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辽代斡鲁朵探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于辽代斡鲁朵的一些问题 ,存在较大分歧。本文认为 :作为宫卫组织与官府治事之所的辽代斡鲁朵 ,始终扈从着契丹皇帝 ,并有相对固定的地点。斡鲁朵辖有斡鲁朵户 ,分州县、部族斡鲁朵户和行宫斡鲁朵户。前者承担朝廷的力役、租税、行军作战、守卫陵寝等职责 ,不随行宫四时捺钵 ;后者侍奉帝、后、皇室饮食起居、游猎 ,负责禁卫等 ,不承担生产任务 ,随同皇帝四时捺钵。斡鲁朵的最高管理机构为诸行宫都部署院。  相似文献   
明代流刑考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在传统的五刑制中 ,流刑处于降死一等的重刑地位。但从司法实践来看 ,隋唐以来 ,流刑惩治力度不足的问题一直很突出 ,宋、金、元等朝代均采取了不同的调整措施。至明初洪武朝 ,传统流刑已经基本废而不用。《大明律》定以流罪的条目基本以“宽”、“减”的形式 ,以徒役或赎免的方式得到落实。而流刑所承担的司法任务则由五刑之外的口外为民与充军 ,主要是充军来完成  相似文献   
墓志铭起源初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
墓志作为先民追悼自己祖先的一种特殊的纪念物,沿袭下来已有近二千年的历史,本文关于墓志铭起源的探讨在考古和历史学研究中无疑将有重要意义。  相似文献   
帕雷托公式重构及其与城市体系演化   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
本文首次提出并论证了帕雷托公式关于城市体系规模结构"均衡度"和"结构容量"两个指数,并以此对传统的帕雷托公式进行重新构建。重构后的帕雷托公式不仅成为描述城市体系规模分布的一般性模式,还全面展示了城市体系的各种演化状态,使其应用范围得以扩展。最后本文成功地运用重构后的帕雷托公式对"八五"期间我国各大区城市体系的演化状态作了全方位的应用性研究。  相似文献   
天趣·神构·国禁——徐霞客对于旅游资源的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐霞客是明末伟大的地理学家。他考察旅游资源,提出天趣和神构之说。他欣尝国禁对于保护旅游资源的利用。这些对于我们今天开发和利用旅游资源、发展旅游事业具有重要的价值。  相似文献   
城市规划“误区”之我见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市规划质量直接影响着城市能否健康地发展。当今城市规划指导思想和实践活动中存在的某些“时弊”,已成为城市发展的障碍。本文针对城市性质上的“狂热”思潮:旅游城市热、交通枢纽热、商贸金融中心热、国际化城市热;城市用地规模上随意行为;水资源开发上盲目乐观情绪等现象进行了初步探讨,提出在城市规划中必须实行适应国情、市情的发展战略观点  相似文献   
Homoerotic play was central to the recreational culture of theatergoing from the mid-Qing to the beginning of the twentieth century, especially in Beijing. Theatergoing literati in particular played an important role in the production and reproduction of an elite, theater-based, homoerotic sub-culture, heavily investing themselves in the pursuit of social distinction. While it is important not to underestimate the importance of lower-status audiences in the popularisation of Peking opera, the literati doubtlessly considered themselves the aesthetic vanguard in terms of both the judgment of staged drama and the literary promotion of romances between themselves and the boy-actors offstage. Unlike "flower-guides" (Huapu) that circulated between friends, diaries from the period record private thoughts on the scene that would not, and could not, be expressed in public. Drawing on the diary of the influential late-Qing scholar-official Li Ciming (1830-94), I focus on the question of how an understanding of public participation entered Li's diaries, as well as examining what his self-representations have to say about Qing literati ownership of homoerotic sensibilities and spaces, which is to say, how he saw himself as presenting to others and how that self-presentation is (re-)presented in his writing.  相似文献   
明代书画家、收藏家李日华没有象董其昌那样用明晰的语句来概述他对绘画史的整体认识,但从李日华《味水轩日记》、《六研斋笔记》等著作对绘画作品的品鉴中,仍可看到他对绘画史有一个自成体系的把握和理解。本文试图将李日华现存著述、题跋中有关绘画的品鉴和个人认识汇集起来,从而勾勒出李日华的绘画史观念。  相似文献   
A series of pottery samples excavated from the Xigongqiao site in Tengzhou city of Shandong province was determined using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Together with excavation data and archaeological analysis, the potential for provenance and technology of unearthed ancient pottery was studied by using multivariate statistical analysis and X-ray powder diffraction pattern (XRD) analysis. In order to characterize and classify these earthenware samples, the major and minor/trace element concentrations were studied with both cluster analysis and principal component analysis. The results showed that there were three different groups in cluster analysis dendrogram in good correlation with their colors. This indicated that the potteries were made from clays of different composition. These results were in agreement with the results of principal component analysis. XRD analysis further assessed the validity of multivariate statistical analysis.  相似文献   
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