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Bereits das Ma? der übereinstimmung ist auch für den unbefangenen Betrachter ein Hinweis auf das Fehlen wirklicher überraschungen. Das Gesetz stellt sich als Destillat der naturschutzfachlichen Diskussion der letzten Jahrzehnte dar und bringt keine wirklich grunds?tzlichen ?nderungen mit sich. Vorherrschend ist eine St?rkung der Programms?tze, neben wenigen Verbesserungen auf der Vollzugsebene. Kernstücke der ?nderung sind die Neufassung der Leitbestimmungen (§§ 1, 2 BNatSchG), die Einführung eines l?nderübergreifenden Biotopverbunds (§ 3 BNatSchG), die Normierung von Grunds?tzen guter fachlicher Praxis in der Landwirtschaft (§ 5 Abs. 1 BNatSchG), die St?rkung der Landschaftsplanung (§§ 12ff. BNatSchG), die Neufassung der Eingiffsregelung (§§ 19ff. BNatSchG) sowie die St?rkung der Beteiligungsrechte anerkannter Naturschutzvereine in Verbund mit der bundesgesetzlichen Einführung der Verbandsklage. Diese Aspekte der Neuregelung werden im folgenden dargestellt.  相似文献   
This paper charts the course of the V-for-victory campaign in the occupied British Channel Islands, set within its European context, from 1940–45, examining the manifestations of the V-sign in a material form, and how this changed with time. It highlights the use of the V as both an open and a hidden symbol of resistance, and the role it played both in “fighting” the German forces behind their backs and in boosting morale among the local population, even after the appropriation of the symbol by the occupiers.  相似文献   
Multidisciplinary investigations including geomorphological and geoarchaeological approaches, litho-stratigraphic and pedogenetic analysis accompanied by radiocarbon dating show the contrasting human environmental changes within the highlands of the Russian Altai since the late Paleolithic. Radiocarbon ages of fossil soils formed at 1,475–1,730 m a.s.l. indicate draining of the ice-dammed lake in the Kurai basin before the beginning of the Holocene and disintegration of the Chuya lake into several shallow but quite spacious reservoirs by 8,223?±?181 cal. BP. Using archaeological sites as spatio-temporal markers allows reconstructions to be specified based on geological data. Archaeological site distribution in the Chuya valley between the Chuya and Kurai basins indicates that all cataclysmic flood events related to the Holocene hydrological changes occurred before the Scythian epoch. Due to the redeposition of most Paleolithic finds in the region, they should be carefully examined before they are utilized for any reconstructions. Using fossil and contemporary soils as an independent informative climatic proxy archive supports the conception of generally more humid and warmer climate conditions in the first half of the Holocene within the SE Altai and a more arid and cold climate in the second one. The repeated climate deteriorations that caused glacier expansion and the progressive aridity intensification in the region along with the sociopolitical reasons are the major factors that controlled the habitat of nomadic communities and cultures shifting within the SE Altai in the second half of the Holocene. Anthropogenic impact together with the progressive aridization led to the deforestation of the eastern part of the Chuya depression.  相似文献   
Recent studies have indicated that Levallois-style core reduction offered potential practical benefits to hominin populations. However, none of these studies have yet considered one of the most important functional attributes of flake tools, which is edge angle. To address this shortcoming, we statistically examined flakes produced experimentally during “classic” or “lineal” Levallois core production and reduction. The primary aim of our analyses was to statistically test the null hypothesis of “no difference” between the edge angles of “Levallois” products and the flakes involved in their production. We employ existing edge angle analytical techniques and develop new comparative methodologies to assess flake blank standardization through the case of Levallois core reduction. Having determined the statistical properties of our experimental Levallois reductions, we thereafter evaluated to what extent edge angles produced may, or may not, have been useful to prehistoric hominins. Our analyses demonstrated that the experimentally produced Levallois edge angles were indeed statistically different from the flakes involved in their production. These differences were evident both in terms of relatively higher (i.e., more obtuse) edge angles than debitage flakes and in being significantly less variable around their higher mean edge angles compared to debitage flakes. However, based on current knowledge of how flake edge angle properties relate to issues of functionality, such differences would not have been detrimental to their functionality. Indeed, the edge angle properties they possess would have provided distinct benefits to hominins engaged in their manufacture. Most notably, Levallois-style core organization and reduction would have provided hominins with a reliable means of consistently producing flakes (i.e., “Levallois flakes”) possessing average flake angles that are beneficial in terms of providing a viable cutting edge yet not being so acute as to be friable upon application. Hence, edge angle properties join an array of other features that provide logical motive for why hominins may have organized core production and reduction around Levallois-style patterns at various times and places during the Mid-Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   
Researchers have raised a wide range of variables to account for the emergence and governance of complex polities. Warfare and investment in military power, along with an expansionist ideology, are often raised as catalysts for the emergence of state societies and hierarchical forms of leadership. In southern Africa’s Zambezian region, complex polities arose during the Later Iron Age, presently dated to the early second millennium CE. Wealth accumulation in the form of arable land for grazing cattle, as well as the development of a highly regulated elite ideology coupled with favorable climatic conditions, factored into this trajectory of sociopolitical development. This paper explores the role coercion may have played in cultural changes associated with increased political complexity in Zambezia. Coercive and persuasive leadership is often challenging to recognize archaeologically. Do we have sufficient visible datasets to support coercive power and conflict as a dominant factor for cultural change in this region? Was conflict a significant driver of change in the prehistoric Shashi-Limpopo Basin? How does the evidence stand up to scrutiny when evaluated against known archaeological signatures for warfare?  相似文献   
In der Wirtschaftsregion Chemnitz-Zwickau steigt in den kommenden Jahren – wie in vielen anderen Regionen auch – die Siedlungsfl?che pro Kopf der Bev?lkerung signifikant an. Damit verbunden ist die Gefahr, dass vorhandene Infrastrukturen nicht mehr ad?quat ausgelastet und ?ffentliche Haushalte sowie private Abgabenzahler durch deren hohe Fixkosten überproportional belastet werden. Aufgrund des bereits heute vorhandenen überhangs an Bauland und einer gro?en Zahl ungenutzter Brachfl?chen kann auch die zuletzt positive Entwicklung der regional ans?ssigen Wirtschaft diesen Trend absehbar nicht kompensieren. Deshalb ist eine aktive, auf Nachhaltigkeit orientierte Steuerung der Siedlungsfl?chenentwicklung notwendig. Die Wirtschaftsregion Chemnitz-Zwickau verfolgt dieses Ziel seit 1998.  相似文献   
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