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This paper presents a review of services sector development in China. It is found that China’s services have recently emerged as the dominant contributor to economic growth and job creation. Trade in services has also increased dramatically, although China maintains a huge deficit. In comparison with economies at a similar stage of development, however, China’s services sector is lagging behind. Both GDP and employment shares of the services sector are relatively small. Services trade also accounts for a relatively small share of China’s total trade. In particular, China’s new services are underdeveloped. As per capita income rises and resultant urbanization accelerates, the country’s services sector is expected to expand further and hence play a key role in rebalancing China’s economy away from its over-reliance on manufacturing and exporting. To reach this goal, further reforms and prudent government policies are needed.  相似文献   
吴解勋 《攀登》2010,29(1):123-125
青海地处我国主要藏民族聚居区,青海藏文出版业在我国藏文出版事业中一直占据着重要地位。本文通过对青海藏文图书出版业现状的分析,探讨了新形势下青海藏文图书出版业的发展思路与对策。  相似文献   
<正>赵孟介壶,共两器,20世纪20年代出土于河南辉县,现藏英国伦敦不列颠博物馆。该器有铭文19字,铭为:"禺(遇)邗王于黄池,为赵孟庎(介),邗王之惖(锡)金,台(以)为祠器。"(《殷周金文集成》9678及9679)该器自出土以来,已有十余位学者对之进行了探讨。目前,诸家对该器年代的认识基本一致,多数学者  相似文献   
中晚唐两制草诏的区别较鲜明地体现在用纸材质上,从学士院成立之初翰林学士张垍用黄麻写诏,到代宗大历年间以内制白麻任命李栖筠为御史大夫,是翰林学士院草诏制度的一大变化。在早期的白麻内制中,命相制书是最早且较稳定地归属学士院起草的文书类型。至德宗贞元时期,涉及节度使的除命以及赦文德音、招讨宣慰等重要政务处分的诏令起草,开始较为稳定地归属学士院。宪宗元和时期及其以后,通过对元稹、白居易文集等集部文献中所收诏敕予以归类,可大体展现此期两制分工的整体面貌,其中外制黄敕在各品级官僚群体的除授上皆有行用,而内制白麻的行用则大体被限定在常参官以及五品以上外官的除授范围之内。  相似文献   
Understanding how to live successfully within our environment is among the most pressing challenges facing contemporary society. This paper probes the problem based on comparative analysis and discusses the relationship between the spatial–temporal distribution of the Neolithic cultural sites and the geographic context in the Hanjiang River Basin in the south of Shaanxi Province, China. Archaeological studies have identified 175 Neolithic cultural sites in the study area, with a sequence of Laoguantai (14C age 8–7 ka BP), Yangshao (14C age 7–5 ka BP) and the late period of the Neolithic Age (14C age 5–4 ka BP). The total number of archaeological sites, the distribution area and the density all showed an early ascending and later descending trend, but the proportion of the number of archaeological sites in the study area to the corresponding value of the entire Shaanxi Province declined sharply. Spatially, these sites were concentrated on the terraces of the Hanjiang River and its main tributaries with an altitude of 400–800 m. Multiple data were integrated to clarify the critical effects of tectonic and geomorphologic conditions on the distribution of the Neolithic sites. Further comparisons revealed the correlation of Holocene climate change and environmental evolution with the Neolithic cultural succession in the study area that ameliorated conditions to generally promote the development of the primitive culture while degeneration coincided with the culture's transition or interruption. The discussion on the origin of the primitive culture and the temporal–spatial distribution corresponding to the regional culture differentiation sheds light on the complex and dynamic human–nature interaction system during the Neolithic Age, thus emphasising the wider field-based investigation and high-resolution reconstruction works of the palaeoclimate and palaeoenvironment in the future.  相似文献   
吴炯炯 《中华文史论丛》2013,(3):175-193,400
于惟謙,雖然在唐中宗時官至宰相,但是兩《唐書》無傳,《新唐書·宰相世系表》中也不載其家族世系。近年來新出土的其母墓誌,爲我們研究該支于氏家族的世系提供了全新的研究資料,彌足珍貴。以新舊出土的墓誌材料爲主,加上從傳世文獻中鈎沉所得資料,可以較爲完整地復原中古時期于惟謙家族的世系,並可考證于惟謙歷官行年以及該支于氏的郡望來源。  相似文献   
从国际法论中日钓鱼岛争端及其解决前景   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
章认为从国际法方面看钓鱼岛的主权属于中国,日本所主张的“无主地先占”原则根本不能成立。根据联合国新海洋法和国际司法判例,钓鱼岛不应享有大陆架和专属经济区,亦不具有划界效力。中日东海大陆架的划分应遵循公平和自然延伸的原则。在和平解决争端的前景下,钓鱼岛问题面临三种可能的选择。  相似文献   
吴殿廷 《人文地理》1993,8(2):102-107
本文讨论了图们江地区开发决策支持系统的组建原则,设计构建了较为实用的数据库系统、模型库系统和专家知识库系统,研制和开发了模型库人机对话三级管理系统。经初步运行验证,该系统是实用的,在某些方面也是可靠的。  相似文献   
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