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周星 《民俗研究》2007,(2):253-258
日前,我收到广西师范大学徐赣丽老师托人送来她的博士论文《民俗旅游与民族文化变迁——桂北壮瑶三村考察》(民族出版社,2006年9月)。这本书装帧精美、印制大气,又是我感兴趣的题目,所以,就开卷有益,读起来颇感收获。  相似文献   
神山的洗礼——浅析大通老爷山"朝山会"的宗教文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前言大通回族土族自治县在青海省的东北部,它位于湟水以北,祁连山以南。东邻互助,西接海晏、湟中,南与西宁市郊接壤,北与门源隔山相依。全县总面积为3,090平方公里。大通县因地处青藏高原和黄土高原的过渡地带,属高原大陆性气候,且是一个多山地区,地形复杂,气候垂直差异明显,霜冻、冰雹、春旱、秋涝等自然灾害比较频繁。  相似文献   
Though present before the Last Glacial Maximum, microblade technology is uncommon in the lithic assemblages of north-central China until the onset of the Younger Dryas (12,900–11,600 calBP). While it is clear that microblades here and elsewhere were connected with mobile adaptations organized around hunting, the attendant assumption that they served primarily in hunting weaponry is not. The archaeological record of north-central China, including excavations at Pigeon Mountain (QG3) and Shuidonggou Locality 12 (SDG 12) in Ningxia Autonomous Region, and Dadiwan in Gansu Providence, and a handful of bone/antler tools slotted for microblade inserts, indicate a more direct linkage to mobility. These data suggest the rise of microblade technology in Younger Dryas north-central China was mainly the result of microblades used as insets in composite knives needed for production of sophisticated cold weather clothing needed for a winter mobile hunting adaptation akin to the residentially mobile pattern Binford termed “serial specialist.” Limited time and opportunities compressed this production into a very narrow seasonal window, putting a premium on highly streamlined routines to which microblade technology was especially well-suited.  相似文献   
安多在明朝经营整个藏区中具有特殊作用。明王朝把安多看作是经营整个藏区的示范区和桥头堡。明王朝对藏区的治理沿袭元制,并有所突破和创新治理安多藏区的原则是羁縻与怀柔并举,主要措施有“土流参治”、“僧官制度”及官办“茶马互市”等。总体而言,明王朝在安多藏区的治理是成功的,值得肯定的。  相似文献   
“自下而上”:当代中国农村社会研究的社会史视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从互助组到人民公社体制结束,是一个前后相继、不可割裂的时代。从"自下而上"的社会史角度对此进行研究,可以纠正以往研究的缺失,丰富我们对新中国历史的认识。中国社会史研究应当引入到现当代史的研究,这亦是社会史研究应有的社会关怀。  相似文献   
汉代妇女服饰二题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对大量与汉代妇女服饰相关的考古资料进行系统整理的基础上,运用考古学分类排序比较的方法对资料进行研究,得出两点认识:汉代妇女服饰风格在西汉和东汉存在着明显的差异,二者的转变时期在西汉末;汉代妇女服饰是在继承战国楚服和秦代服饰的基础上,结合其它文化元素进一步发展起来的更为统一标准化的服饰。  相似文献   
Ostrich eggshell (OES) beads are an important kind of human ornaments, because their production reflects the development of modern human behavior, thinking ability, and cognitive level. Although the manufacture procedure of OES beads has been reconstructed in some Later Stone Age sites and early Neolithic sites, little information is known about detailed drilling technologies. In this study, synchrotron radiation micro-CT (SR-μCT) was firstly used to scan OES beads to understand microstructure, drilling marks, and perforation shape in a non-destructive mode. In contrast to other method to research drilling technologies, SR-μCT has a unique advantage that it could eliminate the influence of the adhering soils in a perforation in case that they are not easily removed. The results indicate that (1) SR-μCT could differentiate the eggshell species between Struthio camelus and Struthio anderssoni in terms of pore distribution. Compared to other destructive methods, including the anatomical method, DNA and protein analysis, the species identification through SR-μCT is non-destructive and faster; (2) the outer and inner surface of OES could be non-destructively judged according to OES microstructure, which would help infer the drilling direction; and (3) the perforation shape and drilling marks are distinct between the discontinuous twisting drilling and the multi-rotary drilling methods on the basis of replication experiments. According to these criteria, SR-μCT was applied to examine OES beads found in Locality 12 of the Shuidonggou (SDG) site in China, which were probably discarded in 1.1 k yr BP. The results show that most of ancient beads were firstly drilled from inside. According to the perforation shape and drilling marks, both the twisting drilling and the multi-rotary drilling method with different kinds of drill bits were used in working beads. Therefore, the people in SDG site mastered a few drilling technologies in the early Holocene, and the use of the multi-rotary drilling method reflects the technical development of ancient people. Up to our knowledge, it is the earliest known evidence of the application of the multi-rotary drilling method in China. Furthermore, this study will provide a new approach and important reference to understand drilling technologies of much older OES beads in the Later Stone Age or Upper Paleolithic Age.  相似文献   
萧灿,号曜寰。清光绪二十三年十二月九日(公元1898年1月1日)生于贵州赤水。祖父萧玉兰,前清贡士。父亲萧世英,曾在沙市某地任厘金委员(税务局长),因拒绝上级索贿被免职。从此捐案仕途,安于田园生活。萧灿是长子,从小热爱劳动、刻苦勤俭。赤水县立高小毕业后考入贵州省立贵阳师范学校。毕业回乡担任小学数理教员,深受学生欢迎。县教育界前辈傅凤珩见萧灿事业心强教学有方,  相似文献   
今日各地的杏花村其实都是托名杜牧《清明》诗的文化附属品.今存3首唐诗、25首宋诗与词中都曾吟到杏花村,但它们全是文学意象,而非地理名词.载籍最早记录的地理杏花村在南宋时代的南京,但它与《清明》诗和杜牧都无关系.约于明代中期(1500年左右)安徽贵池城西才出现与《清明》诗和杜牧有因果关系的杏花村.清代以后,文化杏花村不胫而走,与地理杏花村相结合,遍布全国.杏花村文化是象征文化与民俗文化结合共生的产物,它的起源并不具有史学特征.  相似文献   
矿区工业旅游开发研究——以江西德兴铜矿为例   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
矿区工业旅游在我国还没有得到很好的开发。本文以江西省德兴铜矿为例,探讨了矿区工业旅游开发的条件与旅游产品的特点,并对矿区工业旅游的景观形象设计与空间格局规划进行了讨论。  相似文献   
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