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转型时期我国城市贫困研究述评   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文基于地理学、规划学和社会学视角,在“过程-互动-行动”研究框架下,统计分析1990年代以来我国城市贫困研究的文献数量和内容演变情况,论述了研究分布与社会经济转型和社会救助政策密切相关。在综合述评每类研究的主要观点基础上,论文指出目前研究存在几方面问题:缺少贫困阶层社会空间研究,缺少与城市发展、城市空间结构的关系研究,缺少对贫困阶层需求和空间资源公平配置的研究,并探讨对未来城市研究的启示。  相似文献   
田圆 《当代中国史研究》2020,(2):138-148,160
新中国城市接管是城市管理与城市建设的一个特殊阶段,其时间虽然较短,但影响深远。中国共产党对新解放城市的接管是中华人民共和国大厦的奠基石,也是中国共产党建政成功与否的关键。因此,研究中共城市接管是洞察中国共产党政权建构与施政理念的重要切入点。美国学界持续关注中共城市接管史,研究内容涉及城市接管的过程、接管干部(含南下干部)以及城市接管之后的社会改造和城市变迁等。随着研究视角的转换,美国学界的关注点亦有所不同。近些年来美国学界相关的研究议题越来越细化,关注点从宏大的政治叙事转向社会结构和城市生活变迁,而研究方法也呈现多样化的趋势。  相似文献   
原媛  张媛 《东南文化》2018,(6):57-63
"献食进浆"图像由"正中端坐者""执串珠状物者"和"进浆者"组成。通过对这一画像组合的分类探讨,可以推知"正中端坐者"为西王母/东王公,"执串珠状物者""进浆者"为西王母的侍从,"串珠状物"为烤肉串,"浆"为酒;A类画像组合描述的应是西王母仙境的生活状态,而B类则是西王母"允人升仙"的场景。  相似文献   
During the late Longshan period (ca. 4200–3900 BP) settlements on the Central Plains of China underwent a diversification in food production technologies, which set the stage for rapid economic and social development. The introduction of novel domesticates such as rice, wheat, cattle, and sheep not only provided more food choices, but also changed ideas concerning land use, farming techniques, and the use and mobilization of large scale labor forces. To better understand the contribution that these new dietary items and practices made to shaping the late Longshan period societies, a stable isotope ratio study of humans (n = 12) and animals (n = 42) was conducted at the late Longshan period site of Wadian. The human δ13C and δ15N values are clustered into two distinct groups. One group of nine individuals (δ13C = −9.9 ± 0.7‰; δ15N = 7.5 ± 0.5‰) had a predominately C4 diet based on millet grains with little protein input from the domestic animals. The other group of three individuals (δ13C = −14.3 ± 0.8‰; δ15N = 10.2 ± 0.3‰) had a mixed C3/C4 diet of millets and rice and were consuming sheep and cattle. The animals also displayed dietary diversity with the pigs (δ13C = −11.3 ± 2.5‰; δ15N = 6.9 ± 1.0‰, n = 10) and dogs (δ13C = −10.1 ± 1.0‰; δ15N = 7.2 ± 1.1‰, n = 7) having mostly a C4 plant based diet (millets). In contrast, the cattle (δ13C = −12.8 ± 2.1‰; δ15N = 7.6 ± 0.7‰, n = 9), sheep (δ13C = −16.7 ± 0.9‰; δ15N = 7.6 ± 0.1‰, n = 2), and cervids (δ13C = −20.8 ± 0.9‰; δ15N = 5.0 ± 1.2‰, n = 10) had diets with a greater contribution from C3 sources such as rice and wild plants. The discovery that humans and animals had different subsistence patterns indicates dietary complexity at Wadian and that rice agriculture, and cattle and sheep husbandry practices were already an important part of the local economy by the late Longshan period in the southern region of the Central Plains of China. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Located in the Central Plains of China, the early Xia Dynasty site of Xinzhai (2050 BC–1750 BC) with large archaeological features and exquisite artifacts of jade and copper is pivotal for probing the origin and formation of Chinese civilisation. Here, stable isotope ratios analysis, supplemented by zooarchaeological results, was used to investigate the exploitation and management of animals utilised by humans. It was demonstrated that a diverse pattern of animal raising and exploitation was present at the Xinzhai site. The domestic pigs were fed with substantial amounts of millets or their byproducts to guarantee a food source for the dietary demands of the humans. Dogs were also found to have consumed large amounts of C4 protein sources, likely in the form of human food scraps or leftovers. The domestic herbivores, sheep and cattle, showed different dietary characteristics in that the former mainly grazed in the natural environment, while the latter species were fed with large amounts of C4 products. This intra‐species variation was somewhat related to their physiological characteristics but seems to have been more determined by their different status in social and ritual activities. Thus, this research at Xinzhai provides a glimpse of the organisation of animal resources during the initial formation of Chinese civilisation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
杨远 《四川文物》2010,(3):31-34
人物形象装饰是商周青铜器装饰题材的重要组成部分,其形象的阶段性变化十分显著,即由“神”人逐渐向写实的奴隶、群体人物形象的转变,极富时代特征,反映了商周艺术家在塑造人物形象时受到了不同时代社会思想的影响。  相似文献   
祀天是明朝国家祭祀体系的核心,统治者通过祀天向全社会展示国家主导意识形态所认定的人间与自然世界的终极秩序,并由此演绎出现行政治权威的合法性和社会秩序规范。这种活动透射出,从根本的意义上说,明人眼中的"天"是独一无二的至上权威,这种抽象之天以具有象征意义的神圣符号的形式,凌驾于一切自然与人世存在之上,是一切人间制度、伦理、行为的终极尺度。与此同时,在明人祭祀活动中还可以看到"天"之意象的复杂性,有时会显露出自然的属性或者人格的属性。明朝皇帝、士大夫群体以及普通民众因身份和祭祀目的的不同而对祭天礼仪有各自的解读,这些解读构成明人宇宙、社会观念的重要内容。  相似文献   
袁媚 《丝绸之路》2010,(16):43-45
和谐文化建设是和谐社会的重要组成部分,构建和谐社会必须着力建设和谐文化。在继承和发展中建设和谐文化,是广大社会成员进行自我教育、提高全社会文明程度的有效途径。  相似文献   
《水经注》是我国古代以水道为纲记载地理信息的著名典籍,对于研究早期水道情况和政区变迁有着极为重要的意义。以往对《水经注》的研究主要集中于版本流传与郦学史方面,对郦注本文尚乏深入而细致的地理学方面的探究。因此,在文本校勘与史源探求工作的基础之上,选取《水经注》卷十五《洛水篇》作为研究对象,并利用相关文献和考古资料对郦注所记载的洛水相关水道与城邑进行全面的考释与系统的复原,不失为在《水经注》本体研究方面所进行的一次有益尝试。此外,以古今对照的形式编制出的《<水经·洛水注>河流名称古今对照表》与《<水经·洛水注>图》,不仅可以直观而形象地展现研究的结论,同时也可为相关研究者研读《水经注》提供便利。本文分上下篇,上篇已先行刊布,下编研究的范围自洛水东出散关至最终与河水交汇部分。  相似文献   
新见"襄阴"圜钱与"(衣)金"尖足空首布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
一、"襄阴"圜钱 几年前见到一枚战国圜钱,钱径26、孔径10mm,重6.2克(图1).因其上文字比较特别,当时仅一见,曾旋读为"襄二甾",判定为战国晚期赵国圜钱.①近期见到两枚与几年前见到的那一枚大小、铭文基本相同的圜钱,一枚重3.5克(图2),一枚重4.2克(图3,"襄"字下部笔画很浅),文字清晰可辨,当释读为"襄阴二".  相似文献   
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