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ABSTRACT. Through the Global Production Networks (GPN) analytical lens, this paper shows how politico-economic developments in China, Taiwan and Southeast Asia are instrumental in developing Hong Kong as a premier filmmaking centre, and how Hong Kong-based filmmakers have to weave new cross-scalar production networks and target new markets so as to remain competitive. The broader objective of the paper is to contribute to extant debates on urban-based, cluster-driven policies by showing how cities, in developing their industrial capacities, need not necessarily be in competition with other places at different geographical scales. Rather, as the empirical materials evince, cities should collaborate to compete. Apart from the presentation of available historical and statistical materials, the discussion is informed by twenty-seven in-depth interviews with Hong Kong-based film workers, government agency executives and film industrial association heads, as well as an interview with a Singapore-based film producer with ongoing production linkages with Hong Kong-based film production companies.  相似文献   
2017年7月,河北正定县城内镇州街基督教堂南侧施工现场发现古钱币窖藏。经清洗、辨识和分类可知,这批古钱币大部分为年号钱,共56种,分别铸造于汉、隋、唐、五代、两宋、金、元7个时期,钱文有真、草、篆、行、隶、瘦金体及蒙古八思巴文7种字体。其中年代最晚的是元代的至正通宝,说明该钱币窖藏的年代不早于元顺帝至正年间。  相似文献   
刘苇 《福建史志》2020,(2):47-51
与传统文献相比,报纸档案记录了一个历史时期及区域政治、经济、社会发展、文化等层面的动态,具有独特的史料价值。本文以《福建日报》创刊号为例,从该创刊号鲜明的时代标识、全面丰富的信息传播、精心的版面设置等方面分析其史料价值。  相似文献   
本文通过对西周至春秋时期见于史载的楚国的封地和采邑的梳理,认为在西周至春秋中前期,楚国的采邑制发展一直较为缓慢,而在春秋中后期,由于不同楚王所施行政策的差异,造成了楚国地方政治体制的剧烈变动,采邑数量因此显著增多,并表现出新的发展趋势和特点.  相似文献   
本工作对五本国际期刊中10768篇样本数据的产出与分布情况进行了统计分析,并通过VosViewer软件开展了研究机构、作者群、关键词的知识图谱分析,展现了国际科技考古与文物科技保护领域科学知识的主题范围、结构关系。在此基础上,提出了中国文化遗产保护学科知识体系的构建思路。  相似文献   
现代钢铁冶炼流程中“夹杂物”概念及应用对古代钢铁材料工艺研究提供了有力的支持,夹杂物分析研究成为冶铁考古研究中不可或缺的一部分。本文梳理了不同古代金属冶炼与加工工艺下夹杂物的来源,并对古代夹杂物的表征方法进行归纳,进一步将夹杂物分析在国内外冶铁考古中的应用进行评述。西方学者的夹杂物研究侧重于以成分特征为主要对象进行定量统计分析,形成夹杂物判别产地来源方法;而我国学者则依靠定性判断方法建立起夹杂物辅助铁质文物工艺判别方法。当前古代钢铁制品夹杂物研究存在的问题主要为分析方法单一、对夹杂物包含信息的挖掘不够深入,今后可利用现代冶金分析手段从多方面了解古代钢铁制品夹杂物特征,为后续解决考古学问题打下基础。  相似文献   
The Cretan School of iconography is the last great flowering of the traditional Byzantine painting manner, which is however influenced by different schools and western art. Despite their historical significance, icons of the Cretan School have been rarely studied through modern chemical techniques and therefore very few information is available on the materials used by the Cretan painters. In the present investigation, the organic materials contained in several icons of the Cretan School of Iconography from the collection of the Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, are analyzed and identified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a Diode Array Detector (HPLC–DAD) and Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS).The HPLC–DAD results provide support to a recently published report which showed that kermes used in “Cretan” icons of 15th century and early 16th century was replaced by cochineal which was used in icons dated after early 16th century. This trend is known for western art and it is now proved for Cretan icons, showing thus the influence of the Cretan painters by other European painting schools. Other dyes detected in the historical samples, extracted from Cretan icons are madder (possibly Rubia tinctorum L., according to HPLC profiles) and indigoid dyes. Oils, such as linseed and walnut oil, are identified in samples extracted from the seven icons tested by GC–MS. Egg yolk is identified in the extract of only one icon and animal glue, originated most likely from the gesso ground, is found in six samples. Other organic materials detected by GC–MS were wax, as well as synthetic resins, applied during conservation treatments.  相似文献   
韦力 《收藏家》2013,(5):42-44
辛卯年秋拍期间,有三家拍场公司同时出现赵元方旧藏之本,看来是同出一源者,赵元方旧藏吾本已备,然预展时前往翰海翻看原物时,见有光绪十七年蝶园刻本《宋艳》十二卷,一函六册,其中四册封面上有朱笔题识,鲜艳可喜,遂与众藏家逐鹿,是书以一万二起拍,最后以四万落槌归吾囊中。  相似文献   
正定隆兴寺的中心建筑摩尼殿始建于北宋皇四年(1052年),殿内所有墙体除内槽背通塑五彩悬山外,俱绘壁画,内容有佛教尊像画、经变画、佛传故事、吉祥云纹等。近日经正定县文物保管所工作人员实地测量,壁画原面积应为388.64平方米,现存335.06平方米。本文对该壁画的分布、内容及保存现状作了详细介绍,并对画面内容进行了简单考证和研究。  相似文献   
王帆  林岚  胡慧  罗琴  郭子林 《人文地理》2020,35(3):17-28
以“Web of Science核心合集”中1980—2018年共计931篇文献为样本,借助CiteSpace信息可视化软件及内容分析法,对国外休闲动机研究文献进行全面分析。研究结果表明,国外休闲动机研究分为起步探索(1980—2002年)和快速发展(2003—2018年)两个阶段;早期学者侧重休闲动机概念、理论、分类、量表等研究探索,21世纪以来,理论与实证、定量与定性分析相结合研究日益增多,研究内容更为丰富,主要包括不同群体休闲动机类型、行为特征及影响因素;休闲动机与休闲活动意向;休闲动机与休闲制约、休闲制约协商及休闲参与;休闲动机与休闲涉入;休闲动机与休闲满意度等影响关系及影响机制等;注重人文情怀,研究群体广泛,研究对象从青少年、大学生、高中生、旅游者、男性、职业女性、公园志愿者、自由露营者、远足者等普通群体转向老年人、家庭妇女、残障人士、儿童、疾病患者等社会弱势群体和特殊人群;休闲动机的跨文化研究成果也日渐增多。国外休闲动机研究成果对构建我国休闲动机研究理论及实践应用具有参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   
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