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华夏民族的形成问题是古史研究中的重要问题。上世纪三十年代,顾颉刚先生从缕析古史的角度,考察了战国时期华夏民族的融合。他指出战国时期随着现实中族群的融合,也出现了民族融合的思潮,具体表现为设计出共同的始祖、共同的地域。同时,顾先生指出,三代以来的华夏文化成为民族融合的文化基础。共同的始祖、共同的地域,以及共同的文化基础,促进了各族属在心理方面的相互认同,保障了华夏民族共同体的形成。顾先生的研究,为此后的相关研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
新石器时代我国辽河流域、黄河流域与长江流域三个地区的玉器,在材质、造型和纹饰方面表现出强烈的区域性特征:辽河流域的玉器多采用岫岩玉为原料,长江流域的玉器则多用透闪石一阳起石制成,而黄河流域多见绿松石制成的器物;辽河流域的玉器纹饰简单风格朴实,长江流域的玉器器形和纹饰都很特别,黄河流域则多生产工具且光素无纹.此外,玉器反映了新石器时代中晚期辽河流域内渔猎经济和宗教在社会中居于主导地位,长江流域中下游地区则可能进入了王权、军权和神权一体化的方国阶段,而世俗权力的独大在黄河流域普遍存在.世俗权力在这一地区社会政治生活中占据了主导地位.  相似文献   
包山楚简遣策部分255、256中有一个字共出现五次。此字上部从网、中部从日、下部从廾。学者们对此字的隶定基本一致。然而,对于此字的释读却存在着不同的意见。我们认为此字与郭店楚简《唐虞之道》简7中一个尊字形体吻合,因此将此字释为尊。可能是一种器物的名称。  相似文献   
罗扬 《收藏家》2011,(3):55-60
一清宫皇帝御用的松花石砚1.清代康熙朝松花石嵌螺钿池砚(图1)。长18.5、宽12.6、高3.2厘米。砚为松花石制,长方形,呈绿色。砚面前端为砚池,池中嵌一螺钿。砚池四周凸雕流云海水山石,右侧雕一螭龙隐身于云海之中,取寿山福海之意。砚池下方为圆形砚堂。  相似文献   
盐务双轨制是指民国初年盐务运行中同时存在盐运司和稽核分所两套机构和制度。双轨制最初的目的是通过盐运司牵制稽核分所,在实际运作过程中,却使盐运司体制演变为地方截留盐税和与中央争夺财源的工具。南北对峙中,广东地方政府通过拉拢控制盐运使一职,或威胁干涉稽核制度,以此与中央展开博弈并套利。北京政府和稽核总所则为了维持自由贸易政策以保障盐务改革的成果,不断与地方大员和盐运司讨价还价。直到广东军政府控制盐税支配权,双轨体制终流于形式。在这一历史过程中,盐务双轨制在广东的运作不仅影响着中央与地方的关系走向,同时央地关系也左右着盐务双轨制的实际运作,由此影响此后相当长一段时期的盐税体制。  相似文献   
罗运环 《江汉考古》2013,(1):127-130,126
随大司马戏有戈,是首次发现的随国器物。戈铭中的戏字因不见于已发现的古文字,分歧较大,有献、嘉等多种释读,均与字形不符。通过对比分析,隶定为■,确定为戏字的异体字。  相似文献   
X. Han  B. Rong  X. Huang  T. Zhou  H. Luo  C. Wang 《Archaeometry》2014,56(6):1041-1053
Temporary consolidation is widely used to protect delicate artefacts or other fragile relics in art conservation. Although cyclododecane is extensively accepted, the safety‐related issues have become an increasing concern and its short working time is always annoying. Inspired by its low melting point, polar structure, well‐established safety profile, easy local availability and low cost, we propose menthol as a new temporary consolidant on the new excavation site of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army. In this paper, we offer a preliminarily exploration of the kinetics of menthol sublimation on two different matrices, its residue after volatilization, its penetrability and distribution in simulated terracotta samples, as well as other important properties in the laboratory. The results obtained from these tests reveal that the sublimation of menthol can be a zero‐ or a first‐order process, depending on the porosity of the matrices, and its best operational temperature resides in the range of 60–80°C. Finally, two field cases at the archaeological site of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army are presented to show that menthol is a very effective temporary consolidant.  相似文献   
Lead isotope ratios of 15 Chinese bronze artifacts from the Yejiashan site (Suizhou City, Hubei Province) were analyzed and compared with copper ores across China. This study attempts to provide a new perspective to discuss the role that Zeng State played among all the vassal states in the early Zhou dynasty (ca. 1046–977 BC). The political presence of the Zhou dynasty in the middle Yangtze Plain is another main content of this paper. The lead isotopic characteristics of Chinese bronze artifacts between different historical periods are also in the scope of the study. By comparison, the lead isotopic ratios of the tested bronzes and copper deposits in the north Jiangxi Province show numerous overlaps. It indicates that the tested bronzes might have a single ore source, and this source was in the south of the Zhou dynasty. Combined with history and archaeological records, it is highly likely that the middle Yangtze Plain might be a part of the Zhou dynasty since the very beginning. Moreover, Zeng State might have a great influence in the ancient middle Yangtze Plain, and the nobles of Zeng State might even have authority to supervise certain area extending to Jiujiang. As lead isotopes of the bronzes appear to show a clear relation to chronology, the change of lead isotope patterns across times may further serve to distinguish the bronzes of the Western Zhou dynasty from the late Shang ones.  相似文献   
赵荦  黄洋 《东南文化》2018,(4):90-95
张謇创办的南通博物苑是中国最早的高校博物馆之一,其首要目的是服务于通州师范学校的教学,此外还要为其他学校师生及社会提供服务。张謇主张"渐进"式建馆、全面征集藏品,且要做好维护工作,以达到可持续发展的目的,这些建馆思想对于解决目前高校博物馆在建设和运营中存在的一些问题,具有很强的借鉴意义。拥有世界一流高校博物馆是建设"双一流"大学的有力推手,对此,高校博物馆应有明确的定位和宗旨目标,首要服务于学校的教学、科研;创新宣传方式,充分整合可用资源,为公众提供服务。  相似文献   
This paper examines the relation between the cultural policy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the music of model plays (yangbanxi 样板戏), especially music produced by Western symphony orchestras, during the ten-year Cultural Revolution in China. It takes the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra (SSO) as the focal point of this historical episode. Model plays of the Cultural Revolution promoted communist and revolutionary themes. All aspects of their performance were examined for conformity to Maoist thought. This paper explores how the CCP’s ideology and its cultural policy were embodied in revolutionary music, using one of the model plays, Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy, as an analytical case study. Most of the historical materials cited in this research are held by the SSO Archive. The SSO played a crucial role in creating and performing the music for Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy. The academic value of its archive has long been overlooked. This paper provides a new perspective on the Cultural Revolution, one viewed through policies of a Western symphony orchestra, and it suggests that scholars apply the term ‘cultural policy’ more deliberately in future studies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.  相似文献   
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