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"外妻"初见于睡虎地秦简,指隶臣"外妻",新出《岳麓书院藏秦简(伍)》中又有"奴外妻"。"外妻"之"外"指妻与夫的身份存在良与贱、庶与奴的差异。隶臣"外妻"特指隶臣自由民身份的妻。秦及汉初"隶臣"的性质可按来源不同分为"刑徒"和"官奴婢",有"外妻"者身份一般为"刑徒"。隶臣"外妻"需提供隶臣"从事公"时的衣服,后改为"冗作"而官府"勿禀食"。隶臣家庭有一定财产,其经济收入来源于从事商业活动及雇佣劳动等。隶臣"外妻"所生子女承袭出生时其父的身份。"奴外妻"特指私家奴的自由民身份的妻。私家奴与"外妻"在身份上虽有奴庶之别,但私家奴对"外妻"有夫权和家长权。奴与"外妻"的婚生子女身份从父,但奴对子女无父权。"外妻"现象是秦及汉初"良贱为婚""庶奴为婚"的一种反映。  相似文献   
商鞅推行“农战”政策,是秦国家体制“战国模式”构建的重要组成。“农战”重“法”,与“赏罚”形成整体性关联,着意构建“君—民”联结,塑造“农战之士”。秦惠文王以降调适“君—官”层面,宗室、大臣势力重振,“富强也资人臣”状况逐渐呈现。至吕不韦执政,政策出现较大波动。始皇帝统治可分前后两期。前期“事皆决于法”,并尝试“农战”政策调整。后期转向“外攘四夷”,严酷役使民众,“农战”政策效能不再。二世统治亦分前后两期。前期继续始皇事业,“用法益刻深”,摧折“君—官—民”联结,山东“新地”掀起反秦浪潮。后期“行督责之术”,以“术”辅“法”,破坏故秦之地政治结构,帝国终至覆亡。“农战”政策推行,并非直线向前,而与秦政相互作用,呈现一定幅度的波动。相关探讨或为秦国崛起至帝业兴衰的历史进程提供认识线索。  相似文献   
石峁遗址是21世纪中国最为重要的考古新发现之一,引发了学术界关于中国文明起源与形成过程多元性的再反思,对于探索早期国家形成具有重要启示意义。本文回顾了石峁遗址的发现经过及考古历程,介绍了皇城台、外城东门等地点的最新考古成果及综合研究进展,并对研究现状及存在问题进行了述评和反思,以期进一步推动石峁考古发掘与研究工作。  相似文献   

Within tourism research, trust has largely been conceptualised from psychological perspectives, allowing insights into the mechanisms through which resident/stakeholder relations generate trust. Whilst this work is valuable in understanding dynamics of trust relations, such focus has meant less attention and has been given to the ways space influences trust in tourism contexts. Thus, a geographical approach is put forth to understanding trust in tourism. Through observation and semi-structured interviews concerned with the implementation of a community tourism project in southwest China, insights are provided illustrating how trust is inscribed in place. It is shown that in the Chinese context, cultural place-based specificities relating to pre-existing governance structures, social hierarchies, and the intersection of power, knowledge and trust influence the (in)abilities of NGOs to develop trust with specific residents. More meaningful dialogue between tourism research and geographical conceptualisations of trust is called for – as a way to attend to spatial and scalar differences in understanding of trust within tourism contexts.  相似文献   
Sun, H., Babcock, L.E., Peng, J. &; Kastigar, J.M., July 2016. Systematics and palaeobiology of some Cambrian hyoliths from Guizhou, China, and Nevada, USA. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Hyoliths constitute one of the most important groups of early biomineralized metazoans. Abundant hyolith specimens, comprising both hyolithides and orthothecides, from the Balang Formation (Cambrian Stage 4), Guizhou, China, and the Poleta Formation (Cambrian Stages 3–4), Pioche Formation (Stages 4–5) and Emigrant Formation (Stages 4–5) Nevada, USA, add to the early Palaeozoic record of hyoliths from South China and Laurentia, and provide new taxonomic, taphonomic and palaeoecologic information about this group. Hyoliths from the Balang Formation include the hyolithides ‘Ambrolinevitusmaximus Jiang, 1982, Galicornus seeneus? Val’kov, 1975 Val’kov, A.K., 1975. Biostratigrafiya i khiolity kembriya severovostoka Sibirskoe platformy [Cambrian biostratigraphy and hyoliths of the northeastern Siberian Platform]. Akademiya Nauka SSSR, Moscow, 139 pp. (in Russian) [Google Scholar], Haplophrentis reesei Babcock &; Robison, 1988 Babcock, L.E. &; Robison, R.A., 1988. Taxonomy and paleobiology of some Middle Cambrian Scenella (Cnidaria) and hyolithids (Mollusca) from western North America. University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Paper 121, 122. [Google Scholar], ‘Linevitusguizhouensis sp. nov., Meitanovitus guanyindongensis Qian, 1978 Qian, Y., 1978. The Early Cambrian hyolithids in central and southwest China and their stratigraphical significance. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica Memoir 11, 138. (in Chinese with English abstract) [Google Scholar], undetermined forms, and undetermined orthothecides. Hyoliths from Nevada include the hyolithides Haplophrentis carinatus (Matthew, 1899 Matthew, G.F., 1899. Studies on Cambrian faunas, No. 3—Upper Cambrian fauna of Mount Stephen, British Columbia—the trilobites and worms. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series 2, 5, 3966. [Google Scholar]), Nevadotheca whitei (Resser, 1938 Resser, C.E., 1938. Fourth contribution to the study of Cambrian fossils. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 97(10), 143. [Google Scholar]), an undetermined form, and undetermined orthothecides. In the Balang Formation, eocrinoids have been found attached to hyolithide conchs, which supports the view that hyolithides were benthic animals.

Haijing Sun* [], Resources and Environmental Engineering College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, PR China; Loren E. Babcock? corresponding author [], School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA; Jin Peng corresponding author [], Resources and Environmental Engineering College, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, PR China; Jessica M. Kastigar [], School of Earth Sciences, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. *Also affiliated with Key Laboratory of Economic Stratigraphy and Palaeogeography, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, PR China. ?Also affiliated with Department of Geology, Lund University, Sölvegatan 12, SE-223 62 Lund, Sweden.  相似文献   
孙峰华 《人文地理》1994,9(3):63-67
本文阐述了感应和行为地理学中人-环境基础理论的发展,探究了互相作用和转换理论的综合性,最后对结论和理论反射作了简单的评析。  相似文献   
1957~1958年,在反右扩大化的直接影响下,根据毛泽东和中共中央指示,中共山东昌潍地委在全区农村普遍开展了一次以两条道路大辩论、农业生产建设问题大辩论和整党、整团、整社为主题的三个阶段的社会主义教育运动.这场政治思想批判运动,虽然达到了预期的目的,但同时也掩盖了一些问题,使阶级斗争扩大化进一步蔓延到农村,也使"左"倾冒进的苗头进一步发展,给农村的政治、经济发展带来了长期的负面影响.  相似文献   
江南海岸线变迁的考古地理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地理学通常是利用地理要素进行海岸线变迁研究,但大量考古遗址的发现为海岸线变迁研究提供了新的信息。运用地理学和考古学交叉研究方法,综合分析了史前长江口南岸岸线的变迁,得出了距今7000年以来海岸线缓慢东扩,但基本稳定等初步认识。  相似文献   
论南京大屠杀中的性暴力问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提起侵华日军南京大屠杀。无疑。30万以上同胞被屠杀,是这一暴行的主体。但是,大量档案、口述资料证明。成千上万妇女被强奸、蹂躏。同样是这一暴行中的重要内容。近年来。随着国内外社会对“慰安妇”问题的重视。南京大屠杀暴行中的性暴力问题。也愈益引起人们和学术界的关注。那么。“南京大屠杀”究竟是怎样一个概念?性暴力在南京大屠杀暴行中占有何种位置?南京大屠杀暴行中的性暴力又有何特点?  相似文献   
随着考古发掘资料的增加和器物研究的进步,谷仓罐形制的演绎所隐含的丰富的文化内涵和广泛的历史信息得到了进一步阐释。  相似文献   
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