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Lithic researchers rely heavily on experimentation to infer past behaviors and activities based on stone artifacts. This paper explores the analogical nature of archaeological inference and the relationship between experimental design and inference validity in stone artifact experimentation. We show that actualistic flintknapping lacks vital aspects of scientific experimentation, and thus has inherent inferential issues of analogical adequacy and confidence. It is argued that a greater emphasis on hypothesis construction and variable control is needed in order to establish sound referential linkages upon which constructive analogic inferences about the past can be built.  相似文献   
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is widely touted as China's answer to development through international connectivity. The scheme has often been linked to China's objectives of crafting a new world order centred on itself and/or stabilizing its economy through externalizing surplus capacity. While important in broadly framing China's relationship with the world, this article posits that such a fixation on state-centric visions of development leaves the door open for misinterpretation, mistaking the BRI for a coherent set of projects imposed ‘from above’. Delving into the execution of infrastructure planning on the ground, this article argues that taking a practice-oriented approach to large-scale developmental schemes can more accurately shed light on their internally fractured processes. Two airport projects in central China branded as part of the country's ‘aerial Silk Roads’ are examined to illustrate these dynamics, with particular attention paid to the airports’ shifting conceptualizations, the competitive motivations behind their (re)construction, and the social relations sustaining them. The authors argue that closely tracking the unfolding of a range of infrastructure planning practices within specific projects can demystify modern-day developmental programmes like the BRI, by revealing how their ‘grand’ visions are often reinterpreted, altered and frustrated at local levels, even before they have a chance to influence the world.  相似文献   
Ground-edged artifacts were an important part of the Australian Aboriginal toolkit. They had practical day-to-day uses, but some had symbolic and social values that led to their movement across great distances. Australian provenance studies document long-distance Aboriginal exchange systems extending over hundreds of kilometers. The size and complexity of exchange systems and social networks were contingent upon resources and the productivity of a region's environment. Along the fertile, well-watered lands east of the Great Dividing Range, movement of objects may have been geographically more circumscribed than in drier areas to the west. One hundred and twenty-one mafic, ground-edged artifacts from the New South Wales (NSW) Central Coast and 368 geological specimens from potential sources were non-destructively analyzed by portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results indicate the existence of a well-used basalt source within the region at Peats Ridge-Popran Creek as well as multiple local and non-local sources up to 430?km from Mangrove Mountain on the NSW Central Coast.  相似文献   
中国东南地区的"人"字顶木构葬具主要见于两周秦汉时期的大、中型土墩墓和大型竖穴土坑墓内。通过对这类葬具进行类型学分析,可知其起源与宁镇地区土墩墓中类似形态的墓下建筑遗存有关,而后由宁镇地区向环太湖、杭州湾及其以南地区传播,直到珠江三角洲地区。葬具结构从早期主要使用基槽配合柱洞构建,演变为使用石构基础构建,再到全部使用枋木构建。"人"字顶木构葬具是带有等级特征的越族葬具形制,其社会学含义应为房屋,与精英阶层"事死如事生"的丧葬观念有关。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代末期,在陕西三原县渠岸乡三里窑村(今兴隆村)西,当地村民在挖土过程中发现了一批鎏金佛道铜造像,其中的6件现存西北大学文博学院考古学系。据当事人讲,在遗址还曾出土有开元通宝、周元通宝等钱币。初步判定这是一处唐、五代时期的佛寺遗址。为了方便记录、叙述,对这批造像分别进行了编号,代号为SSX。  相似文献   
沧州铁狮子健康监测数据采集系统的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
沧州铁狮子是世界上现存的最大铸铁狮子,其重要地位和所处的环境要求必须对其健康状况进行实时地监测和预警。针对其基础组成部分一沧州铁狮子健康监测数据采集系统进行了研究开发,首先分析了铁狮子传感器选型的影响因素并结合传感器自身的适用标准进行了具体的选型,然后进行了基于所选定传感器的硬件系统设计,运用Labview平台结合沧州铁狮子自身特点开发了一套采集软件系统,形成了一套完整的基于虚拟仪器技术的沧州铁狮子健康监测数据采集系统,最后成功将该系统应用于沧州铁狮子结构健康监测系统测试试验,证明了本套系统可为将来沧州铁狮子健康监测系统的实现提供重要支持。  相似文献   
本文以泰安市主城区为研究案例地,选取该区域内的旅行社和星级酒店为研究对象,利用分形的网格维数和空间句法方法,对传统旅游服务业的布局分异进行研究。结果表明:旅行社对城市整体及局部交通环境要求都较高,多集中分布于车站-景点及景点-景点的连线上;星级酒店分布则相对分散,在不同级别的整体交通集成度空间上分布差异不大(除交通极为不便的整体集成度最低区域外),而对局部交通环境要求较高,多分布于局部交通集成核心。在此基础上,本文探讨了这两种旅游服务业在泰安市主城区的布局分异的成因。  相似文献   
水窖,亦称"旱井",是我国黄土高原缺水地区存蓄雨水的一种设施,一般在田边路旁流水汇集的地方开挖。窖水除供应人畜饮用外,还可以浇灌农  相似文献   
In order to purify the environment in which they planned to convert, from the 1860s onwards British Missionaries in late Qing China started to carry out anti opium campaigns. It was these campaigns that became the life work of British Medical Missionary John Dudgeon. Dudgeon was of the opinion that it was the ferocious opium trade that was destroying the morals, traditional culture, society, and economy of the Chinese, turning China into the West’s greatest market and in turn affecting China’s own economic benefits. Based on his surveys made on the wards, from a medical perspective, Dudgeon announced that “an opium-smoker’s family become extinct in the third generation.” Dudgeon drew up the “Dudgeon Plan” in the hope that Sino-British governmental cooperation could bring about the end of the opium trade. Nevertheless, these campaigns met with stiff opposition and suppression, and lost support from the Missionary Society. John Dudgeon’s plan was ultimately a failure.  相似文献   
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