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20世纪60年代初,随着中苏两国关系的全面恶化,以往一直保持平静的边境地区也开始出现紧张局势。有鉴于此,中方主动提出通过外交谈判来解决边界争端,却被苏方拒绝。一直到1964年年初赫鲁晓夫发起新一轮的"和平攻势"后,苏方才接受中方建议,开始第一轮副部长级的边界谈判。在中苏意识形态论战、两国边界问题的历史纠葛、复杂多变的国际局势等综合因素的影响下,谈判进行得十分艰难,最终也未能签订任何协议,这种情况的出现有其历史必然性。不过,在两国交恶的情况下,中苏第一轮边界谈判所取得的经验为两国最终解决边界问题奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
This work develops a procedure that involves the use of Bayesian approach to quantify data scatterness, estimates the optimal values of model parameters, and selects the most appropriate model for the construction of normalized modulus reduction curves of soils. The proposed procedure is then demonstrated using real observation data based on a set of comprehensive resonant column tests on coarse-grained soils conducted in the study.  相似文献   
Cities offer a large menu of possible employment and leisure opportunities. The gains from such consumer city leisure are likely to be lower on more polluted days. We study the association between daily consumption activity and outdoor air pollution in China and find evidence in favor of the hypothesis that clean air and leaving one's home for leisure trips are complements. Given the high levels of air pollution in cities in the developing world, regulation induced improvement in environmental quality is likely to further stimulate demand for the consumer city.  相似文献   
The provenance of more than 2200-year-old terracotta warriors and horses in the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum is still a mystery, even though some researchers have inferred that the terracotta figures were produced near the mausoleum. The sporomorphs (pollen and spores) extracted from terracotta fragments of a warrior and a horse and compared with those obtained from soil samples from the Qin Dynasty layer in Pit No. 2 of the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum indicate that the pollen spectrum from the terracotta horse is different from that of the warrior, but similar to the local soil samples. Herbaceous pollen was dominant in the warrior sample, while arboreal pollen predominates in the horse and soil samples. Palynological evidence suggests that the terracotta horses were produced at a locality near the mausoleum, while the warrior came from a site which was further afield.  相似文献   
杜甫对以赋为诗的运用,从题材上来说,主要表现为战争诗、纪行诗和咏物诗的大量创作;在体裁上表现为以长篇古诗和排律的创作;在技巧上则体现为辞藻的丰富与典故的铺陈。以赋为诗,使杜诗的表现领域得到了全面的拓展。  相似文献   
采用显微观察、X射线衍射物相分析和X射线荧光光谱成分测试等手段,对湖北省巴东县雷家坪遗址六朝时期墓葬出土的若干精美“珠饰”进行了观察和分析,阐述了它们的特征,确定其材质;并与其他遗址出土不同时期的玻璃制品进行比较,发现其配方和我国西周至汉代玻璃,以及西方传统玻璃差别甚大。结合考古背景资料分析,这批珠饰很有可能是我国古代工匠在原有玻璃技术基础上,借鉴和吸收了外来玻璃的制造技术,在中国境内自行烧制的。  相似文献   
佛、道两家之间的互相影响,论者已多.但仅就佛教戒律的玄化和道化一个侧面来系统叙述,似未多见,故以此文试说之.  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期,在继承秦汉杂述及地理志书的基础上,进入了中国古方志发展史上的一个特殊的繁盛阶段。在国家分裂,朝代更迭的背景下,各种方志层见错出。计有:"记"、"志"、"录"、"传"、"赞"、"图"等多种体例的方志,呈现出不同的特点。这一现象和魏晋南北朝时期的时代特点有紧密的联系,结合时代特点来考察此一时期的方志,才会在总体上得出一个比较客观的评价。  相似文献   
志书篇目设计应该做到分类与分工的统一   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王晖 《中国地方志》2007,21(6):8-13
志书篇目设计能否按《国民经济行业分类与代码》的分类方式,打破社会分工的部门管理界限,改变首轮志书农、工、商等专志门类标题与结构,代之以一、二、三产业立志,这是当前理论研究与修志实践不可回避的重要课题。本文认为,志书篇目设计要分清事物矛盾的主次方面,要尊重历史与现实,处理好方志与百科的关系,做到科学分类与社会分工的统一。  相似文献   
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