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杨英  陈和 《人文地理》2006,21(5):80-83
诺思教授认为制度是一个国家经济增长的源泉。他将新制度经济学的理论工具引入新经济史的分析当中,构建了制度变迁理论,从产权理论、国家理论和意识形态理论三个方面去分析国家和区域经济绩效之间的差异。本文将主要基于诺思的制度变迁理论,并结合新制度经济学的其他相关理论,来分析马来西亚和印尼经济绩效差异的制度原因。  相似文献   
Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) is an innovative initiative to use market instruments for conservation that has spread across the world since the late 1990s. In assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of PES initiatives, global scholarship has focused on an outcome-oriented approach. This has led to debate on PES programmes’ contributions to, and the trade-offs between, conservation and development. Taking the Sloping Land Conversion Programme (SLCP) in China as an example, this article uses a process-oriented analytical approach to provide novel understandings of PES as a specific type of development practice. The article shows how notions of equity and justice, local knowledge and local institutions have played a role in shaping the processes and outcomes of the SLCP. The actions of local stakeholders in an interplay with the state created a space for negotiating, adapting and adjusting PES implementation, which eventually contributed to a local development pathway for meeting both national conservation interests and local economic development needs. This indicates that attention to situated agency can help illuminate how PES can be smoothly implemented and effectively negotiated in developing countries.  相似文献   
The rapid rise of creative or cultural industries not only contributes to regional economic growth, but also to a revised spatial model of urban structure, helping in the redevelopment of old town spaces. However, the spatial characteristics of creative clusters, especially at the micro-city level, are not fully understood. This study attempts to characterize the spatiality of creative clusters on the basis of a literature review and empirical study of Shanghai. By using Geographical Information System (GIS) spatial analysis and interviews, this paper examines the spatial features of creative clusters in Shanghai and their connection with urban historical, social, cultural and political aspects. It finds that creative clusters are primarily distributed in particular locations of Shanghai, namely in the inner-city, old industrial districts, places close to universities, Central Business Districts (CBDs), and entertainment and tourist zones. The old colonial zones in Shanghai play an important role in fostering the agglomeration of creative industries because of the special image of these spaces, in particular due to the abundant workshop spaces remaining from the industrial heritage. Great intimacy between creative industries and urban spaces becomes apparent in the case of Shanghai, demonstrating that the creative economy has become an important instrument in regenerating cities. Moreover, a differentiation in space among various categories of creative clusters in Shanghai was also noticed in this study.  相似文献   
Shortly after the Nanjing Nationalist government was established, Hu Hanmin and others rejected the existing legal system and proposed instead the San-Min Doctrine legislative principles, which they called society oriented. These principles were derived from Sun Yat-sen’s San-Min Doctrine. A direct manifestation of these legislative principles was the Guomindang’s one-party dictatorship under the system of political tutelage. As the legal system developed during the early period of the Nanjing government, a number of laws were designed to restrain capital and equalize landownership. In his legislative principles, Hu Hanmin understood “obligations centered” to mean “society centered.” When his society-centered principle was applied in laws, the resulting legislation appeared authoritarian in that the state, the nation, and society had the first priority. Therefore, the nature of the political tutelage based on this legislation was closer to feudalism than to modern capitalism.  相似文献   
何国森 《收藏家》2011,(11):83-84
2009年10月19日可谓中国陶瓷史上一个特殊的日子。景德镇传承千年的窑火在停烧20年后在众人的期待瞩目下复烧成功。传统烧窑技艺列入国家非物质文化遗产,这座古窑被吉尼斯认证为世界最古老、容积最大并可使用的柴烧瓷窑,是一座复活的古陶瓷博物馆。笔者有幸加入复烧团队,整个复烧团队由选泥、成型、配釉、挛窑、把桩、  相似文献   
在1954年底到1955年初筹备日内瓦四国政府首脑会议期间,苏联在国际场合对美国施加压力,加上中国的主动争取,美国终于同意进行中美大使级会谈。随后,在实现中美大使级会谈的过程中,中国同苏联密切配合:首先是希望使会谈同四国政府首脑会议相呼应,促使美国讨论台湾局势等问题;在无法实现这一目的时,中国又根据形势调整了会谈策略,试图以缓和的姿态争取同美国讨论台湾局势等问题。1955年8月1日,中美大使级会谈终于得以实现。这一过程既体现了中苏在国际关系中的相互配合和团结协作,同时也可以看出中苏关系利益的不一致。  相似文献   
通过对十二桥文化成都平原类型和渝东类型典型遗址所出动物骨骼的可鉴定标本、最小个体数和肉量估算的统计来考察其生业方式,结果显示前者的肉食资源以家畜为主,而后者则以狩猎为主。与香炉石文化的生业方式进行比较,并认为在早期文明阶段,同一考古学文化的不同类型其生业方式不尽相同,而不同的考古学文化间的生业方式则可能趋同。  相似文献   
南水北调工程的考古工作,在陕豫鄂三省交界地区获得了大批西周时期的陶器材料。通过初步的分析,基本可以确定陕豫鄂交界地区西周时期存在一个独特的考古学文化,可以称为过风楼类型文化。本文通过对新出土的陶器材料的简单梳理和归纳总结,推断过风楼类型文化很可能就是西周时期的楚文化  相似文献   
六胡州是唐初为安置突厥降户而设置的鲁、丽、含、塞、依、契六个羁縻州府,由于其在历史研究上的重要意义,一直受到学术界关注,并取得诸多进展。但六胡州城址地望长期以来完全处于悬而不决的状态。近年来部分综合交叉研究在定位六胡州城址上取得了创建性成果,同时也引发了一些学术争议。本文拟通过历史文献考证与野外实地考察相结合的研究方法,运用城市地理学原理和3S技术手段,对相关争论进行梳理,并对其中一些城址进行了再次定位。研究认为,六胡州中鲁州确应在今宁夏盐池兴武营城址处;而匡州城址、故宥州城址和兰池都督府均处于查干巴拉嘎素古城所在,且沿用的是六胡州中的丽州或契州。  相似文献   
何佃凤 《神州》2011,(3X):82-83
进行语感训练是帮助学生理解课文内容、发展语言、陶冶情感的重要手段。具备了良好的语感能使人感受言语之精妙,洞见言语之精髓,把握言语之理趣,更能使其步入丰富而又美妙的精神世界,受到诸如文化、审美的熏陶。文章通过分析语感的含义,探索语文实施语感教学的方法,着眼于学生对语文的实践感悟和个体经验的感悟创造,让学生通过实践训练而获得实践意义上的启迪,从而创造性地让学生获得适合自己个性和学科特点的学习方法,进而能动自主地学〉--j探究,使语感教学真正直接面向学生的成长和发展。  相似文献   
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