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在绘画发展史上,印象派是西方绘画从传统到现代的过渡,而以勃纳尔为代表的纳比派则是上承印象派的余绪,它为印象派与野兽派等初期现代派之间搭起了一座桥梁。勃纳尔的绘画在色彩、笔法、构图、取材、精神表现方面带有印象派的影子,但又超越了印象派,在西方绘画史上留下了浓重的一笔。  相似文献   
Dietary patterns at two Bronze Age sites in the Hexi Corridor are investigated by the analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in faunal bone collagen. The findings are compared with archaeobotanical remains from one of the sites which include high proportions of millet (Panicum miliaceum and Setaria italica) as well as the western derived cereals wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and oat (Avena sativa). The isotopic data indicate domestic omnivores (Canis and Sus) had diets dominated by millet. Minimally offset δ15N values between herbivore and omnivore fauna suggest low consumption of animal protein by omnivores. Diets of herded animal (Bos and Caprinae) included only low proportions of C4 foods, suggesting that these animals were not regularly foddered with millet plants, and that their grazing areas were mostly beyond the agricultural zone. The wide range in δ15N values amongst herbivore fauna (4.1‰–11.8‰) suggests grazing occurred in a variety of ecological zones, and this would be consistent with the occurrence of long-distance transport of livestock in the region.  相似文献   
The Longwangchan Paleolithic site, situated on the Yellow River terraces in the Hukou area, Shaanxi province, China, was found in 2003–2004, and two areas (Localities 1 and 2) of the site were excavated in 2005–2008. Abundant stone artifacts including microliths, a grinding stone fragment and a shovel, with some animal bones and shells, were recovered from Locality 1. In this study, the cultural deposits from Locality 1 were dated using radiocarbon and optical dating techniques, and the sediment properties of the deposits were analyzed. The results show that the age of the deposits ranges from 29 to 21 ka and most of them were deposited between 25 ka and 29 ka. This indicates that corresponds to late Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3 and early MIS 2. During the human occupation period, the climate in this area became colder and drier. Sediments from beds where the grinding slab and the shovel were found were dated to ∼25 ka, which is the oldest among the grinding stones found in China. The microliths and the grinding stone are important evidence for an incipient socio-economic process that eventually led to the regional transition from hunting-foraging to farming.  相似文献   
新得隋大业十二年《尹彦卿墓志》拓本一帧(图一),云近年出土于西安市城南长安区,石存未详。拓本高23、宽22厘米,志文11行,满行12字,楷书。似此类小于25厘米见方的隋代墓志小品(不含砖志),以笔者所见,还有河北武安  相似文献   
民国时期,灾荒与战争在贵州大地交相发生,由此给生活在黔中大地的人们带来了严重灾祸。在这一背景之下,根据国民政府的统一部署,贵州成立了省赈务会。赈务会的中心任务就是救济因灾或战争而产生的难民,它属于贵州救济难民的一个官方机构。正因其特殊的官方背景,因此,自其成立之后,既要接受国民政府相关救济机构的指导,同样亦应纳入贵州省政府的直接领导之下。由此,随着岁月的变迁与国民政府政治的调整与变化,贵州省赈务会成立之后,亦经历了一个不断演变直至终结的历史过程。通过对贵州省赈务会演变的历史分析,让我们从赈务的层面认识与了解到民国时期贵州官方赈务组织机构变化发展的基本概况。  相似文献   
A call from Professor Yang Jiaming changed my journey to Tibet. Professor Yang advised me that he was going to conduct a field study on the Gesar culture at Seda where there were plentiful Thangkar and rock carvings.He stressed,The most important thing is that there are several outstanding storytellers of the oral epic  相似文献   
The Southwest College for Nationalities was founded in July 1950 and was formally established on June 1st,1951.The college was renamed the Southwest University for Nationalities with the approval of the China Ministry of Education on April 16th,2003. On June 1st,2011,the university is going to celebrate its 60th anniversary.Having completed 60 years of hard work and won success through strenuous efforts and a creative approach with generations of students,the university has realized its dreams and glorie...  相似文献   
本文认为,梁启超、胡适、郭沫若是中国史学近代转型进程中最有代表性的史家。他们先后引领了三大史学思潮,体现了史学近代转型的阶段性进步。他们都以"但开风气不为师"为旨趣,在多个学术领域尽显才华,是"球形的发展"式的天才学者。他们之间还有学术关联,彼此之间存在不少学术争论,又反映出其治史特点的差异。胡适、郭沫若均受到梁启超的影响。梁、胡有直接的学术交往,梁、郭则没有。胡、郭的学术交往反复曲折,学术论争中夹杂着政治和个人义气的因素。文章最后对近年来贬损郭沫若史学地位的倾向作了辨析。  相似文献   
周绍良 《文献》2007,(1):53-64
十九、<阳济墓志>贞元十二年七月十三日 <唐故鸿胪少卿贬明州司马北平阳府君墓志铭>: 少卿讳济,字利涉.……拜大理少卿.西戎叛换,又加御史中丞,持节和蕃.宣王猷于绝漠,俾狂虏而来庭,干戈用寝,公之力也.噫!独立者危,孤高失守,出为潭州刺史,转衡州刺史.遇观察使被害,公以贼臣逆子,罪之大者,遂率部兵,遽临叛境.俄辛京杲至,靖谮害能,贬抚州司马.……  相似文献   
周新凤 《文献》2007,(1):159-162
河南省图书馆现收藏一册汇集有34位晚清朝臣的手札集,全部是以手札原件粘贴而成,其中不乏当时的朝廷重臣如李鸿章、曾国荃、李瀚章、彭玉麟、倭仁、沈葆桢等人的手迹.现在按照手札集中的原有排列顺序,将其中李鸿章、曾国荃、李瀚章的六通手札整理如下:  相似文献   
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