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目前对"金花银"银锭的专门研究比较缺乏,本研究利用X射线荧光能谱仪对上海博物馆所藏表面具有"金花银"三字戳记的6枚银锭和6枚普通银锭进行了无损元素组成分析,以此充实"金花银"银锭的研究。检测和分析结果表明:"金花银"银锭中的银含量较高,各表面都测得铁、铅、铜、金元素,其金的含量也较非"金花银"银锭明显偏高,表面可能有粉末形态的腐蚀产物,部分"金花银"银锭表面有结合紧密的汞元素;而非"金花银"银锭中的银含量具有个体差异,并且含金量均比"金花银"银锭的含金量低;此外,"金花银"银锭在形制上与同期的其他非"金花银"银锭有一定相似之处。分析结果为了解明代"金花银"银锭成分组成和制作方式提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The Yuan Qinghua porcelain produced in the city of Jingdezhen, in China, mainly includes the gaudy blue type, a blue–grey or grey‐coloured type and the type featuring a blue colour with a slight amount of grey. For a long time, only the gaudy blue type was focused on and discussed, while the other two types, which contain equally important information with regard to recovering the manufacturing technology of Yuan Qinghua, were always ignored by scientific researchers. In this paper, by using micro X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy (μ‐XRF), spectrophotometry and optical microscopy, all three different types of Yuan Qinghua porcelain are analysed systemically and, based on the analyses of the body, the glaze and the blue decoration, the differences in the materials and the manufacturing technologies of the three different types are discussed. This not only provides a good basis for the reconstruction of the whole picture of the manufacturing process of Yuan Qinghua porcelains in Jingdezhen, but also contributes to database‐building for the identification of Qinghua porcelain.  相似文献   
为了解"南澳Ⅰ号"出水青花瓷的产地、材料特征和制作工艺,对"南澳Ⅰ号"出水的6片外销青花瓷进行分析。元素成分结果显示,其中2片为景德镇所产,4片为漳州窑所产,两类外销青花瓷所用胎釉原料不同,但都采用了国产青花料;显微结构观察结果显示漳州窑所产外销青花瓷的工艺有别于景德镇青花瓷,景德镇青花色料集中于胎釉结合处而漳州青花色料在釉层中间或在釉层内扩散。对漳州窑青花进行OCT无损分析显示青花部分呈弥散状亮点,显示青花料散布于釉层中。仿烧青花瓷片样品的显微结构对比也显示这批出水漳州窑青花可能采用了不同于景德镇釉下青花的工艺技法。热膨胀分析表明出水的两类青花瓷烧成温度接近,分别为1 160℃与1 175℃,当时可能采用相似的烧成技术。  相似文献   
熄灭率是研究瓷器辐照熄灭特性的一个重要参数,也是衡量一件古瓷器能否用热释光前剂量技术测定的一个重要条件.如果一件瓷器的熄灭率太低,这件瓷器就不能用前剂量技术测定年代,或测定得到的年代结果误差会很大.为此,本工作对中国最早的青瓷——浙江慈溪上林湖唐代、五代及宋代的10个越窑古窑址的78件青瓷样品进行了辐照熄灭率测试研究.测试结果分别获得了各测定样品的“辐照熄灭率”.越窑青瓷样品的平均熄灭率为11.38%,这样的熄灭率保证了热释光灵敏度曲线测量时有足够的分辨率,也保证了应用热释光前剂量熄灭法测定越窑瓷器样品年代结果的准确性.  相似文献   
A variety of phytoliths, together with prolific microcharcoal particles, sponge spicules and diatoms were extracted and identified in four cultural layers from an archeological site at Jinluojia, Macheng, Hubei Province, Central China. The warmth (Iw) and aridity (Iph) indices calculated from grass phytoliths reveal warm and wet periods during the West Zhou, early East Zhou, Tang and Song Dynasties whilst cool and dry periods occurred during the late East Zhou, Ming and Qing Dynasties. The paleoclimate conditions reconstructed on the basis of grass phytoliths extracted from archeological sediments are in agreement with those from natural sediments in the Middle Yangtze region. In contrast, the woody phytoliths show a positive correlation with microcharcoal particles, suggesting an anthropogenic contribution to the woody phytoliths from the use of woody plants for fuel during cooking and heating. Two episodes of the enhanced abundance of woody phytoliths and microcharcoal particles were found to occur at East Zhou Dynasty and from Ming and Qing Dynasties to the Present, proposed to be a consequence of the population expansion and/or the frequent wars.  相似文献   
池河太平桥有六百多年的历史,历经多次毁坏、重建以及维修,至今仍跨于池河之上。它曾对南北交通发挥过重要的作用,但现已险象环生。本文通过梳理地方志,以及著名桥梁专家茅以升、唐寰澄等对此桥的记载和研究,探析该桥的建造与维修的历史,并从自然因素、人为因素以及观念因素三个方面分析其目前面临险境的原因。同时,发掘其科技以及文物价值,以期为池河太平桥的维修和保护工作提供参考。  相似文献   
1990年,在河北丰宁东沟道下古墓群发掘了一座石板墓,墓内出土了大量的冶金工具,本文的研究表明这座墓葬可能是属于夏家店上层文化的一个冶金工匠墓葬,该墓葬的发现说明丰宁地区在西周晚期至春秋早期存在着独立的金属制造中心,也存在着专业的冶金工匠,这些发现对中国北方地区青铜时代考古和冶金业研究有很高的参考价值。  相似文献   
2007年2月20日,江苏省大丰市刘压镇友谊村一鱼塘出土楚金版,大丰市文化局工作人员闻讯赶赴金版出土地点,通过宣传《中华人民共和国文物保护法》,并做思想工作,收缴金版21枚,计重175.1g。这些金版人藏大丰市博物馆。  相似文献   
为研究传世俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉的皮色及年代问题,利用显微放大观察、激光拉曼光谱(LRS)、显微红外光谱(FTIR)及X射线荧光光谱(XRF)技术,对上海博物馆收藏的9件俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉饰进行了皮色分布、化学成分、矿物学特征分析。实验结果表明9件玉器样品的主要矿物组成均为透闪石,其中两件样品曾经人工染色处理,染色材料与蜂蜡有关。结合考古发现及文献记载,将传世俏色"春水"、"秋山"玉的年代限于金、元,综合考量器形、纹饰、做工、皮色之后,将2件作伪俏色样品的年代定为元代。研究思路及方法是科技分析结合古器物学研究鉴定传世玉器的一次尝试。  相似文献   
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