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2020年10月24日,由北京市历史学会和北京师范大学史学理论与史学史研究中心、"铸牢中华民族共同体意识"研究培育基地共同举办的"铸牢中华民族共同体意识"历史学学术前沿论坛在京师大厦隆重召开。国家民委研究室副主任温军,国家民委研究室基地工作处处长刘元如,北京师范大学资深教授瞿林东,历史学院教授、"铸牢中华民族共同体意识"研究培育基地首席专家晁福林,历史学院教授、"铸牢中华民族共同体意识"研究培育基地主任郑师渠,中国人民大学教授郭双林。  相似文献   
马克思受德国左翼知识分子的影响,曾对兰克作了否定性的评价,后经苏联学者的进一步发挥,兰克被定格为反动派。马克思的兰克评语早在1945年即已通过苏联学者的论文译介到中国,但最初似无影响,至1960年代初借助各种译著的传布,始被中国史家所熟知,深刻影响了他们对兰克的认知。1958年开始中国史学界推行"兴无灭资"的史学革命,开展两条路线斗争。为了更好批判中外资产阶级史学,1960年代初大陆史学界密集译介兰克的资料,有些史家积极批判兰克,但所凭借的文献多为二手著作,很少有人直接阅读兰克作品。进入"文革"时代,兰克话题已然进入禁区。  相似文献   
2012~2013年度陕西神木石峁遗址出土动物遗存研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对2012~2013年陕北神木石峁遗址出土的大量动物遗存,按照考古遗迹单位进行了收集、分类、测量和鉴定.通过系统的分类和研究表明该遗址最少有15个属种,包括扬子鳄、环颈雉、褐家鼠、中华鼢鼠、草原鼢鼠、草兔、狗、马、家猪、山羊、绵羊和黄牛.根据对出土动物骨骼的分析结果表明:当时遗址周围是一个以草原为主,不远处有小片树林,草原和树林间有一定的水域,周围有沙漠的环境.经济类型是半农半牧形式,家养动物是石峁人的主要肉食来源,野生动物仅起着补充作用.  相似文献   
Drawing on data from the 2006 China General Social Survey, propensity score matching was used to investigate the impact of rural-to-urban migration on family and gender values in China at distinct stages of the migratory process. Little evidence of ideational difference is found between rural natives who intend to migrate to urban areas and those who intend to stay in rural China. However, rural-to-urban migration has significant, diverse and gendered impacts on various domains of family and gender values at distinct migratory stages. The results also cast light on the important roles played by hukou status and various forms of socioeconomic and cultural status, such as education and occupation, in mediating the impact of rural-to-urban migration on family and gender values. The ideational impact of migration is shown to be shaped by China’s distinctive institutional features.  相似文献   
上海博物馆早年入藏了一件伯弘父盨,器形和文字从未发表过。通过对器物类型学和纹饰的研究,可以确定时代在西周中期。器盖同铭共有二十七个字,记载了在二月初吉丁卯日这一天,伯弘父作器在宗庙里宴飨宾客。青铜盨自名为"(米丩)"还是首次发现,此字应该是"簋"的异体字。这件器物对于研究青铜盨形制的发展、自名的演变以及西周时期的礼制都有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
地理学的基本规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地理学有三个基本规律:一,地域分异规律,包括纬度地带性、经度地带性、垂直地带性和非地带性;二,地域综合规律,包括距离衰减规律和区域系统规律;三,地域发展规律,包括地理环境周期性发展和人地关系发展阶段性.这些规律既涉及自然过程,又涉及社会过程,许多重大的历史事件,如文明古国的出现,东亚经济起飞,我国开放政策,在地域上都受地理学基本规律的影响.  相似文献   
The archaeological culture found in Xiaohe Cemetery (1980–1450 BC) is one of the early Bronze Age cultures in Xinjiang, northwestern China. The material assemblages from Xiaohe culture display features with both eastern and western influences. These east-west cultural and dietary interactions may be observed via the diet of the Xiaohe population. This paper examined the stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes of human and animal bones and human hairs from the Xiaohe Cemetery and compared with those of human bones from the Gumugou Cemetery, another Xiaohe culture site. The results indicate that the diets of the peoples from the Xiaohe culture varied significantly over different periods. The unified diets of the earlier periods reflect that an admixed population first settled in the Lop Nur region and primarily engaged in animal husbandry. In the later periods, the transformations in the human diets in this region reflect that new immigrants constantly relocated here and promoted population complexity over time. Moreover, this population occasionally produced small quantities of domesticated wheat and millet. The complex population and diversified economy of the Xiaohe culture were due to the expansion of the coeval cultures in the Eurasian steppe and eastern immigrants. Additionally, the millet cereal was probably mainly used for ritual practices rather than for staple food in the later periods.  相似文献   
世界反法西斯联盟的成立是反法西斯战争能够取胜的基石。中国在世界反法西斯战争中的重要贡献之一,就是在世界上最早倡导、积极推动世界反法西斯联盟的建立。七七抗战爆发后,中国政府和人民在坚持抗战的基础上,通过积极争取国际社会的支持,多方寻求盟国,抵制英美远东绥靖政策以及公开倡导民主国家结盟合作等外交活动,为世界反法西斯联盟的建立做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   
唐县钓鱼台积石墓发现于1966年,其出土文物以铜器为主,并有少量金器、石器,其中多数铜器风格与中原地区相一致,也有部分器物具有鲜明的北方少数民族特征,其时代应为春秋中期或略晚。  相似文献   
笔者作为生长在土乡中川的土族人,从小耳濡目染“纳顿节”的狂欢场面,从祖辈父辈的口中听说过无数有关“纳顿节”的故事,现据手头仅有的少量文献,就“纳顿节”的变迁史作一简短的回顾,借以回眸“纳顿节”发展史,并提出一些以后的“纳顿节”展望,意  相似文献   
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