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Under the pressure of the national crisis in modern China, millennia-old traditional concepts have been broken and adjusted, and new trends and ideas have emerged in large numbers. In order to defeat local cosmetics, from the moment they entered China foreign cosmetics companies attacked the traditional Chinese cosmetics of eyebrow pigment (dai), lip pigment (gong), rouge (zhi), and face powder (fen). Corresponding to the enlightenment ideas of the early twentieth century, women could no longer pursue beauty in a way that harmed their bodies. In the movement to liberate women’s bodies in the 1920s, radical intellectuals developed a severe criticism of the bad habits of using corsets and applying powder, and the concept of “healthy beauty” came into being. However, in the context of the development of the women’s liberation movement and the respect for women’s consumer rights, the healthy beauty theory failed to suppress women’s consumption of beauty products, and “natural beauty” and “artificial beauty” ultimately coexisted in lifestyles of women in the modern era of Shanghai.  相似文献   
The handle‐shaped artefact is a special jade object of the Three Dynasties (c.2000–200 bc ) period. The manufacturing technology and function of the handle‐shaped artefacts are widely questioned. In this paper, two handle‐shaped artefacts from Yinxu (c.1300–1046 bc ) are tested by digital microscope, Raman spectrometer and scanning electron microscope. The results indicate that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be made in four steps, namely rough shape cutting, edge reforming, handle making and single‐side polishing. It also suggests that the handle‐shaped artefacts might be used as sacrificial offerings, but not as hairpins or handles.  相似文献   
In the face of the reemerging threat of preventable diseases and the simultaneous vaccine risk controversy, what explains variations in Americans’ policy preferences regarding childhood vaccinations? Using original data from a recent nationwide Internet survey of 1,213 American adults, this research seeks to explain differing public opinions on childhood vaccination policies and related issues of governance. As Mary Douglas and Aaron Wildavsky's grid‐group cultural theory of policy preference formation suggests, cultural biases have a significant impact on the formation of preferences toward various vaccination policies. Hierarchs are in support of mandatory vaccination, oppose religious and philosophical exemption, and believe the government should preside over vaccination‐related decisions. Fatalists strike a bold contrast in their opposition to mandatory vaccination policy and support for religious and philosophical exemptions and the role of parents in deciding on vaccinations. Falling between hierarchs and fatalists, egalitarian support for vaccinations is stronger than individualists‘.  相似文献   
本文旨在探讨美国华语文学的历史变迁、社会意义及其文化特性。美国的华语文学初始于19世纪中叶华人首次大批移民来美之际。时至今日,美国华人社会已成为亚洲之外最大的华语文学中心。近年来经济全球化及跨国文化交流之影响,更使得美国华语文学风行于世界各地华人社会。那么,美国华语文学有何特性?其作品对华人生活有何影响?与美国华裔英语文学相比,华语文学有何异同?其作品的文化内涵与社会功能之间有何关联?本文拟对上述问题作一探讨。  相似文献   
1976年9月9日,中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东主席与世长辞,神州呜咽,赤县尽哀。地处黄河上游的民和三川土族人民无比悲恸,无不深深怀念人民救星毛泽东!他们没有忘记,1949年9月1日,受毛泽东主席、朱德总司令之命向青海进军的中国人民解放军渡过黄河;9月2日,民和县解放;9月6日,民和县  相似文献   
进入帝国时期以后,罗马的扩张活动基本上偃旗息鼓。相应地,元首制时期的罗马军队经历了两个重要变化。一是兵源募选日益本土化,这使军团和辅助军之间的区别日渐淡化。二是行省驻军日益定居化,这使军队作为自成一体的社会具有隔离于非军事区的趋势。由于这两个变化,军队在和平时期的非军事功能日益突出。对不列颠罗马驻军的考察表明,军队对行省的影响主要体现在:军队对城市化进程起重要的推动作用;向军队供应粮食带动了不列颠南方地区的农业发展;军队是普及罗马公民权的重要渠道。关注这些非军事功能有助于更充分地理解作为罗马帝国主义工具的军队。  相似文献   
藏书家徐维则事迹钩述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文献学家郑伟章先生曾著文,阐发蔡元培与徐友兰及铸学斋的关系,纠正了长期以来误以为蔡元培在徐友兰长兄徐树兰古越藏书楼校书一说[1].但在提及徐友兰之子徐维则时,郑说:"民国间采写的<绍兴县志资料>无传,其生平事迹无由知之."[2]到1999年出版<文献家通考>,仍对徐维则语焉不详.徐树兰、徐显败与徐友兰、徐维则两对藏书家父子,是蔡元培早年在绍兴交往最多的几位友人,其中以徐维则与蔡元培的关系最为密切.本文就其生平事迹及其与蔡元培的交往经历等作一述略.  相似文献   
将军坟是集安高句丽古墓中保存最好的一座大型方坛阶梯石室墓。多数学者认为它是高句丽第20代王长寿王的陵墓。将军坟后面原有一排陪葬墓,中外学者对其数量存在着分歧。1997年清理发掘后,有人认为第二座陪葬墓北侧的长方形石砌台基可能是祭台。通过古代墓祭的相关记载与考古迹象分析,应当是串形的陪葬墓。  相似文献   
尹玲玲 《史学月刊》2002,(10):102-105
明清时期长江中下游地区鱼苗的生产与贩运较为兴盛.江西九江湖口一带是最大的鱼苗生产基地和鱼苗贩运集散地,其他一些江湖水系交汇、饵料丰富的地方的鱼苗生产与贩运往往也具有一定规模。渔民们在长期的鱼苗捕捞生产过程中积累了丰富的经验.鱼苗捕捞采集生产及贩运销售已形成一个较完整的体系,鱼苗市场规模盛大,鱼苗贩运渠道较广,销售辐射范围宽,贩运方式多种多样,官方参与并干预了鱼苗生产与贩运的全过程。  相似文献   
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