方特产宜城美酒的名声渐起,最终导致大堤艳姬群体的生成与为人熟知,而其代表人物"莫愁女"亦逐步成为文人争相吟咏与记忆的文化意象。  相似文献   
广西林业资源丰富,用材林珍稀树种、特种材、优质材树种多,蕴藏量丰富,有国家一级保护植物18种,二级保护植物32种,三级保护39种;经济林名、优、特品种多。合理开发利用,资源稳步增长。进一步开发应向产业化、基地化、生态型发展。  相似文献   
2002年9月,为配合“孝襄”高速公路建设,经国家文物局批准,湖北省文物考古研究所对九连墩战国时期车马陪葬坑翻模,部分车马和车马器进行复制、复原。该文对翻模复制、复原等工艺流程进行初步探讨和研究。  相似文献   
殷墟仿铜陶礼器墓试析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
殷墟四期偏晚阶段出现仿铜陶礼器墓,其器物组合较固定,所含器类较全,学者对其认识不一。作者认为其出现有深刻的社会原因,同时又和人们的意识形态、思想变化密不可分,是人们对资源利用观念的一种转变。  相似文献   
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