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孙玮 《攀登》2005,24(2):106-108
在新的历史务件下,党必须完善自己的执政方式.执政方式可以有多种,但总少不了“依法执政”这个既传统又普遍的政党执政方式。党只有在宪法和法律的范围内,严格按照法律规范和程序规范去执政,才能提高党的执政能力,实现党的长期执政和国家的法治化。  相似文献   
"外妻"初见于睡虎地秦简,指隶臣"外妻",新出《岳麓书院藏秦简(伍)》中又有"奴外妻"。"外妻"之"外"指妻与夫的身份存在良与贱、庶与奴的差异。隶臣"外妻"特指隶臣自由民身份的妻。秦及汉初"隶臣"的性质可按来源不同分为"刑徒"和"官奴婢",有"外妻"者身份一般为"刑徒"。隶臣"外妻"需提供隶臣"从事公"时的衣服,后改为"冗作"而官府"勿禀食"。隶臣家庭有一定财产,其经济收入来源于从事商业活动及雇佣劳动等。隶臣"外妻"所生子女承袭出生时其父的身份。"奴外妻"特指私家奴的自由民身份的妻。私家奴与"外妻"在身份上虽有奴庶之别,但私家奴对"外妻"有夫权和家长权。奴与"外妻"的婚生子女身份从父,但奴对子女无父权。"外妻"现象是秦及汉初"良贱为婚""庶奴为婚"的一种反映。  相似文献   
孙华 《南方文物》2008,(2):27-38
浙江绍兴发现的印山大墓,是一座既有浓郁东南地区吴越文化的因素又有很多中原地区周文化因素的越王级基葬,地上高大的封土堆、两面坡顶的无墙基室、带把手的独木棺等因素是沿袭了越地本地的传统,其他如封土的形状、丘垄外环壕和神道的形式、墓室外积炭等,则带有浓烈的模仿中原周王陵的色彩,而不仅仅是中原秦国的文化因素。  相似文献   
孙峰华 《人文地理》1994,9(3):63-67
本文阐述了感应和行为地理学中人-环境基础理论的发展,探究了互相作用和转换理论的综合性,最后对结论和理论反射作了简单的评析。  相似文献   
The pharyngeal tooth remains of crucian and common carp from the Tinaluoshan site of the Hemudu Cultural Stage, Zhejiang Province, China, were analysed. The body‐lengths (BLs) of the fish were estimated from tooth size and plotted as bar diagrams. Based on these, we infer that Neolithic dwellers used gill nets to efficiently catch fish of a specific size during the breeding season. The BL distribution of common carp there is similar to those from Jomon sites in Japan, and we therefore infer that the technology for controlling water for rice cultivation in paddy fields had not yet been developed. The abundance of tooth remains of crucian carp unearthed at the Tianluoshan site is reminiscent of similar finds in Western Japan, and we thus infer that the culture trait of utilizing crucian carp as a major protein resource was distributed from the Yangtze River basin to Western Japan. Analysis of pharyngeal tooth remains of carp at various Japanese archaeological sites shows that freshwater fishing was conducted quite differently before and after the establishment of paddy fields. With this fact in mind, one of the present authors tried to model the development of freshwater fishing, with reference to the relation of fishing to rice cultivation (Nakajima, 2010 ). In Phase I, artisanal fishing became an active and technically developed endeavour, and people began to cultivate rice at fishing site. In Phase II, people began to cultivate rice purposefully in irrigated paddy fields while also fishing there. Comparing the present results of the pharyngeal tooth remains from the Tianluoshan site with those from the Jomon Period, we see that the Tianluoshan site was in the same stage as the end of Phase I in Japan, which rice cultivation was done as a supplementary activity at fishing site. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
石峁遗址是21世纪中国最为重要的考古新发现之一,引发了学术界关于中国文明起源与形成过程多元性的再反思,对于探索早期国家形成具有重要启示意义。本文回顾了石峁遗址的发现经过及考古历程,介绍了皇城台、外城东门等地点的最新考古成果及综合研究进展,并对研究现状及存在问题进行了述评和反思,以期进一步推动石峁考古发掘与研究工作。  相似文献   
商鞅推行“农战”政策,是秦国家体制“战国模式”构建的重要组成。“农战”重“法”,与“赏罚”形成整体性关联,着意构建“君—民”联结,塑造“农战之士”。秦惠文王以降调适“君—官”层面,宗室、大臣势力重振,“富强也资人臣”状况逐渐呈现。至吕不韦执政,政策出现较大波动。始皇帝统治可分前后两期。前期“事皆决于法”,并尝试“农战”政策调整。后期转向“外攘四夷”,严酷役使民众,“农战”政策效能不再。二世统治亦分前后两期。前期继续始皇事业,“用法益刻深”,摧折“君—官—民”联结,山东“新地”掀起反秦浪潮。后期“行督责之术”,以“术”辅“法”,破坏故秦之地政治结构,帝国终至覆亡。“农战”政策推行,并非直线向前,而与秦政相互作用,呈现一定幅度的波动。相关探讨或为秦国崛起至帝业兴衰的历史进程提供认识线索。  相似文献   

Within tourism research, trust has largely been conceptualised from psychological perspectives, allowing insights into the mechanisms through which resident/stakeholder relations generate trust. Whilst this work is valuable in understanding dynamics of trust relations, such focus has meant less attention and has been given to the ways space influences trust in tourism contexts. Thus, a geographical approach is put forth to understanding trust in tourism. Through observation and semi-structured interviews concerned with the implementation of a community tourism project in southwest China, insights are provided illustrating how trust is inscribed in place. It is shown that in the Chinese context, cultural place-based specificities relating to pre-existing governance structures, social hierarchies, and the intersection of power, knowledge and trust influence the (in)abilities of NGOs to develop trust with specific residents. More meaningful dialogue between tourism research and geographical conceptualisations of trust is called for – as a way to attend to spatial and scalar differences in understanding of trust within tourism contexts.  相似文献   
1956年11月下旬至1957年2月,在周恩来总理应邀出访亚欧11国期间,时任中共中央副主席、国务院副总理兼商业部部长的陈云代理了国务院总理职务。陈云代总理在国内处理一系列国务要事的同时,处理了涉及苏联援华专家、对阿援助、对罗贸易和中南关系等多方面的外交事务。虽然陈云不是专门分管外交工作的,但是,他在处理涉及四个社会主义兄弟国家的外交事务时,始终关注国家利益、心系民生,实事求是并坚持增信释疑,圆满地完成了党和国家交付的重任和嘱托。  相似文献   
孫英剛 《中华文史论丛》2011,(2):221-254,405
中古時期的見鬼人溝通生人與亡魂,預測禍福,活躍於政治舞臺;在社會生活中,他們看宅地、招亡魂,影響了人們的日常生活和精神世界;在醫療領域,他們連綴亡魂,解釋病因,也産生了重要影響。在醫療、驅鬼、返魂等方面,見鬼人與佛道兩教存在競爭關係,並且遭到排斥和打擊。而佛道兩教雖然排斥巫者,但是在一些技術層面,卻是借鑑了巫術的解釋和方法。不論醫者,還是宗教人物,在救死扶傷或者驅除惡鬼之後,時常借助見鬼人的嘴,驗證自己的醫藥或者法術的功效。在很多情況下,見鬼人充當了證言提供者的角色。  相似文献   
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