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Standard hedonic house pricing assumes that house prices are independent of the intangible to be priced. A methodology is proposed in which the supply as well as the demand for housing depends on the intangible. The methodology is applied to value access to the Trans‐Israel Highway (TIH). Using spatial panel data (2002–2008) we show that TIH had two effects on the housing market. It increased house prices in locations with greater access to TIH, and it affected housing construction. Standard hedonic pricing would have underestimated the value of access because it ignores the effects of housing construction on the intangible to be priced. House prices began to increase three years before TIH was inaugurated, but housing construction did not anticipate the inauguration of TIH.  相似文献   
One of the remarkable phenomena in post‐Cold War world politics is the persistence of the Anglo‐American special relationship (AASR) in spite of recurrent announcement of its death by pessimists. Current scholarship on Anglo‐American relations largely draws on interests and sentiments to explain the persistence of the AASR, ignoring other important contributing factors such as institutionalization. This article is the first to give serious consideration to the role of institutionalization in influencing the persistence of the AASR. By using the concept of path dependence, this article argues that the high‐level institutionalization in Anglo‐American intelligence, nuclear and military relations plays a seminal role in contributing to the persistence of the AASR in the post‐Cold War era. The institutionalized intelligence relationship is exemplified by the relationship between the UK's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and the US's National Security Agency (NSA), which is underpinned by the UKUSA Agreement. The institutionalized nuclear relationship is exemplified by a variety of Joint Working Groups (JOWOGs), which is underpinned by the 1958 Mutual Defence Agreement. The institutionalized military relationship is exemplified by routinized military personnel exchange programmes, regular joint training exercises and an extremely close defence trade partnership. The high‐level institutionalization embeds habits of cooperation, solidifies interdependence and consolidates mutual trust between the UK and the US in their cooperation on intelligence, nuclear and military issues.  相似文献   
党、革命动员和地域社会:论中共河北党组织(1928~1934)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐进 《史学月刊》2007,70(12):70-77
大革命失败后,河北区域的中共党员数量急剧下降。由于国民党势力的打压,党的发展重心不得不转移至农村,党员的社会构成也由以学生为主变为更加多样化;党的大多数支部有名无实,组织涣散,纪律松弛,经费短缺,上下级组织间信息传递迟缓。因此在白色恐怖下其生存境遇相当艰难,屡遭重创。另外中共在河北区域的革命工作遇到极大困难,其欲动员的工农群体,自身资源短缺亦是一重要因素。在基层,革命斗争往往异化,阶级革命经常与地缘亲缘多种因素相互缠绕。  相似文献   
主要介绍蚌埠双墩遗址出土的"■"形刻划符号,并通过对含有"■"形组合符号的分析,认为"■"形符号除了具有网具功能外,还与远古时期的天文历法有关。  相似文献   
以中国社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)为操作平台,以核心作者群的被引论著为样本,对样本篇数、篇次、作者、机构、地域分布、主题分布、年代分布等因素进行了引文分析和量化的描述,并从文献的角度对大陆华侨华人研究现状进行评估。结果表明:大陆华侨华人研究1993—2002年是高峰期,形成了以福建、北京、广东为主的核心作者群,高等院校仍是华侨华人研究的主要机构,研究主题以经济、社会、历史为主,学术论文的利用率不高,高水平的研究成果不多。华侨华人研究在学术界的整体影响力不大,某些不够科学和规范的引证态度和方法亟需改进。  相似文献   
浙江平湖庄桥坟遗址出土的石犁是史前考古的新发现,属于痕迹文物。出土时木构件痕迹饱水,为暗褐色、开裂严重、整体呈腐蚀状,非常脆弱。针对器物的保存状况,因地制宜地制定一系列保护方法:木构件痕迹的脱水保护、底托的加固制作、木构件粘贴复原等,使文物得以长期保存。  相似文献   
从《方言疏证》看戴震的校勘特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一代考据学大师,戴震将其考据方法运用于校勘,他校勘《方言》较少依据版本,而是博综群籍传注,本之小学六书,以理论断;以求是为根本旨归,大胆改正讹文;发凡起例,首次从致讹角度总结误例。戴震的校勘体现出鲜明的时代学术风尚。  相似文献   
徐延章 《东南文化》2021,(2):159-164
在移动互联网快速发展的进程中,以人工智能技术为代表的新技术应用不仅改变了用户的信息交流习惯,培养了移动服务与交互方式,而且提高了用户参与体验的热情,为博物馆智慧服务设计提供了新视角.在新技术条件下,博物馆应以满足人民美好文化生活体验的要求、提升博物馆智慧服务能力为导向,将新技术应用与用户体验相结合,从用户洞察、资源开发...  相似文献   
宛西自治:一场夭折的区域现代化实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐有礼 《史学月刊》2002,10(10):72-77
20世纪30—40年代,宛西地区发生了一场在“三自主义”指导下的区域性现代化实验。这场以追求“丰衣足食、安居乐业”为目标的实验.植根于本土化的基础之上,由于地理环境的独特和地方精英的努力而取得了一定的成绩;由于理论的局限和对封建土地制度的容忍,得不到广大贫苦群众的拥护而中途夭折。  相似文献   
自19世纪40年代伊始,中国社会所发生的空前的沧桑巨变,直接推动了史学由古代史学向近代史学的转变。这种转变的重要标志之一,就是史学经世致用思想的变化,即史学经世致用思想从“资治”到“救国”,从着眼于王朝治乱兴衰到关注国家和民族前途命运之经世致用的宗旨和参照系的变化。同时,这种变化又对整个19世纪中国史学的发展及其走向产生了重大而深远的影响。  相似文献   
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