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本文考证明代蒙古部落大批入据青海这一纷乱、复杂的历史过程,深入分析多方面矛盾交织的内、外因,对厘定明代中后期这一影响巨大的西北边疆少数民族迁徙事件的历史真相有重要史学价值,同时对当代处理民族关系问题和民族宗教问题也有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   
杨增新与科布多事件及阿尔泰并新   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
1912年,沙俄在策动外蒙古宣布独立后,唆使外蒙古出兵侵占科布多,并试图以外蒙古为工具图谋新疆及阿尔泰地区。时任新疆都督的杨增新,在内外压力重重的背景下,积极出兵援助科布多。在科布多沦陷后,仍坚持部署收复科城计划,精心筹办新疆边务,确保阿尔泰地区安全,并在与沙俄的交涉中军事、外交斗争并重。杨增新虽然不能从根本上改变当时北京政府在科布多问题上的无力软弱状态,但亦尽自身努力保护了阿尔泰地区,最终实现了新疆历史上第一次真正行政及军事意义上的完全统一,对维护国家领土完整与安全做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
Fired bricks are a hard and durable masonry material that has played a major role in the emergence of early human urban civilization. In China, fired clay bricks have been widely used as a building and flooring material since the Qin Dynasty (476?206 bc ), although a few lines of evidence show that fired clay bricks might have been invented as early as 5500 years ago in eastern central China. However, these burnt clumps of clay appear not to be bricks in the strict sense, and our knowledge about the origin of fired clay bricks in China still remains fragmentary. Archaeological excavations at a Middle Neolithic cultural site in northwestern China reveal that the making of fired clay bricks began some 5000 years ago. Our findings also open a window into the process of prehistoric brickmaking in East Asia.  相似文献   
Three villages were selected to do the field research in Tibet Autonomous Region: Khorchak village and Shide Village in Purang Town, Purang County, and Kungyal Village in Hor County. Close to India and IO km from Nepal, the first two villages, Khorchak and Shide, are situated I8 kilometers from Purang County, along the downstream of Peacock River, one of the four major rivers in All. With average altitude of 3850 meters in plateau subfrigid arid climate, these two beautiful villages fall into the category of farming- pastoral area and their productive structure is settled/grazing, herding sheep, goat, cow and etc. Kungyal Village, II5 kilometers to the east of Purang County government, altitude 4670, plateau subfrigid arid climate, is a typical pastoral area and its productive structure is nomad or seasonal nomad, herding yak, sheep goat and etc. These three villages were chosen due to their representative features.  相似文献   
This article traces the changing uses and meanings of a set of ethnographic photographs that represent a contentious period in the history of the Arhuaco, an indigenous group that inhabits the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Northern Colombia. Based on archival sources and fieldwork, I explore their role in the 1910s when they were created by Swedish anthropologist Gustaf Bolinder, and also analyse indigenous re-significations and contests over the meaning of the photographs in 2010s as a process that is intertwined with their present struggles. I study their use by an Arhuaco media-maker who incorporated them into a historical documentary film and debates among community members around possible interpretations of the pictures. Through this case study I seek to contribute to the expanding scholarship on the history of anthropological photography, and in particular to recent efforts to move beyond vertical colonial readings and emphasize indigenous agency. I argue for the need of a more nuanced understanding of indigenous and non-indigenous uses of photography that takes into account a shared history and does not naturalize differences. Furthermore, I trace the changing meanings of photographs in order to illuminate the historicity implied in the process of attributing meaning to the past.  相似文献   
"秦郡不用灭国名"是王国维对秦郡命名规律的一项总结。然而随着"赵郡左田"、"齐中尉印"、"齐左尉印"三枚秦封泥的发现.这一规律遭学界普遍质疑。本文对三枚封泥重新辨析.指出"赵郡左田"乃"杨氏左田"的误释.而"齐中尉印"、"齐左尉印"两枚封泥的真伪尚有争议。三枚封泥并不能推翻"秦郡不用灭国名"的结论。就目前出土文献、文物所见秦郡名来看,"秦郡不用灭国名"仍具有合理性。此项秦郡命名规律对于指导秦郡研究具有重要意义.理应得到重视。  相似文献   
王阳 《文博》2022,(1):82-91
中国藏黑水城汉文文献中有一批元代法律文书,因其具有真实性、通俗性、丰富性等特点,故是研究语言文字、法律制度、历史文化等的宝贵资料。又因为此批文书存在内容残缺不全、字迹漫漶不清、文字讹脱衍倒、字形草俗并呈及词语疑难不解等方面的问题,所以整理本在释录方面难免会存在一些可资商榷的地方。今从中选取十八则释录可商的例子,通过复核图版,综合运用语言学、文字学、文献学等学科的方法,对它们进行仔细辨正,以期还原此批文书的真实面貌,促进学界对此批文书的深入研究。  相似文献   
旅游目的地活力在开发规划与营销实践中已被广泛采纳,但其组成内核、形成机理却仍未可知。本文在对旅游目的地活力作为系统整体进行认识的基础上,从旅游者视角,以网络游记文本与深度访谈为资料来源,基于扎根理论的方法探索旅游目的地活力认知过程及影响因素。结果发现,通行衔接与吸引物构成了旅游目的地活力的基本组成要素,两者也是体验反馈的前驱要素,体验反馈是旅游目的地活力认知过程中的后效要素,社会性是传递基本组成要素到体验反馈的关键途径。此外,旅游目的地活力的认知过程还受到自然因素、人文因素、管理因素和发展水平因素的影响,且不同因素的影响效应各有不同。  相似文献   
一个多世纪以来 ,中亚的地缘政治格局和作用不断发生变化 ,并在不同时期以不同的方式影响着中国。“9·11”事件之后 ,中亚的地缘政治形势变得更加复杂 ,大国的、区域的、国际的利益交织在一起 ,成为全球关注的热点。阿富汗反恐战争的结束为中亚国家提供了国际合作的新通道 ,尽管中亚在国际地缘政治格局中的作用将越来越重要 ,但它不会成为新的地缘政治“核心地区”。  相似文献   
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