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湿洗是纺织品文物保护修复中的重要操作之一.湿洗操作是不可逆的,不恰当的选用湿洗或选用不恰当的湿洗方法会给文物造成不可弥补的损失.因此,很有必要制定纺织文物湿洗操作的应用规范.本文认为理解湿洗的利与弊是总结其应用规范的前提,其规范应大体包括湿洗必要性和可行性评估、湿洗方案制定和湿洗操作实施三部分.  相似文献   
黄埔军校的诞生,是第一次国共合作时期的重大历史事件.它对国共两党的历史进程和命运都产生了深远的影响.军校刚一创建,贵州就输送了一批高素质的学生.这批学生大多数在外求学,因中国共产党员的举荐,怀抱着信仰主义,改造社会与国家的理想而来.也有少数来自国民党一大代表和其他军事将领以及国民党员安健的介绍.自第一期学生之后,贵州又继续源源不断地为军校输送学生.在一到五期的黄埔毕业学生中,贵州籍的学生人数是163名.其中,第五期人数最多,这与安健的努力密不可分.这批早期的贵州籍学生在黄埔军校很快成长起来,在国民革命、抗日战争中作出了重要贡献,部分人还在战火中成长为国共方面的高级将领.  相似文献   
This article analyzes the indoor climate that creates risk of damages in naturally ventilated churches in the cold climate of Estonia. Indoor temperature and humidity were measured over a one-year period and the results were analyzed on the basis of damage functions: mold growth, risk of cracking and fracturing of wooden objects, and delamination of the gesso layer of panel paintings.

In unheated churches, one of the most dominant problems was very high relative humidity throughout the year, creating a high risk for mold and algae growth. Churches may need background heating to avoid freezing during a long cold winter that causes low surface temperatures of massive walls during the spring–summer period. It was found that mold risk was significantly lower in heated churches than in unheated or intermittently heated churches. The risk of mold growth was not decreased by the use of intermittent heating.

In heated churches, overheating (room temperature >+10ºC) causes a RH below 50% during cold periods, and the favorable period for irreversible response of panel paintings was significantly longer, so there is a higher risk that the gesso may crack or delaminate. From the point of view of the cracking and fracturing of wood, indoor climate conditions are in the safe range for most of the year.  相似文献   

为研究滇西地区青铜文化及相关铜器的制作技术,本研究采用扫描电镜和金相分析的方法,对云南祥云检村石棺墓出土的17件样品进行取样分析,结果表明祥云检村石棺墓出土的铜器以红铜为主,少数为Cu-Sn合金。这些器物的制作工艺主要是铸造、铸后冷加工等,制作工艺相对单一。3件编钟均为Cu-Sn合金,并且锡成分具有等比递增的现象。兵器矛经过鉴定后说明由于墓主身份的不同,随葬的矛也有实用器和随葬器两类。农具锸和工具锥和凿的鉴定表明有冷加工或使用过的痕迹,可能曾是实用器;而农具锄经鉴定并没有在农作中使用过,仅作为随葬品,进一步证明随葬铜锄是青铜时代滇西地区的一种丧葬习俗。分析表明,当时已根据不同器物的用途进行了不同的制作和加工。本研究结果对研究滇西青铜文化及金属技术有一定的意义。  相似文献   
A matrix technique is used to determine levels of development of urban places within a system. This classification of places is based on two criteria: (1) the degree of development of the city's production complex; (2) its role in the geographical division of labor, based on the extent of its external relations (local, regional, national, foreign). The city's production complex is analyzed in terms of energy-and-production cycles, which are groups of technologically interrelated industries (as defined by N. N. Kolosovskiy). Points are assigned to individual production cycles within a city on the basis of the level of development of the particular cycle and the extent of its external relations. The points assigned to each cycle are then added up for a total number of points for the city. The urban places are then arranged in increasing order of points. Threshold values are determined to separate the set of places into levels of development, ranging from rudimentary producers of raw materials to fully integrated polyfunctional cities with wide-flung external relations. A condensed explanation of the technique appeared parenthetically in Soviet Geography, September 1969, pp. 375–377  相似文献   
The problem of partitioning a territory can be formulated as the problem of constructing a hierarchy out of a set of subsets of a given system of objects. In terms of graph theory, a hierarchy may be defined as a connected directed graph that is both antisymmetric and nonreflexive. The hierarchy represents the result of the partitioning process. The actual process of partitioning can be treated as one in which information is gained about the system as a whole, but is also lost about individual objects as a result of aggregation. This enables us to apply the criteria of information theory to evaluate the quality of various partition schemes and to solve problems of functional and homogeneous regionalization.  相似文献   
王亚平 《史学集刊》2004,2(4):53-59
中世纪的西欧在建立采邑制的过程中确立了个人联合的政体形式。在这个政体中 ,王权的合法性决定了其具有政治统治权威。基督教“君权神授”的神权政治思想为封建王权的合法性提供了理论基础 ,由教会举行的加冕礼使王权的合法性具体化。日耳曼人的习惯法使采邑制具有潜在的分裂因素 ,封建王权用特许权作为对各自为政的封建领地施行统治的工具。王权的合法性赋予特许权法律权威 ,法律权威给予封建领地的社会群体司法保护 ,保证个人联合政体的正常运行 ,同时也促进了封建社会中新因素的生长。  相似文献   
吐蕃占领教煌时期,汉地佛教通过敦煌等地向吐蕃本部传播,对吐蕃佛教产生重要影响.吐蕃曾在敦煌等地举行释放唐朝战俘、两国通好、礼佛祈愿等活动;敦煌蕃汉官员与唐朝中央政权也曾发生过一些联系与接触;吐蕃在河陇推行的各项制度大量模仿唐制,唐朝文化礼俗在敦煌地区仍然被官方和民间一定程度上加以保留和吸收;落蕃唐人及其后裔仍然保持着很强的对唐朝中央政权的向心力.正因为这样,所以才有了公元848年敦煌世族张议潮率众起义,驱逐吐蕃,建立归义军政权,遣使归唐的壮举.  相似文献   
大名府故城之陪都历史探析——大名府故城考略之一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李亚 《文物春秋》2005,(3):6-10
大名府故城在历史上曾七为陪都,时间长达百余年本文依据文献记载和有关资料,对其独特的陪都现象进行了探讨和研究,概述了其作为陪都的历史演进过程,并对形成陪都的历史原因进行了初步阐述  相似文献   
有价值的乌托邦--对霍华德田园城市理论的一种认识   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
19世纪末英国社会改革家埃比尼泽·霍华德提出的田园城市理论 ,不仅是城市规划的理论 ,还是关于社会改革的学说。它针对 19世纪工业化、城市化给城市带来的弊病而提出 ,具有丰厚的历史文化和社会背景 ,以及多种社会改革学说的渊源。田园城市理论虽具有很强的乌托邦色彩 ,但至今仍对城市和社会发展有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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