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It has been suggested that the standardized growth curve (SGC) method can be used to accurately determinate equivalent dose (De) and reduce measurement time. However, different opinions regarding the applicability of the SGC method exist. In this paper, we evaluated quartz OSL SGCs of marine and coastal sediments of different grain sizes and different cores in the south Bohai Sea in China, and tested their applicability to the determination of De values. Our results suggested as follows: (1) The SGC method is applicable to both multiple- and single-aliquot regenerative-dose (MAR and SAR) protocols of OSL dating and efficiently provides reliable estimates of De. (2) Finesand quartz of different palaeodoses showed highly similar dose-response curves and an SGC was developed, but old samples using the SGC method have large uncertainties. (3) For coarse-silt quartz, two different types of dose-response curves were recorded: low-dose (≤60Gy) and high-dose (≥100Gy). The growth curves of low-dose quartz were similar to each other, facilitating the use of SGC in De estimations, but errors tended to be larger than those obtained in the SAR method. For high-dose (100–300Gy) quartz, the SGC was also found to be reliable, but there was large uncertainty in De (>300Gy) estimation. We suggest that SGC could be employed for the dating of marine and coastal sediments dating using either MAR or SAR OSL protocol and either fine-silt, coarse-silt or fine-sand quartz.  相似文献   
本文运用文物建筑形制类型学研究方法,作者从明清官式建筑角科做法上,提炼出可用于形制分期的三组共15个形制类型及其组合关系,结合相关文献,系统梳理了43座明清时期北京官式建筑标尺的角科形制类型和共存年代,通过角科斗栱的形制演变,勾勒出北京官式建筑在五百余年间所经历的六个演变历程,计为:元明交替期、明制转变期、明制成熟期、明清交替期、清制定型期和清末微变期。最后,作者利用角科形制分期结论,并结合相关文献,对故宫现存奉先殿、午门等建筑的年代问题提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   
河西地区主要水系之一石羊河及其支流,在历史上曾使用"谷水"、"马城河"、"五涧谷(水)"、"三岔河"等名称,沿用至今的"石羊河"一名迟至清代前中期方才出现。"石羊河"之名,首先出现在流域下游镇番县的地方志中,命名的初衷则是为处于上游武威县境内的河流定名,其指代对象存在逐步明确的过程。上游武威县对"石羊河"名及其指向,经历了从不在意到接受、并有所延展的演变历程。"石羊河"名的出现,与下游镇番县河源水权观念的兴起存在密切关联。塑造河名是上、下游水资源权利关系生成中,下游构建自身水权的策略之一。  相似文献   
南阳丰泰墓地的时间跨度由战国晚期至东汉晚期,其文化内涵在器物形态、组合特征、墓葬结构等方面都有独具特色的地方。战国晚期,南阳地区政权更迭频繁,韩、楚、秦的文化势力也因此相继出现,共存发展,至战国末期形成了融三者于一体的新型仿铜陶礼器组合,并在秦汉时期迅速发展,成为主流的文明形态。与此同时,以双耳罐为代表的楚系地方文明不绝如缕,顽强生存。两者共同构成了秦汉文明的基础。这种新型仿铜陶礼器文明自身的发展变化,及其与楚系地方文明之间的互动关系,印证了秦汉中央集权政治统治力的强弱变化,以及秦汉社会盛衰的历程。西汉晚期以后开始流行的模型明器,则昭示着新的丧葬观念、丧葬礼仪的诞生。  相似文献   
During the May Fourth New Cultural Movement, three debates on new/Western and old/Chinese cultures were respectively carried out between the journal New Youth and Lin Qinnan, Chen Duxiu and Du Yaquan, as well as Zhang Dongsun and Fu Sinian. New Youth, Chen Duxiu and Zhang Dongsun were regarded as the “new school,” whereas their opponents “the old new-intellectuals.” The difference between them lies in their attitudes towards traditions instead of their new or old knowledge. After three heated debates, New Youth won a total victory in big cities, because the so-called “urban youths” needed a radical cultural reform plan and a simple guide for action. On the contrary, “town youths” who lived in small cities and towns did not care about the attitudinal difference of two sides. They paid more attention to absorbing new knowledge from both sides and were more sympathetic to tradition.  相似文献   
同敏  许鹏 《西夏研究》2020,(1):59-63
以往学界认为有关西夏汉文文献中的"头项"意为"头领、首领",也是西夏的一种军事组织,这一认识并不准确。传世汉文西夏文献中的"头项"乃是"头绪、种类"等义,而西夏文文献中的"头项"则是"事宜、事项"的意思,可以用作"同位语"。同一常用词在夏汉文本中词义的不对等,说明西夏语在词义衍生的思维模式层面与汉语是不一致的。  相似文献   
精品年鉴是打造年鉴品牌的重要载体。提升年鉴编纂质量,应从政治性、系统性和人民性的三维视角入手。政治性视角要求年鉴编纂树立为党立言的政治方向,系统性视角要求年鉴编纂的框架设计规范合理,人民性视角要求年鉴编纂体现人民主体的时代内涵。只有这样,才能保证精品年鉴编纂的方向性、科学性和时代性。  相似文献   
许经勇 《攀登》2007,26(6):65-67
马克思在《资本论》中所论述的劳动力买卖、平均利润与生产价格,都是以完全竞争或自由竞争为前提条件的。但是,马克思指出,这是一种"理论上的假定"。这就存在着如何把马克思抽象化的理论运用于活生生的现实的问题。在现实生活中,劳动力市场既有竞争的一面,又有分割的一面,而且二者往往是交错在一起的。  相似文献   
马达汉新疆考察国际研讨会及野外考察述要   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2006年8月20日至9月11日,由中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心和芬兰赫尔辛基大学主办、新疆社会科学院协办的“马达汉新疆考察国际研讨会”,分别在芬兰赫尔辛基和中国新疆乌鲁木齐召开,中、芬学者于乌鲁木齐会议后联合赴南疆,沿着马达汉当年在南疆考察的主要线路进行了野外考察。整个会议和考察活动颇具新意和特点,双方感到收获颇丰。学者们不但对此次会议和考察给与了高度评价,而且对未来合作满怀期待。此就整个会议及考察情况综述、总结如下。一、会议及考察背景马达汉原名为Carl Gustav Mannerhei m,1867年出生在俄属芬兰大公国,为…  相似文献   
As the Chinese energy deficit increases at rates equal to or exceeding its economic growth, energy security raises an alarm among its policy-makers and the international community. This article asks whether China faces any threat to its energy security; and whether China's worldwide quest for energy is a threat to the regional and international stability. The main argument is that while China faces serious challenges in meeting its rising energy demand, its efforts to do so have been primarily domestically focused. In its foreign energy policy, China has behaved like a normal player in the international energy market, buying as much oil as it can and investing in as many places as it can afford. It is unlikely that the country is willing to seek overseas energy supplies at the expense of a peaceful regional and international environment which is a necessary condition for its continuing economic development.  相似文献   
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