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This article explores the history of the Qingxi Ironworks in late Qing Guizhou. Instead of focusing on state-centered industrialization or technology transfer and scientific knowledge in Qing mining and coal enterprises, this study focuses on the individual ambitions and identity construction of two returned diplomats—Chen Jitong and Chen Mingyuan—who sought to claim authority over a mining interest in China’s southwest interior. By leveraging their knowledge of the West to serve as intermediaries between state and foreign commercial interests, these cosmopolitan yet marginalized elites sought to convert their foreign expertise and avowed commitment to “self-strengthening” into new forms of social and political capital. An examination of the personal networks and written accounts surrounding their entrepreneurial ventures sheds light on the opportunities and challenges experienced by a generation of “foreign affairs” experts in repositioning themselves within the transforming Qing polity through participation in industrialization projects.  相似文献   
刘小萌 《满族研究》2002,474(3):14-17
清朝入关初,满洲皇帝为笼络三藩,与之子弟建立起多重婚姻,娶皇室女封额附,本简要说明额附的人选,品级以及在清廷中的地位,所尚公主的家世,“破格册封”的含义,清皇室与三藩联姻,用意深远,却未能消弭矛盾的爆发,所以“三藩之乱”平定后,汉人不再封王,汉人“额附”遂成历史陈迹。  相似文献   
The implementation of a 3D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT-3D) survey was carried out in El Pahñú archaeological site, Hidalgo State, Central Mexico. A combination of a new ERT arrays allowed studying the subsoil beneath the Main Pyramid built near the edge of a plateau, along with another important structure (the Tecpan), which was a smaller structure that lodged the governmental council in pre-Hispanic times. The recorded information was acquired through the combination of several electrodic designs: L-Corner (LC), Equatorial (Eq), and Minimum Coupling (MC). For the Main Pyramid, the electrodes were set up around the perimeter of the structure, since they were not permitted to be inserted over the edifice, thus preventing damages to the architectonic elements. The second structure allowed inserting electrodes on selected spots within the architectonic space. The combination of the different arrays made possible the acquisition of 1204 apparent resistivities beneath the Main Pyramid and 2460 resistivity data beneath the Tecpan. The apparent resistivity data were inverted to obtain a three dimensional display of the subsoil electrical resistivity beneath the archaeological structure. The interpreted resistivity model under the Main Pyramid displayed a highly resistive structure towards its northern face that could be associated with infill. Such material was employed by the ancient constructors to level the terrain close to the edge of the cliff. Another interesting anomaly was found towards the central portion of the structure that could be associated to a foundation offer. The interpretation of data beneath the Tecpan identified the structural foundations and other interesting anomalies related to the different occupational times. The investigation supported the archaeological investigation of the site, suggesting areas of potential geological risk and of archaeological interest. For example, the Main Pyramid presents serious stability problems, indicating that the infill has weakened, producing cracks threatening long-term pyramid integrity.  相似文献   
“金张掖”来历及涵义考略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“金张掖”一称到底始于何时 ,其涵义又是什么 ,历来众说纷纭、莫衷一是。本文引用了许多文献资料 ,随着历史的变迁 ,对这一系列问题进行了考证  相似文献   
任剑 《丝绸之路》2009,(20):58-61
古代建筑是重要的文物之一,也是了解一个国家历史和文化的重要窗口。因此,对珍贵的古建筑要予以合理的保护和保养,修缮工作也是保护古建筑的重要措施之一。  相似文献   
以中共十一届三中全会为界,新中国成立以来海外华侨华人与祖籍国关系可分为两个阶段。在新中国建立后,华侨科学家纷纷回国献身科技事业,贡献卓著;海外华商回国设厂和捐资办学一度非常踊跃。十一届三中全会以来,在党和国家正确侨务政策引导下,华侨华人掀起支持祖籍国改革开放的热湖。他们大规模来华投资,继续支持科技事业,大力兴办公益事业,积极推动中国统一大业。华侨华人与祖籍国关系史,是国史和侨史不可忽视的内容,其对于制定侨务政策、利用和保护侨务资源、推动祖国完全统一乃至实现党的奋斗目标具有重要意义。  相似文献   
任弼霞 《丝绸之路》2010,(12):34-35
甘肃省临洮县是著名的陇中古城,自元代以来曾为甘、青、宁地区藏传佛教的中心,藏传佛教风靡一时,人称"小西天"。本文以历史发展为脉络,对藏传佛教在临洮的传播历史和现状进行了探究。  相似文献   
一年一岁冬至满,北风飞雪长山寒。一杯清酒一岁还,雪雁回飞应知难。蟾蜍长睡不愿醒,蹉跎万事韶华晚。醉卧莽原枯松下,笑吟江雪冷月天。 昨日是冬至。冬至到来,气候转至最冷。节令从这一天起,正式人九了,数九寒天说的就是现在。这个节气在冬季的最后部分,意味着年关将近,岁月处于新旧交替的冲刺阶段。  相似文献   
记河北唐山发现的刀币   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
喜泉  仁久  冬梅 《中国钱币》2009,(2):13-17
2007年下半年,河北唐山市郊发现了一批尖首刀币。经了解,是修建公路施工过程中挖土机在距地表1.5米处挖出的,罐装;当时陶罐破碎,刀币随即流失,部分进入钱币市场。现将这批材料作简要报道,以便学术界研究、参考。  相似文献   
路智勇  惠任 《华夏考古》2012,(1):148-152
纺织品纤维所含有的亲水基团是纺织品文物吸湿回潮处理的前提。纤维回潮后塑性变形能力增加,进而可借助一定技术条件对糟朽、干燥脆弱织物进行保护修复处理。在操作完成后,纤维内部分子链被重新排列,所吸收的水分会逐渐释放出来,直到与外界保存环境保持平衡。在此过程中形成的新的次级化学键将阻止纤维内部被重排的分子链回到回潮前的状态,这就使得纺织品文物回潮后的处理效果得以保存。  相似文献   
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