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This article makes an attempt to investigate the low-frequency characterizations of pulse-type ground motions through ground motion components instead of original records. A decomposed method based on multi-resolution analysis is introduced in this article. The accuracy and validity of the method is tested in frequency domain, time domain and dynamic response. A dataset of 398 low-frequency components is obtained after the decomposition of 91 typical pulse-type records. A probabilistic model to describe the proportion of low-frequency components in corresponding original ground motions is established. At last, the decomposed method is used to investigate the impulsive characterizations of pulse-type ground motions.  相似文献   
清宫藏成扇鉴赏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢丽 《收藏家》2013,(12):53-58
扇子,古有"箑"、"翣"及"便面"等称,在我国有着悠久的历史。随着漫长的岁月,扇子历经了不断演变、创新与完善,最终发展成为一个庞大的"家族"。扇子有不同的分类法,按形制来分,可分为折叠的折扇及不可折叠的平扇;按材质来分,可分为纨扇(团扇)、竹扇、羽扇、蒲扇、麦秆扇、象牙扇等;按地区来分,可分为川扇、杭扇、潮州扇等。故宫博物院现收藏有成扇类文物近万件,其中绝大部分属于清宫旧藏。清宫成扇品类繁多,囊括了其时成扇的主要品种,这些成扇以折扇和团扇(纨扇)为主,质地有纸、绢、绸、缎、纱、缂丝等,除此之外,  相似文献   
淮河流域的原始经济是淮河流域史前文化形成和发展的基础,采集与渔猎经济是淮河流域史前重要经济形态,本文主要依据考古发现的资料,对淮河流域新石器时代的采集与渔猎经济进行深入考察和分析,以求有助于我们更客观更全面的认识整个淮河流域史前采集和渔猎经济。  相似文献   
北洋政府废约外交述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北洋政府在其统治时期,曾开展了一系列旨在废除不平等条约,收回国家权益,提高中国国际地位的外交活动,但过去史学界对此问题探讨不够,笔者不揣浅陋,拟作此尝试。  相似文献   
享誉世界的敦煌学专家、中国油画艺术的开拓者、著名艺术教育家常书鸿先生,一生执着于艺术,为保护敦煌文物、弘扬祖国文化而奋斗不息。通过常先生自传体回忆录《九十春秋——敦煌五十年》,可以解读一个爱国知识分子的人生历程,使后来者获得有益的思想启迪和精神养料。  相似文献   
谢佐 《攀登》2006,25(5):46-49
青海从历史上就是个少数民族聚居地,各民族人民在这里创造出了丰富多彩的民族文化,留存下了丰厚的非物质文化遗产。更好地定位与保护好这些有形文化与无形文化,对于发展青海的经济和民族文化具有极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
Emergency centers, communication systems, and hospitals are essential infrastructures for emergency rescue and subsequent reconstruction activities. An investigation into the Nepal 2015 earthquake sequences found that the visited government offices were functioning normally 40 days after the main shock; that the local media failed to coordinate with the entire society at the beginning, but mobile phone-based communication recovered quickly; and that the hospitals in high-intensity areas were badly damaged as a result of improper design and adverse site configuration. Recommendations are proposed to enhance the aseismic capacity of structural and non-structural components using earthquake early warning and base isolation.  相似文献   
This article presents the results of an experimental study on the rotational behavior of degraded Chinese traditional mortise-tenon joints with different degradation types and different degradation degrees. Six joint specimens degraded through artificially simulated method, were tested by reversed cyclic loading, from which the moment-rotation curves were obtained. The results indicated that the rotational behavior of these joints is semi-rigid, the hysteretic curve shapes of degraded joints are same to that of joint without degradation. The maximum moment, yield moment, and initial rotational stiffness of degraded joints decreases as the degraded degree increases, whose empirical degradation relationships were obtained based on the test data. A hysteretic model for degraded traditional mortise tenon joints was proposed. Experimental results were used to validate the proposed hysteretic model. Good agreement between predictions and tests was observed.  相似文献   
苏州是一座有着2500年建城史的城市。从春秋吴王阖闾下令伍子胥督造阖闾大城到北宋名臣范仲淹首创苏州府学,苏州经历了尚武到崇文的转变。苏州是"吴门画派"的发源地,"明四家"之沈周(长洲相城人氏)、文徵明(长洲人)、唐寅(吴县人)、仇英(太仓人)全部出自苏州地区。明代苏州,更是随着农业和手工业的增长,商品经济的飞速发展,城市生活的日趋繁华,孕育了文化的大繁荣之势,当时的苏州可称为  相似文献   
刘永连  谢祥伟 《世界历史》2015,(2):60-68,159
李氏朝鲜宣祖庚寅年(1590年),经日本两次遣使请求后,朝鲜在没有奏报明朝的情况下向日本派出通信使,并与日方产生了一系列摩擦事件。剖析这次通信使活动,我们发现传统的东亚世界国际秩序发生着微妙的变化,即以中国为核心的华夷秩序影响周边国家,在朝鲜、日本扩大化为各有核心的小型秩序圈。在华夷秩序扩大化背景下,朝鲜与日本在交往过程中皆抱有一种自我优越感,并企图把对方纳入以自己为核心的华夷秩序圈,结果导致双方对相互政治关系产生认识上的偏差,以致构成摩擦。由于华夷秩序在两国扩大化的态势不同,朝鲜和日本在处理这些事件的过程中表现出各自的特点。对这一问题的研究,有助于深刻认识古代东亚国际关系的丰富特征,并找到其向近代演化的某些线索。  相似文献   
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