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正The sound of loom weaving comes out of a three-story building in the Lugu Alley off the Barkor Street.Drugyal's wife Norbu Droma and her assistants are making traditional Tibetan bags.The black pulu shop sign stands out in the quiet alley.Step into the shop,you will see wool,calfskin and sheepskin bags hang neatly on the wall.The products on display on the counter are of the current style made for everyday life,while those traditional handmade bags in the inner  相似文献   
正Lozang Balden,a legendary figure and also the founder and principal of the civilian-run Lhasa Ganxuan School,is widely well-known in the community of Lhasa City.The school is comprised of not only teenage students in preschool,elementary school,middle school,and high school,but  相似文献   
试论美国新宗教右翼   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
王恩铭 《世界历史》2007,13(6):81-90
20世纪下半叶是美国新保守主义崛起和活跃于美国政坛的时期。当代美国新保守主义力量主要由新型保守派(Neo—cons)、新右翼(New Right)和新宗教右翼(New Religious Right)所组成。作为以福音派和基要主义派等宗教组织为主体的当代美国宗教右翼,针对美国日益严重的社会问题和急剧下滑的道德价值观,假借“电子牧师”和“超级教会”等方式,以犹太-基督教传统价值观为基准,动员和组织了数千万福音派和基要主义派教徒,掀起了一场规模相当可观的宗教右翼运动,为美国保守主义的复兴和重返政坛立了大功。探讨当代美国保守主义时,新宗教右翼是一个不可或缺的部分。  相似文献   
本文从讷河库勒浅墓地早期墓葬出土陶器的类型学分析入手,在此基础上对其陶器进行分组和墓葬分段研究及年代推断。通过其与二克浅墓地早期墓葬的对比研究,认为二者差异显著性质不同,库勒浅墓地早期墓葬属于白金宝文化,而二克浅墓地早期墓葬应属白金宝文化和汉书二期文化之间的过渡类型遗存。  相似文献   
X. Han  B. Rong  X. Huang  T. Zhou  H. Luo  C. Wang 《Archaeometry》2014,56(6):1041-1053
Temporary consolidation is widely used to protect delicate artefacts or other fragile relics in art conservation. Although cyclododecane is extensively accepted, the safety‐related issues have become an increasing concern and its short working time is always annoying. Inspired by its low melting point, polar structure, well‐established safety profile, easy local availability and low cost, we propose menthol as a new temporary consolidant on the new excavation site of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army. In this paper, we offer a preliminarily exploration of the kinetics of menthol sublimation on two different matrices, its residue after volatilization, its penetrability and distribution in simulated terracotta samples, as well as other important properties in the laboratory. The results obtained from these tests reveal that the sublimation of menthol can be a zero‐ or a first‐order process, depending on the porosity of the matrices, and its best operational temperature resides in the range of 60–80°C. Finally, two field cases at the archaeological site of Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Army are presented to show that menthol is a very effective temporary consolidant.  相似文献   
1991年8月,河南省安阳县伦掌乡盂村(岳城水库南区“柏阳城” 战国遗址南1500米处)出土一古钱窖藏,计160余公斤8万余枚。我们征集到其中的20余公斤,现经初步整理报告如下。 一、出土概况 据发现人称,古钱原放在一灰陶缸内,距地表0.5米,在出土过程中陶缸被打碎,残存陶片上饰有花纹,无盖。出土时钱币多成串放置在一起,大小相混,锈蚀严重,有穿系痕迹,呈长条形盘放其中。据初步整理,该窖藏数量大,种类丰富,有较多的珍稀币种,是安阳地区近一时期发现较重要的古钱窖藏之一,实为难得的实物资料。 二、钱币类别…  相似文献   
本文指出首轮志书中存在的四个弊端:一是重经济轻人文,二者比例失当;二是重宏观轻微观:三是只记成绩,不记失误,只记经验,不记教训;四是篇幅过大,面面俱到。作者分别从这四个方面加以分析,并提出在第二轮修志过程中加以避免。  相似文献   
西周晚期至东周之初是早期史学发展过程中的一个重要节点。受西周晚期社会政治变动的影响,该时期的历史表述产生了诸多重要变化。其一为表述主题发生转变,由原来侧重表述天命、族群及周王朝的发展,转而侧重贵族家族或诸侯功业等主题,开东周诸侯国史述作之风。其二为历史表述的内容与主旨渐趋丰富多元。西周衰亡刺激时人反思历史,审视时政,开始就历史动因提出不同的解释模式,实即私人述史的一个开端。其三为述作群体扩大,人数较多的中下级贵族及普通士阶层开始成为历史表述的主体。部分贵族士大夫摆脱旧观念的约束,就历史与政治发表看法或讴歌主君,"君子作歌"之风由此而起,实为春秋家史兴盛局面的滥觞。  相似文献   
When the Guomindang (GMD) took charge in 1927, it implemented the “political tutelage” system. Participation of other parties in politics was disallowed. But after the Anti-Japanese War (1937–45), under the combined effect of internal and external pressure, the GMD needed to adopt a constitution, reorganize government and establish multi-party participation. The April 1947 governmental reorganization was the starting point of a transformation from a “political tutelage” system to a constitutional system. Though this reorganization introduced many non-GMD members into the government, it did not change the GMD’s one-party dominance. Its desired transformation of China from one-party “political tutelage” into a constitutional democracy still remained limited.  相似文献   
胡维忠  王明璋 《攀登》2007,26(6):8-13
旗帜问题至关重要,道路问题事关全局。在当代中国,只有中国特色社会主义才能发展中国,才能实现现代化,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。坚持中国特色社会主义道路,就是坚持社会主义。坚持中国特色社会主义理论体系,就是坚持马克思主义。  相似文献   
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