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Yu Liu 《European Legacy》2018,23(6):674-691
Sir William Chambers was one of the most important English architects in the eighteenth-century, but both in his day and later his international recognition was closely connected with his admiration for and promotion of Chinese art, particularly Chinese landscaping. Between 1757 and 1773, Chambers published three treatises praising the ingenious mixture of nature and art in a Chinese pleasure ground, criticizing the then influential English gardener Lancelot (Capability) Brown, and trying to goad English garden design into the direction of China. He did not achieve his purposes mainly because he mixed what he knew as genuine about the Chinese gardening art with what he fantasized about it. While recent scholarship has focused on his fantasy, this article examines what Chambers knew or imagined about Chinese landscaping, what he and his detractors were for and against, and how the fiasco of his 1772 and 1773 treatises, which he brought upon himself, nevertheless helped to usher in a new phase in the English reception of Chinese landscaping ideas.  相似文献   
A lack of clear political commitment together with confusing rules and enforcement often characterize the institutional context of policy implementation and regulatory compliance in developing countries. By connecting such contextual features to existing models of policy implementation and regulatory compliance, we examine how regulatory factors are related to basic and proactive corporate environmental management practices in the Pearl River Delta region in China. Drawing on data derived from both a survey and in‐depth interviews, we show that a perception of clear political commitment to environmental protection across multiple government levels and units is positively associated with business efforts in basic environmental practices, regardless of the specific enforcement intensity. Nevertheless, a perception of clear political commitment is not related to proactive environmental practices. Conversely, a perception of policy ambiguity, in the form of confusing regulatory standards and enforcement, is negatively associated with corporate efforts in both basic and proactive environmental practices; yet, intensive inspections mitigate these negative associations with policy ambiguity.  相似文献   
正The Agricultural Bank of China has introduced facial recognition technology at its automatic teller machines(ATM)in Tibet.By the end of 2017,20 ATMs with facial recognition technology has been installed and 100 new ATMs will be in operation in Feb.2018.The machines can be used in Tibetan language,making them more convenient for use among local Tibetans.  相似文献   
正The sun shines upon the earth in spring.The Paltang Xuanzi is a well-known dance from Paltang County,Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture.In the village committee of Yarigon's Daxu Village,there are over 100 villagers gathered together,discussing something of great importance."Today,I have a bit of good news!"said Sonam Drakpa,party secretary of the town of Yarigong,while surrounded by locals."Lu Guangrong,the party secretary of Chengdu's Xihanggang Street in  相似文献   
刘孝霞 《考古与文物》2015,(2):97-99,118
本文通过对"序"和"宫"的时代考察和字形分析,认为《荣仲方鼎》中的"■"不应释为"序",而应释为"宫",是居住之所,非宗庙。"王作荣仲宫"中的"宫"应是王对荣仲的赏赐。  相似文献   
杨天石 《近代史研究》2015,(2):53-66,160
美国长期大量向日本出售钢铁、石油等战略物资,助长其侵华实力。1939年7月,蒋介石致电罗斯福,建议美国采取办法,削弱日本的战斗力与经济力。同月,美国政府宣布废止美日商约,对日实行经济制裁。1941年4月,日本向美国提出《日美谅解案》,企图通过谈判,减轻美国对日本的经济压力。罗斯福为避免美国过早陷入大西洋和太平洋同时两面作战的不利局面,提出退让、妥协方案,企图在一定时间内放松对日本的经济封锁。蒋介石坚决反对美国政府改变对日政策,愤而以"国际信义"与"人类道德"相责,胡适、宋子文也积极与美方交涉,最终,美国对日政策由有限度的妥协恢复为全面强硬,美日谈判破裂。日本指责美国已彻头彻尾地成为蒋介石的代言人,于12月初突袭珍珠港等地,太平洋战争爆发。  相似文献   
历代传承的寺观坛庙是我国建筑遗产的重要一类。本文以此观察民国时期的历史建筑保护现象,孔庙建筑的维护是具体案例。民国时期,这些历史建筑成为文物法规的保护对象,也形成了新的公共空间。社会以之为精神文化象征而关注其物质保存,并通过保护和使用方式发挥了教育功能。"不改变原状"原则在20世纪30年代的修复实例中有所体现。  相似文献   
博物馆影响力的程度制约着博物馆社会价值实现充分与否,因而博物馆影响力问题处于博物馆理论体系的核心位置。博物馆影响力的产生基于博物馆物质资源、无形资源与现代媒介的应用;其特点体现为复杂性、非权力性与缓释性;其影响涉及公众、社会与同行业三个层面。而对博物馆影响力理论研究的最终目的在于寻求提升之路径。  相似文献   
2010年11月,陕西省子洲县裴家湾镇关王岔村出土了6件青铜容器,包括尊、瓿、盘、觚、鼎、提梁卣各1件。本文通过对铜器上遗留的工艺痕迹进行肉眼观察,对铜器的铸型设计、芯撑情况、浇注位置等铸造工艺环节以及铸后加工的细节进行了初步的判断和复原,指出该批铜器的铸造工艺与安阳出土的殷墟前期同类器物基本相同,这一结果对认识和揭示这批青铜器的学术价值具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
在全面拨乱反正的背景下,理论工作务虚会第一阶段对新中国成立以来的若干重大理论与历史问题进行了热烈讨论,但是会议期间出现了一些不协调的声音,引起中共中央的注意,加之社会上出现的错误思潮,影响了安定团结的局面。在这种情况下,邓小平代表中共中央在全国理论工作务虚会上作了《坚持四项基本原则》的报告,明确提出了"四个坚持"。这个报告在全国理论工作务虚会和随后召开的中央工作会议上引起热烈讨论,各地也很快掀起了一场贯彻学习四项基本原则、进行真理标准讨论"补课"的热潮。随着改革开放事业的发展,四项基本原则作为立国之本的地位被确立起来,并不断被赋予新的时代内涵。  相似文献   
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