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The 7.8 Mw Gorkha earthquake struck the east of Lamjung in Nepal, followed by a sequence of powerful aftershocks. Chinese Team Six including the authors inspected the seismic damage to civil structures along 10 paths in densely populated areas with a seismic intensity of VII to IX, 40 days after the main shock. The damage was categorized according to structure types and described in detail. Several conclusions are made: powerful aftershocks can significantly affect the failure patterns; geological conditions, structure types, and height have great influence on the level of damage; and the local risky retrofitting technique needs improvement badly.  相似文献   
谢热 《攀登》2010,29(4):90-94
“平安寺院”建设作为构建和谐青海、“平安青海”的一项重要工作,领导重视、宗教界积极响应,成效十分显著。本文通过实地调查,在对青海省开展这一工作的主要做法与成功经验进行概括、总结的基础上,提出了青海省开展建设“平安寺院”活动的几点建议。  相似文献   
从汉代的丝绸之路到唐宋时期的茶马古道,古代甘肃在各个民族之间的贸易交往中具有得天独厚的便利条件。唐宋时期的茶马贸易,主要在甘肃地区与藏族之间进行。本文在前人研究的基础上,对唐、宋时期甘肃境内茶马互市的基本情形、形成原因以及茶马古道在甘肃境内的线路问题进行了论述。  相似文献   
谢国先 《民俗研究》2006,(3):139-143
饮食的构成和方式是文化的重要部分。云南在建设民族文化大省和旅游大省的过程中,应该对云南各民族的饮食传统进行系统的研究,发现其中有用的成分,为今天的社会服务。本文对明代云南各民族的饮食习俗略作论述,并希望今后有更多的研究者关心这类问题。明代云南各民族已普遍以农作物为主食。滇西北普米族、藏族、纳西族以及滇中、滇东彝族地区畜牧业发达,肉类是其食物的重要补充,滇南、滇西南哈尼族、彝族、傣族、蒲人、佤族等居住地区植被丰富,狩猎和采集所得亦构成食物来源的重要部分。由于明代云南各民族生计活动的综合性,因而他们的食物种…  相似文献   
谢作拳 《收藏家》2013,(3):25-34
宗稷辰(1792—1867年),原名绩辰,字迪甫、涤甫,号涤楼,又号越岘山人。浙江会稽人。道光元年(1821年)举人,九年官内阁中书,后充军机章京,迁起居注主事,二十五年迁户部员外郎。咸丰元年(1851年)转都察院监察御史,曾上实行保甲、变通钱法诸疏,还举荐左宗棠等人。五年授山东运河道。同治六年,引疾归,寻卒。年甫三十,历主湖南群玉、虎溪、集贤、濂溪书院。皆立讲规,为学者所宗。晚年主讲余姚龙山书院、山阴蕺山书院。著有《躬耻斋文钞》,《躬耻斋诗钞》等。为官清正,学问渊博,工诗古文辞,文章简洁澹宕。  相似文献   
1954年10月,河南省会由开封迁至郑州。省会迁移的原因既有地理环境及交通条件的因素,也有经济及政治因素,而郑州由于位置适中、交通便利、经济发展前景良好以及便于领导全省工作等优势,使它取代了开封的省会地位。从1951年河南省会初步获准迁至郑州,到1952年正式确定迁移,再到1954年基本完成迁移,广大干部群众做了大量卓有成效的工作,省会迁移对河南省以及郑州、开封两市都产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   
据《大唐西域记》记载,新疆帕米尔高原上曾有一个神秘的偈盘陀王国。国力最盛时,它管辖12座城,偈盘陀王曾远征北印度的咀叉始罗国,并大胜而归。其实现在的塔吉克族,就是他们的后裔。因山高路险,地处帕米尔高原上的偏僻之地,据说这里的塔吉克人如今仍过着夜不闭户、路不拾遗的“桃花源”似的生活,并被称做“太阳部落”。  相似文献   
(一) “来宝”是三川一些土族村庄至今仍然保存的一种傩祭习俗。流行地为中川乡民主村、官亭镇的喇家、鲍家等村寨。尤其以民主村的“来宝”最为典型。 “来宝”这一称呼,是汉语借词,意为神佛保佑,驱除不祥,吉祥发达。  相似文献   
X. Xie  S. Li  H. He  X. Liu 《Geofluids》2003,3(4):245-253
Overpressured systems and intense, anomalously hot fluid expulsion in the Yinggehai Basin of the South China Sea offer an opportunity to understand the history of fluid flow and the process of hydrocarbon accumulation in overpressured environments. Fluid migration pathways from overpressured compartments in the basin are largely controlled by the distribution of faults and fractures. Episodic opening of these faults are related to the dynamics of an overpressured system and tectonic movements during basin evolution. At the crests of diapiric structures, fluid expulsion is seismically imaged as chimney‐ or plume‐like features, low to middle seismic amplitudes, and intermittently chaotic and blank reflecting seismic facies. These fluid pathways are controlled by vertical faults, which commonly penetrate overpressured and overlying normally pressured zones. Fluid expulsion is also observed near the main faults, such as the No. 1 Fault at the north‐eastern margin of the basin. Investigation by sidescan sonar on onshore and offshore Hainan Island indicates that there are more than 100 gas seepages adjacent to the No. 1 Fault. Migration pathways in the diapiric structures are controlled by three types of fault and fracture. Penetrative faults formed by dextral strike‐slip movement of the Red River faults commonly occur in the centre of the diapirs, and may have been a triggering factor for the diapirism, and controlled their distribution. Hydrofractures occur in certain mud‐rich layers and may have been generated by hydraulic fracturing. Radial normal faults occur at the top of diapirs and were formed by the intrusive process. These fluid migration pathways played an important role in regional hydrocarbon accumulation.  相似文献   
谢冬荣  石光明 《文献》2006,(1):73-81
薛福成(1838-1894),字叔耘,号庸庵,江苏无锡人.同治间以副贡入曾国藩幕府,参与"剿捻"、查办天津教案等事宜,光绪元年以知州入李鸿章幕府,十年授浙江宁绍台道,十四年任湖南按察使,后出使英、法、意、比等国.薛福成纵览经史,好为经世之学,擅长办理外交.他一生著述丰富,<庸庵全集>收录了他所撰的<庸庵文编>四卷、<续编>二卷、<外编>四卷、<海外文编>四卷、<筹洋刍议>一卷、<浙东筹防录>四卷、<出使日记>六卷、<续刻>十卷、<出使奏疏>二卷、<出使公牍>十卷等十种书.  相似文献   
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