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从《商君书》中可以看出法家并不缺乏历史知识 ,运用历史知识看待现实问题是他们常用的方法。在古与今的看法上 ,法家有很通达的见解 ,在处理古今关系方面 ,有很适宜的应对方式 ,这与法家顺应历史变化 ,取得历史成就有一定的关系。法家对待历史采取的是一种两面态度 ,一方面他们掌握着丰富的历史知识 ,对历史现象有很深的认识 ,另一方面他们害怕被统治者掌握历史知识成为反抗统治的武器。  相似文献   
在中国近代史上,由于帝国主义的入侵而引起多起边界交涉,中英俄帕米尔交涉即其一例。本认为帕米尔交涉可分为四个阶段,并对每一阶段中清政府所采取的对策进行了分析,指出清政府在交涉中采取的“以夷制夷”策略僵硬、落后,对英俄的目的认识有误,致使交涉措施失当。尽管帕米尔问题是帝国主义列强侵略与扩张的结果,但清政府对帕米尔悬案的形成也难辞其咎。  相似文献   
古汉语专书同义词研究有助于大型语辞书的修订。通过《论衡》同义词的研究,我们发现了《汉语大词典》失收的151个词,失收的196个义项,释义错误、欠当91处,始见例过晚248例。  相似文献   
With the networking of urban rail transit and the large-scale development of bike-sharing, metro and bike-sharing connection has become the preferred way of daily travel for residents of Xiamen. Current studies mainly identify metro station types based on node and place orientation, lacking behaviour-based investigation. To fill this gap, this study aims to explore the classification of metro stations based on transfer purposes by combining bike-sharing and point of interest data in Xiamen, using buffer analysis, kernel density estimation, and DBSCAN clustering algorithm comprehensively. The results indicate the following. (1) Distinct transfer purposes have significant agglomeration characteristics and present poly-centric spatial pattern, an authentic portrayal of Xiamen's land use function. (2) The heterogeneity of connection flow between different transfer purposes and metro stations is apparent. The distribution of flow and flow direction within the same transfer purpose is also in non-equilibrium. (3) Based on traffic connection analysis, metro stations are divided into seven types: transportation hub, employment-oriented, residence-oriented, job-housing balance, school-oriented, traffic-tourism integration, and business connection types. The obtained results assist in improving the transportation connection environment, perfecting urban land use planning, and enhancing low-carbon and green travel.  相似文献   
This guest editorial takes as its starting point the 2021 guest editorial in ANTHROPOLOGY TODAY on the anthropology of blockchain written by Kosmarski and Gordiychuk, in which they discussed the possibilities of blockchain in terms of a ‘frail hope of novel, weird, grassroots, decentralized forms of social life’. They also argued that blockchain brought us to ‘new frontiers’ in politics, economics, capital, votes and subjective feelings. Two years later, in this 2023 guest editorial, the authors take stock of where blockchain technology stands concerning these ‘frail hopes’ and ‘new frontiers’. They distinguish between three articulations of blockchain imaginaries: blockchain-as-discourse, blockchain-as-sociotechnical assemblage and blockchain-as-spectacle. Then, they explore what blockchain means for capital, and whether we are headed towards mass adoption of blockchain technology, concluding that, for now, they see primarily institutional adoption. The authors also discern parallel institutional structures, with traditional finance on one side and blockchain-enabled crypto finance on the other, and they examine the regulated future of crypto assets.  相似文献   
张绪 《安徽史学》2018,(4):137-146
经济抗战是中国抗战历史的重要内容,对于保证中国抗战的最后胜利具有决定性作用。在位于东南战场大后方的皖南地区,除对敌开展军事斗争外,经济战也是当地军民反抗日本侵略的一种重要方式。在战时皖南行署的领导下,皖南敌后区实施了增加生产、平抑物价、严查敌货、打击走私、组建金融网等一系列经济举措,在一定程度上改善了皖南敌后区严峻的经济形势,粉碎了日敌的经济进攻,为这一地区乃至东南战场抗战力量的持久存续以及中国抗战的最终胜利做出了重要贡献。皖南地区的经济抗战实为中国经济抗战历史的一个真实缩影。  相似文献   
本文从考古发掘材料入手,结合相关文献记载,对"灵王二十二年,谷、洛斗,将毁王宫"这一事件发生时王宫所在区域的河道、地形地貌等环境因素进行了分析研究,并从考古学上确认了这一事件的真实性。  相似文献   
依据相关考古资料和文献记载,河南省正阳县固城寺古城遗址应即两汉时期的安成故址。隋大业初,安成废省入汝阳。  相似文献   
粉状锈在中性、弱酸性环境中溶解过程的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解氯铜矿、副氯铜矿在潮湿环境中的溶解行为及其特征,模拟中性、弱酸性环境,对氯铜矿和副氯铜矿在此环境下的溶解行为进行监测和研究。通过氯化亚铜的转化制备副氯铜矿。定量地研究了氯化亚铜在水环境中的转化过程。定量研究了氯铜矿、副氯铜矿在中性、酸性环境中的溶解过程。结果表明,中性条件下,氯铜矿比副氯铜矿溶解电离出更多氯离子;弱酸性环境并未导致氯铜矿溶解度增加,但导致了副氯铜矿溶解度的显著增加。  相似文献   
本文以辽文化圈内墓葬、窖藏所见金、玉首饰为依据,结合传世品,对契丹人的头饰、耳饰、璎珞、项饰、手镯、指环等,作初步的梳理,以展示契丹族富丽而饶具风情的装饰风格。契丹首饰融汇、吸收北方草原民族以及中原汉族文化因素,结合自身的创新,形成了独具特色的妆饰艺术。摩竭耳环、琥珀璎珞、盾面指环为契丹人所特有,且男、女皆可使用。耳饰的凤鸟、飞天造型,手镯表面的花蝶、婴戏及缠枝花装饰题材,与唐、宋艺术一脉相承。步摇、镯端的龙首造型、环面的立体动物装饰,则体现了与北方草原金器传统的关联。唐、宋盛行的插梳习俗、宋代异彩纷呈的簪、钗,在契丹人中并不流行,或很少使用。契丹人喜欢佩戴的指环、璎珞、项链,在唐、宋时期则很少见到,或并不使用。这种差异的形成,应与汉人、契丹人文化传统、生活习性的差异,发式、服装的不同相关。  相似文献   
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