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汤景泰 《满族研究》2006,(4):117-123
1994年以来,通过具体作品研究和整体研究相结合,在文化学大视野下,老舍研究在启蒙精神、地域、市民、旗人身份、女性主义等多个层面展开,老舍个性、心理及其文化内涵的复杂性日益凸现。关于老舍具体作品的研究在经典重读中获得了很多新颖的见解,散文、戏曲、文艺理论等研究较少的领域也逐渐被重视。而以心理学、语言学等视角切入和比较研究等多种方法的综合运用促进了老舍研究不断深化。对于创见贫乏、论题重复等缺陷,需要研究者摆正与研究对象的关系,既能走近老舍营造的文本世界与老舍对话,又能以严肃的态度正视历史真实。  相似文献   
This paper presents the first results of a case study on the ways in which playgrounds are constructed and experienced in children's daily lives in two medium sized Mediterranean Catalan cities. The research is based on qualitative methodology through participant observation and interviews with institutional actors. Our research suggests that playgrounds are organised around age as the central category; nevertheless, gender is important in the use and activities developed as children get older. Specific aspects from Mediterranean and medium-sized cities are raised such as a positive perception and an intense use of public space by both adults and children. Specific childhood policies in city planning and a stronger gender awareness among institutional actors would improve the social role of playgrounds as participatory, socialising and inclusive spaces.  相似文献   
唐桓 《民族译丛》2006,(2):29-37
下高棉人是今越南九龙江平原地区(历史上为“下柬埔寨”地区)的土著。下高棉人与越南主体民族越人(京人)之间在历史上形成的民族隔阂及现实矛盾,在世界民族分离主义浪潮的影响和外部敌对势力的煽动下,演变成下高棉人要求成立独立的“下高棉国家”的民族分离主义运动,对越南的社会、政治及对外关系产生了严重的影响。  相似文献   
This paper examines whether access to the capital market of convertible and nonconvertible bonds affects total factor productivity (TFP) for the population of Italian joint stock manufacturing companies, based in highly segmented local financial markets, between 2007 and 2017. The hypothesis, well grounded in the literature, is that long-term capital favors investment in intangibles and other risky assets necessary for productivity growth. To identify this effect, we exploit the exogenous shock of the Italian banking deregulation of the mid-1990s as an instrument for firm-level access to capital, interacted with distance from logistic networks. These reforms changed the distribution of the type of branches at the local level, increasing the share of joint stock banks, which have high connections to international capital markets. This geographical reallocation of banking activities ultimately affected firms' financial structure, favouring their access to capital, even when based in peripheral financial areas. Firms which issued instruments of market debt achieved higher levels of productivity and a higher probability to reach top percentiles of productivity distribution.  相似文献   
抗战时期,在大片国土沦陷、对外通道被截断的情况下,桂越国际铁路被迫修筑.资金筹措成为铁路修筑成败的关键因素之一,《广西省政府公报》等资料记载了这一过程.这些资料蕴藏着较丰富的历史信息,从一个侧面展示了强大的民族力量和伟大的抗战精神.  相似文献   
1917年俄国革命后,两次发表对华宣言,自愿废除不平等旧约,平等对待中国。北京政府虽不愿立即承认苏联,但乘机清理旧俄在华条约特权。中苏谈判时,苏方坚持无条件建交后,再开会议订定新约取代旧约,北京政府则担心中俄会议不一定会有结果,坚持要立即废止旧约。最后双方妥协,在1924年《中俄协定》中,以《密件议定书》规定:新约未订定前,旧约概不施行。后来中俄会议虽经召开,但未获致具体成果,使得中俄旧约处于虽未废止,但不施行的含混状态。北京政府在移交俄国使馆及其他有关交涉中,均坚持中俄旧约已废,并持续推动其“修约外交”。  相似文献   
重评共产国际指导中国大革命的路线   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
中国大革命是在联共政治局和共产国际直接指导下进行的。在此期间 ,联共政治局会议专门讨论中国革命问题 1 2 2次 ,做出了 73 8个决定。指导中国大革命的基本路线和方针、政策 ,几乎全部来自莫斯科 ,并且由莫斯科派驻中国的代表、顾问亲自执行 ;只有一小部分是在他们的代表严密监督下由陈独秀为首的中共中央执行。 1 92 3— 1 92 5年 ,莫斯科提出的路线基本上是正确的 ;1 92 5年秋开始发生右倾化的转变 ,最后导致了大革命的失败。  相似文献   
唐碧 《民俗研究》2000,(3):173-174
以茶待客是中国普遍的风俗。在江苏南部农村中,待客的“茶”却不是用茶叶,而是鸡蛋、红枣等;主要是鸡蛋,称作“蛋茶”。主人烧茶、来客吃茶部有一定的俗规,以下介绍丹阳县农村的风俗。  相似文献   
Iran's scientific impact has suffered hard from decades of imposed and self‐elected isolation from Western influences and international collaboration. Lately, however, the world has witnessed a remarkable increase in scientific publications from Iranian scientists in fields like nanotechnology; material science; and, perhaps most pronounced, chemistry. In this article, the factors behind this “publication boom” are discussed and examined together with an analysis of the coherence between the country's long‐term research strategies and short‐term needs in relation to present organic chemical research conducted at various Iranian universities and institutes. Organic chemistry is a keystone in important Iranian industrial sectors like the petroleum and agricultural industries, and also in the growing field of life science and pharmacology. The development of the petroleum industry and further refinement of raw oil into value‐added fine chemicals holds a key position in the reinforcement of the Iranian economy and labor market, thus motivating a governmental investment in chemical science and research. Taking an approach to find a reasonable balance with the impact from Western and Far Eastern scientific communities, Iran's own scientific roots and Islamic ideology could well be the success factor in becoming a worthy player on the international scientific arena.  相似文献   
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