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三星堆出土玉石器研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
陈显丹 《四川文物》2007,4(2):59-63
三星堆的发现是在上个世纪的初期,至今已有七十多年了。而三星堆的最早发现也是从一坑玉石器的发现而开始的。随后在半个多世纪的陆陆续续的考古调查发掘中又发现了一些玉器。由此而来,许多学者对三星堆出土的玉石器进行了研究。根据历史上三星堆玉石器的发现和研究,我们大致可以将三星堆玉石器的发现及研究分别分成四个阶段。  相似文献   
一.样品背景及浮选方法2005年10月28日至11月30日,中美日照地区联合考古队在日照地区进行系统调查期间,在3处属于北辛文化和大汶口文化遗址上共采集土样6  相似文献   
聚落考古是当代考古学的基本方法之一,戈登·R.·威利就是这一方法的鼻祖。他自1950年代在秘鲁维鲁河谷的开拓性工作被公认为聚落考古的一座里程碑。之后,威利又做了大量这方面的研究,为这种方法的成熟和完善做出了巨大的贡献。其中,玛雅低地的聚落形态研究就是威利的经典案例之一。在这篇文章中威利主要探讨了通过玛雅低地聚落形态研究其政治、经济问题的一些方法与途径,并结合玛雅象形文字资料,得出了对古代玛雅社会一些迥然不同于以往的新认识,并由此深刻反思了聚落考古方法的优势和局限性。本文的研究方法以及所提出的一些问题对于今天方兴未艾的中国聚落考古研究有着深刻的启示:聚落考古对于文明起源与农业起源这些战略性课题的研究有何重大意义?如何全面看待聚落考古方法本身?如何使调查资料与其它资料结合?,这些都是非常值得我们重视、思考和借鉴的问题。  相似文献   
陈镁 《中国土族》2007,(3):16-17
2007年6月12日至18日,历时7天,青海省政协副主席鲍义志带领民和回族土族自治县分管旅游的副县长安永辉、县社会发展局和旅游局的负责同志  相似文献   
The Xing kiln, which is located in Xingtai, Hebei Province, is famous for white porcelain production, especially translucent white porcelain. However, the translucency, as the most important characteristic of translucent white porcelain, is rarely mentioned. In this study, eight samples including translucent white porcelain and non‐translucent white porcelain excavated from the Xing kiln are quantitatively analysed by a transmittance tester. The study points out the defects of the previous concept of translucent white porcelain based on light transmittance and proposes a new definition based on translucency. Translucent white porcelain is not deliberately thinned fine white porcelain, but a special kind of fine white porcelain with a body of excellent translucency. Further analysis reveals that all transmittance values of translucent white porcelain are more than 0.01% with a body thickness less than 6 cm, which is higher than that of non‐translucent white porcelain by about one or two orders of magnitude. The absorption coefficient for translucent white porcelain is close to ?0.82, while that for non‐translucent white porcelain is much closer to ?1.87. This research will serve to further studies on subjects such as the classification, colouring mechanism and firing technology of the translucent white porcelain of the Xing kiln. Moreover, it is expected to set a new stage for discussing the translucency of ancient porcelain.  相似文献   
Using the 2014 China Migrants Dynamic Survey, we analyze rural–urban migrant workers’ destination choices after the global financial crisis, with an emphasis on jobs, amenities, and local spillovers. By using an equilibrium‐sorting model, this paper disentangles local spillovers from local attributes in the estimation process. We employ both an artificial instrumental variable and the provincial highway passenger flow in 1979 to tackle the endogeneity issue. After controlling for the network effects of migrants from the same origin, we find a separate and strong preference for colocating with a large population of migrants, regardless of origin. The results remain robust when we take into account labor supply‐driven migration, spatial autocorrelation between provinces, different industry definitions, and regional differences within provinces. Our results imply that due to institutional barriers, the rural‐migrant community will still be a very important factor in the foreseeable future. In addition, as the ongoing industrial upgrading and transfer policies in China may lead to a westward movement of rural–urban migrants, the movement will be expedited when the older, less educated, or lower income migrants relocate.  相似文献   
陈艳 《南方文物》2020,(1):130-139
三峡工程前期的抢救性发掘发现了为数不多的大宁河流域盐业考古材料,这些盐业相关遗址主要集中分布于巫山县城附近及大宁河沿岸,且以汉代墓葬居多,印证了文献对于巫县盐业的相关记载,也证实了盐业在当地社会经济发展中的重要作用。同时,从麦沱汉墓出土材料的分析中,我们得以管窥汉代巫县女性在当地盐业生产中的参与程度及对财富的支配状况,发现女性很早便在家庭生活及社会生产中发挥着不容小觑的作用。  相似文献   
扬州,这座国家级历史文化名城,在唐代曾盛极一时。宋洪迈《容斋随笔·扬州之盛》称:“唐世盐铁转运使在扬州,尽斡利权,判官多至数十人,商贾如织,故谚称‘扬一益二’,谓天下之盛,扬为一而蜀次之也”。明清时,扬州盐商麇集,富甲东南,文人雅士纷至沓来,冠盖如云,诗、书、画家皆趋之若鹜。除石涛外,“扬州八怪”——汪士慎、黄慎、金农、高翔、李鱓、郑燮、李方膺、罗聘皆流连于此,蜚声文苑,载誉艺林。民国时期,扬州书画人才辈出,而集创作与教学为一体者,当推江轸光。江轸光名噪维扬画坛之日,正是古城更上一层楼之时。从此,具有深厚中国书画传统和底蕴的扬州出现了第一代具有坚实西洋画基础学贯中西的国画家。  相似文献   
【一顶老帐篷】营地的那顶旧帐篷.支架已经歪斜,卡扣断失,四角漏风。褪了色的篷布,仿佛晒淡的画板.融入枯黄的草原。灰青搅和着浓厚的风尘,一晚落雪和风霜,让它老态龙钟。油烟熏染了四年,雪白的里子早已蜡黄,它默默地扮演厨房,任凭旁边的新帐篷傲娇。考察队知道,这顶老帐篷征战青藏高原.扛过見塘的风雨,熬过唐古拉山的艰苦,也转过八千里的冈底斯山,而今又在可可西里,与咆哮的西风斯杀。  相似文献   
X.-Q. Chen  L. Xie  F. Wang  Y. Wu  B. Zhang  L. Zhu 《Archaeometry》2020,62(5):1067-1077
The flexible sponge/epoxy composite can wrap underwater artefacts in any shape and forms a protective shell after curing, thus effectively wrapping and reinforcing the artefacts. However, the hydroscopicity of the sponge itself limits the underwater application of the sponge/epoxy composite. In this study, a novel polyurethane sponge was prepared by modified with super-hydrophobic multi-wall carbon nanotubes (SH-MWCNTs@PU sponge). Compared with the pristine PU sponge, the water-contact angle on the surface of SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges increased from 103.3 ± 1.82 to 152.6 ± 1.54o, and oily epoxy resin was able to cover the surface completely. The study shows that when SH-MWCNTs@PU sponges/epoxy resin composite material is used underwater, it prevents both water from entering the sponge and also the inside epoxy resin from overflowing into the water. Moreover, the composite materials have excellent toughness after reinforcement under water (flexural strength = 3.56 MPa) and the soft sponges can be moulded to wrap any type of underwater artefacts. In the laboratory, when taking a broken, three-dimensional blue-and-white porcelain pot as a research subject, the entire retrieval process—temporary stabilization, packaging, extraction and reinforcement material removal—was simulated to evaluate systematically all the technological aspects of safely excavating fragile underwater relics.  相似文献   
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